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The Mystery of the Grandfather Clock by the Door in the Oval Office

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posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

The stain on the bottom looks like Frank The bunny from Donnie Darko

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

The stain on the bottom looks like Frank The bunny from Donnie Darko

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: DClark
This is what I see when I look at that clock picture:

Also, possibly a devil cat or bunny rabbit in the wood grain at the bottom of it...

I was seeing a squirrel, maybe the clock can be used to manipulate.....nevermind.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 06:03 PM

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Interesting post. Something to think about.

I would surely say that the Whitehouse will be full of tricks and hidden compartments. For storage of weapons, or details that can be easily obtained if say the President had someone get that close to attack him or needed codes for some device.

I could also imagine that the room is tapped by those that run the president. The president is not the man in charge as much as many would like to think. So his room will be tapped so that those ensuring what he is doing and talking about goes through them at the same time.

I would not be surprised if the clock is bugged and maybe comey knows about that tapping, after all some sectors of the FBI have been known to not run by the jurisdiction of its government even if people wish to believe it does.

Eyes and ears all over, its worrying who those eyes and ears belong to. The 1% or rather the 0.5%.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 10:48 PM
I think if you look at comeys comments in context he doesnt talk about the clock its self. He talks about the door by the grandfather clock.

This denotes to me as if to say he is using the clock as referance to which door he is speaking about. Maybe the rest know about secret doors, so he referenced that specific door as the one near the clock.

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 12:04 AM
The clockwork is a masterpiece as well.

The clockwork itself is by James Doull, Charlestown, Massachusetts. The case attributed to the school of Thomas Seymour, Boston.

Nearly every tall clock produced by James Doull with an over-sized dial is housed in a case produced by the Seymour cabinet shops.

James Doull was born in Scotland in 1785 and immigrated to the United States in 1806 at the age of 29. In 1807, he is listed in the Boston tax records as working with Clockmaker Aaron Willard as a journeyman. This suggests that he came to this country highly skilled and must have been trained overseas. Because he is listed for only one year in Boston, it is assumed he moved to Charlestown shortly after this date. In 1823 he moves to Pennsylvania and he took up residence in Philadelphia. He is listed there until 1856. Over the years we have owned a number of clock made by this Maker. These forms include tall case clocks, shelf clocks and wall timepieces.
James Doull

Aaron Willard

Aaron Willard (b. October 14, 1757, Grafton, Massachusetts Bay; d. May 20, 1844, Boston, Massachusetts, US)[1] was an entrepreneur, an industrialist, and a designer of clocks who worked extensively at his Roxbury, Massachusetts, factory during the early years of the United States of America. While at the family farm at Grafton, Aaron Willard developed his career conjointly with his three brothers, who became celebrated horologists too (though Aaron's and his brother Simon's creations are the most significant). Both brothers moved to Roxbury, Boston, Massachusetts, (where the peninsular town of Boston joined to the mainland) where they developed one of the first modern American industries, independently from each other. Simon and Aaron Willard's clocks were the first economically accessible timepieces of the country.

Really some cool history in this clock.

edit on 12-6-2017 by charlyv because: content and spelling

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

I would love to see a photo of the section of that wall by the *not so hidden* door without the grandfather clock there. Even before this clock found a home in the Oval Office, another one was situated in the same spot.

What if there was a *real* hidden door behind it? There could be a passage behind it based on the interior and exterior photos I found of that area. And the big oval rug is just small enough to allow room for the clock to swing a door.

Fun stuff speculating and imagining.

edit on 12-6-2017 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

theres probably a camera in it

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

In reference to the initials GC: There is a Gail Collins, fwiw, that works at NYT. She does OP-Eds on American politics and culture. There may be other GCs there, but I cannot find a current employee list, only an older one!

posted on Jun, 14 2017 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: veracity

No sh!t.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: veracity
a reply to: xuenchen

theres probably a camera in it

Apparently even President Trump doesn't know about it. DEEEEEEP State?

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
a reply to: veracity

No sh!t.

This ever solved??

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 03:44 PM
The clock invokes in the viewer the "grandfather paradox" for anyone who is antagonistic to the present incumbent.

It works in a counter-intuitive way though.

Whilst it evokes the desire to murder the president's grandfather before the prez is born, it actually makes the viewer commit political and professional suicide.

Case in point: Comey.

/End thread.

edit on 10-7-2017 by Jonjonj because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-7-2017 by Jonjonj because: Explication

posted on Feb, 2 2018 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Comey = toast ??

posted on Feb, 2 2018 @ 02:02 PM
It was too large for the shelf so it stood 90 years on the floor
It was taller by half than the President himself, though it weighed not a pennyweight more

posted on Feb, 2 2018 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: xuenchen

Comey = toast ??

πŸ˜† Burned Toast πŸ˜†

I think he's got a big gong headache today.

He keeps hearing the Clock striking Midnight.


posted on Apr, 13 2018 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: xuenchen

Comey = toast ??

πŸ˜† Burned Toast πŸ˜†

I think he's got a big gong headache today.

He keeps hearing the Clock striking Midnight.


Looks like the clock struck midnight, and Comey became an ass, just as predicted!

edit on 4/13/2018 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

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