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The great deception.

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posted on Jun, 26 2017 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: Somekindofwizard
But my question has always been what could possibly decieve God's believers? The last few decade I've started to believe that it will be aliens.

What are your thoughts?

What could possibly decieve God's believers?

1. God doesn't exist?

2. Delusional madmen wrote religion references or another delusional madmen tampered religion references ?

3. All prophets are fictional?

4. Zeus and Chronus suddenly pop out from Sea to proclaim themselves God?

5. Satan is God?

posted on Jun, 27 2017 @ 10:05 AM
1. It could be Aliens.

2.Or it could deal with the number one most important Masonic belief and most guarded Masonic secret that is explained but with no negative connotations (loll cuz video is produced by the freemasons who downplay it) in this YouTube video which I consider THE ABSOLUTE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO AND THING TO KNOW TO UNDERSTAND CONSPIRACY THEORY and explains (and no, you have never heard this part of an issue you probably know everything else about) who the thirteen families, masons, illuminati are, who the rest of us are, why they are apathetic to humanity, and IT IS SO IMPORTANT BUT ODDLY I CAN GUARANTEE 99.9% OF YOU KNOW NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT IT.

The video-


3 and 4. Others think it is the ultimate spiritual destination for those on any many paths that encourage luciferian philosophy in specific, the ability to achieve everlasting life through WORKS while Christian philosophy would have you trust in Christ and RETURN to everlasting life through FAITH and because you font deserve it, further aided by GRACE which is God judging us worthy even though we are so far from perfect.

This goes for deist luciferians as well as atheist ones. The Mormon church is one example which includes another luciferian idea, that God was joking about the first commandment and if you perform Masonic tokens to a guy behind a sheet you will live forever AS a god equal to heavenly father.

Also in this category is what I think is most likely the great deception which I guess is linked to number one too. And that is modern science and evolution which fits the definition of religion Know 100% and which I believe is half bull-ish.

edit on 6/27/2017 by AlexandrosTheGreat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2017 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: Somekindofwizard
But my question has always been what could possibly decieve God's believers?
The last few decade I've started to believe that it will be aliens.

What are your thoughts?


the great deception are the various Marian (mother-of-Christ) Apparitions ...
heard of by millions,
believed-in-by-over half-a-billion Catholics,
seen by only a handful of (believer) persons, all across the centuries in many diverse parts of the world...

the appearances of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus.....
might only be Alien holographic projections
or the appearances may be only disguised underlings of 'The-Morning-Star ' Angel

...just wait until the Muslim black stone is relocated to Jerusalem (Al-Quds) & the stone speaks in a feminine voice !

have to explore All the possibilities as it is warned the even the Saints & the elect can be deceived... I guess that means the Catholic Church Saints/Elect ... and the Catholic church is the 'Universal Church' by definition, and it is also supposed that the Whore-in-Scarlet is also the Roman Church in Vatican City
edit on th30149858137527362017 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2017 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: EasternShadow

originally posted by: Somekindofwizard
But my question has always been what could possibly decieve God's believers? The last few decade I've started to believe that it will be aliens.

What are your thoughts?

What could possibly decieve God's believers?

1. God doesn't exist?

2. Delusional madmen wrote religion references or another delusional madmen tampered religion references ?

3. All prophets are fictional?

4. Zeus and Chronus suddenly pop out from Sea to proclaim themselves God?

5. Satan is God?

6. ignorance is strength

7. war is peace

8. freedom is slavery

posted on Jun, 28 2017 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: Somekindofwizard

what is extra-terrestrial? Actually the angels = messengers of God are exactly extra- terrestrials. We were not told the full truth of them. For example, nowhere in the Bible, and I mean NOWHERE, is ever written that the angels had "wings". Instead, whenever they appeared for particular job, such as Raphael to Tobias, they were indistinguishable from humans.

Of the angelic vehicles one may want to read again Ezekiel 1, and I mean sit down and read it all. Not say "I know that yes Ezekiel had a vision of cherubs!" Ezekiel describes elaborated transportation device with simple words.

One may read also again the verses when Elijah was taken up by a CHARIOT OF FIRE, without being "transformed" i.e. resurrected. He was trans;ported in a vehicle producing fire and going down and up from to heaven. How do we call that today? Spaceship! Notice also the words heaven, sky are one only word in many languages. Cielo in Latin. It is logical Elijah to be taken by a spaceship, because being mortal human he would die if he travel in outer space unprotected. It is all described in the Holy Book...for whoever wants to read and understand.

Both Elijah and Enoch are expected to come again during the Great Trib and to Die to be killed by the antichrist. Only then they will resurrect. They are still mortals, living long but not endless lifespan, somewhere on...not on a cloud,...on another planet.

I say more in my threads.

As of aliens being the cohorts of the antichrist, there could be such. 1/3 of all angels have fallen. 1/3 of all stars in the universe on which there is life, have followed satan. Let count them. According to today's estimations, we know of existing 100 billion galaxies, each consisting of 100 bln to 1 trillion stars. The numbers only increase with the increased capabilities of telescopes. So...out of that multitude, 1/3 are evil ones, followed satan on their own choice. It is not a big surprise if they arrive on earth at the time of the Great Trib.

But first come the good angels, those ET who serve God, and who will assure our own safe passage from that earth to the appointed place of God, to another planet, where we will wait for the end of the Great Trib on Earth. Let not mess the good angels of God with the fallen ones. One big temptation of the churches in that day will be exactly that, to ban the rapture (spaceship rescue) and to await...the fallen aliens to arrive on earth! Good job, priests and pastors! Please wake up and tell the faithful of what really angels mean. And what salvationw ay God has prepared for us. It transpires from everywhere. If we have evil aliens, as reportedly there are such already visiting earth, we have also good ET who reportedly also visit the earth. Angels and demons.
edit on 28-6-2017 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2017 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: AMPTAH

AMPTAH, you lack of Biblical knowledge is showing like nickers in the wind, there will be NO really true Christians on earth when the Aliens/Devils arrive to deceive you.

But what you must understand they are here already, they have made a deal with the US at the end of WWII for technology they can have people children in particular. since 1960's over 30,000 children in the US disappear without a trace.

A cross bred human has been achieved, he is the anti-christ/12th imam all descriptions of him in the Quran, Hadiths, and the Bible (Daniel, and Revelation) are the same, meaning this is the same person. If not Mohamed and his follows who wrote the Quran and the Hadiths plagiarized the description from the Bible. In these descriptions he the 12th Imam/Anti-christ will persecute and kill the Jews and any one who calls on Jesus, forces one world religion and all to bow down to Allah (god), all to receive a mark in order to buy and sell.

a google search of the 12th Imam / antichrist will reveal all the info you need to see these comparisons and proof they are the same persons. When this happens, the great deception, the devils reveal themselves to mankind as Aliens and teach that bad aliens are coming to destroy the earth. eventually they will gather around what is Jerusalem to fight with this Alien but whom the are fighting will be the one true God, the LORD God Almighty, the True and Living God, Jesus Christ and with the sword of his mouth (one word) all will be killed in an instant and his kingdom on earth, known as the kingdom of heaven in the Bible will be established. You can read more in the last two chapters of the book of the revelation of Jesus Christ, the last few chapters of the AV New Testament (I recommend that one for nothing is changed or removed).

edit on 28-6-2017 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

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