posted on Jun, 18 2017 @ 07:56 PM
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He is a genius, full on "Old School" investigative journalist trained back in the day. He always told me it's all about the four "W's"; Who, What,
Where, and When, that was his mantra and he would pursue it to the bitter end fearlessly. The only guy I know who is the same is my other IJ buddy,
George Knapp.
Many may not know that Jim was a reporter at the Fort Worth Star Telegram in 1963, he was THERE when it happened and he never let up on the JFK
assassination. The Warren report was an insult to his intelligence and most thinking people's intelligence.
He showed me the original Kodak picture of him at Jack Ruby's bar, on stage with one of the dancing girls, just a short while before the whole thing
blew up. He was right in the middle of that whole scene, so when he speaks about what was happening in the DFW metro back then I assure you he knows
of what he speaks to.