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Trump admin shot down an SAA jet near Raqqa

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posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: icanteven

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: allsee4eye

Let's hope Syria takes a valuable lesson from this .. Obama is gone. Trump is actually serious about fighting ISIS.

Don't forget Syria. He's also serious about going to war with Syria, apparently. It's a two-fer.

Don't make # up. We're not going to war with Syria.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: icanteven

Not sure how anyone with decent reading comprehension takes that away from this story.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

They are the 3rd World War Fetishists that think war is cool because they play too much Call of Duty. They see it erupting out of every stubbed toe in a combat zone.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: face23785
Its already a world war. Its been a world war since 2009. WMD's, genocide, high tech weapons, multi continent operations under the same mission, multiple super powers fighting with their allies in the same battle zones. Multiple fronts with multiple coalitions.

What exactly more do you need?? Nukes only came at the end of the last world war. What more needs to happen in your mind to accept the truth???

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Read a history book. Your post is so wrong it's embarrassing.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: face23785

Well unfortunately nothing about my post is wrong, because every one of these actions has already happened. The same actions that happen in 20th century world war. Do you really believe you are ever going to see human waves coming at each other in trench warfare again??

You said read a history book, tell me what needs to happen for you to believe this is already a world war? CJTFOIR is operating in half a dozen nations under an umbrella of about 35 nations, including 27 of 28 NATO members. AT the same time, this same coalition attacks those from another coalition lead by Russia and a handful of other allies.

Either you don't want to admit it, or you never will for whatever reason. Read a history book in 20 years, and you will have no choice but to admit it.

You think either world war was called world war as they raged?? Negative. It was also peaches and cream for the most part for North America's population in both previous conflicts, so don't give me any garbage about "ohhh our cities would be in ruins, all life would feel the ravages of war."

Both world wars one and two were confined to Europe, North Africa, and parts of the Pacific for WW2.
Today's operations are confined to the Middle East, North Africa, and the Pacific to an extent. Europe gets to suffer the consequences though.

If you disagree with specific details, express them. Saying go read a history book is just confirmation denial to me.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Your entire post is wrong. There is no world war. If you had even a rudimentary understanding of history you'd realize how absurd that claim is. I encourage you to educate yourself.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: face23785
You are welcome to explain it, otherwise I will just take it as you are in denial. Seriously, people measuring modern war with the standards of nearly a century ago. Just plain silly.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Small, confined wars like the current civil wars in Africa are nearly constantly going on in some part of the world throughout history. For purposes of determining when there's a world war they are virtually irrelevant (not to be confused with unimportant. Any loss of life is important). Larger multi-national conflicts such as what's going on in Syria right now are less common, although still not rare. But the scale of the conflict and the operations are simply nothing like the world wars, especially the 2nd. The sheer number of involved nations was much larger. In fact it was so large its easier to list the handful of neutral countries. List of countries that remained neutral during WW2. And even some of them weren't completely uninvolved. Ireland was attacked on multiple occasions, while some others on that list were occupied. It literally involved almost every nation on earth.

In contrast, only a few dozen nations are involved in the middle east conflicts, and most of them are in very limited capacity, like sending a handful of aircraft or a few special ops teams, or even just limited to financial support. The forces being fielded by the more involved nations like Syria, Russia, the US, are significantly smaller than those fielded in WW2. The scope of the conflict just isn't there whether you want to consider number of men, number of aircraft/tanks/artillery, number of nations. No matter how you slice it, what's going on today is a much smaller conflict. This is nothing more than fantasy from people whom for whatever reason want to claim they lived through a world war and regurgitated by others with a poor understanding of history and military operations.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: face23785
And most of those countries, like today, measured their involvement with nothing more than as a logistic platform. Air strips or pass through for supplies. The same number of states could consider themselves involved today much the same way if that is the criteria involved. Plus, we are in the 21st century and warfare has evolved.

There are about sixty countries at least involved on African, Middle East, and Pacific front in 2017 related to operations against IS.
The AU mission in Somalia with the United States has contributions from a dozen states. Similar logistics and direct support are provided by regional partners in Nigeria as well as Mali and South Sudan. These operations are conducted with NATO partner forces as well under CJTFOIR.

The same is now going on in the Philippines, with a growing coalition of Pacific partners there as well.

All those Allied nations in WW2, only a handful saw any actual combat operations on their land. Same as today. Scores of nations involved. Instead of the bulk of the fighting being done in Europe with some limited North Africa and Mid East ops, this time it is Middle East and Africa seeing the bulk of fighting, and Europe catching the consequences.

History is writing itself, and will record this time period for what it is.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 12:24 AM
The Su-22 was seen approaching US Allied forces, with ordnance on the wings. The F-18 attempted a head-butt maneuver, and dropped flares in front of him. The Su-22 went into a dive, and dropped weapons, at which point the F-18 fired the AIM-9 at it, which was decoyed by a flare. He then fired the AIM-120. After being hit, the pilot ejected.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Um, no. I already addressed the number of nations involved. And how involved they are is actually very important. Read again. Read to comprehend, not just to answer. I doubt there's any use at this point. You are determined to believe propaganda no matter what contrary evidence is presented, and you've turned off your critical thinking skills. You're free to think its a world war all you want, its not one. It has the potential to become one, as many wars in the past have, and if it does historians will make that call. Good luck when you get drafted. Surely there's a draft right? Don't answer that...

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 08:15 AM

edit on 23-6-2017 by all2human because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: all2human

BS. It ALL comes back to the Hal Turner show. He also gets quite a few details seriously wrong. This is about the same as the claims from Yemen that they've shot down three Saudi F-15s over the last few months. Or the claim that Syria shot down an F-22 near Jordan a couple years ago.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: face23785
Between CJTFOIR and the African union mission in Somalia which is kept alive by the usa, is right about 70 countries involved.

Then we factor in the Russian coalition in Syria (Russia, Syria, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanese Hezbollah) so far we got 5 to add. Now we are at 75. Ukraine is part of this as well. Afghanistan is involved as a battle ground. Libya and Egypt. Yemen. Now we are at 80.

Malaysia and Indonesia are supporting ops in the Philippines. 83. The French are still operating in Mali, claiming to battle ISIS proxies there.

NATO advances on Russia in Ukraine, Georgie, Afghanistan, the Arab Spring, Syrian civil war, Philippines ISIS front, Somalia ISIS front, The Libya over throw, the Gulf arab states seige on Yemen, the terrorism in Europe. These are all part of the same global war motivated by a decades old battle plan that has been publicly available for decades from PNAC to the Greater Israel plot. Its WW3 bro.

People dont shoot at each other from trenches in the tens of thousands anymore. We don't drop ten thousand bombs to raize a city with 500 bombers in a single run anymore. War has evolved beyond that. People are no longer ignorant, and technology has replaced the need to simply sacrifice thousands upon thousands of fighters for limited gains.

Nearly half the Earth's nations, today, are involved with multiple coalitions engaged in battles in very specific foreign lands under the same global conflict. High technology weapons have been deployed by all sides that have them to use. Genocides and crimes against humanity were rampant for years. WMD's have already been used to kill. entire nations lay in ruins.

Literally the only difference between today and WW2 is the number killed, and the nation count participating. However, the overwhelming majority of those nations never saw so much as a bullet fly in anger or bomb drop from the sky. Because the bulk of the fighting was concentrated in Europe, (today it is middle east) with some ramifications felt in the Middle East (today it is Europe) . There was fighting on the African continent, just like today related to the same battle as in the Mid East. The Pacific front came later near the end, oh how coincidental, very similar to today. And more nations continue to join the fight.

the nation count at the time also does not clarify that most of them also were not involved throughout the entire duration of the conflict. If a country allowed flights over its airspace, that was considered participation in the Great War. Well if thats a way to describe that, than the list of nations participating today grows quite a bit.

I know my history, and learned when to recognize when it is being repeated. It has been playing out for almost a decade now. You want to be in denial, be my guest. Does not change what is happening in the world today.

Money as you'd know it, is the source of all this conflict. or more specifically, this war is about which countries go to which super powers' sphere of influence during the paradigm shift of Western Hegemony global rule coming to an end. Unfortunately, NATO has to sit out for a generation when this is over like the Russia did when the Soviet Union collapsed, and may even break up in a similar fashion.

In case you have not realized it, the BRICS nations have replaced our entire financial system with their own due to half a century of one sided foreign policy objectives. the BRICS nations represent nearly half of the word's entire human population in five nations. That means that markets that have been dominated by the reigning hegemony since WW2 are being lost to BRICS. hundreds of millions of people are being pulled away from the Western financial order, and that is what this reality is of this global war right now. ISIS is just the cinematic theater to sell it to the masses, which is being used by all sides in this war for their own gain.

The world will start changing at a quicker pace from this year on. It won't be one where force can dictate market control either. That is exactly what this WW3 is about, the end of greedy cabals using our military might to demand favorable concessions for market control without consequence. The current situation in Syria is a consequence of confronting such actions. If we continue the same way we have been since the end of WW2, we will continue to be confronted now, unlike before when we just steamrolled everything with the help of locally paid mercenary death squads and the world just watched.

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