a reply to:
But to be clear as I said Hindus don't claim to be Monotheists and that is honest where as Christians do claim that.
Without scripture to support it at that.
It's just the dishonesty I don't like. If Christianity admitted it was polytheistic and has deified a man I will have to say the same about them as
I do with respect to and for Hindus who despite their polytheism are considered people of the Book in India by most.
As are Christians who also are polytheists.
A courtesy Christians, (besides the Catholics, which angers many Christians) don't extend to anyone is the right to go to Heaven regardless of
religion for being righteous whether Sabians, Magians all will be judged by their deeds and though it is the worst of sins to assign partners to God
in Islam we don't apply our Law to them.
I am very critical of Christianity because I am all too aware of the inherent hatred they usually have for even other denominations that they don't
admit but it is clear when they speak of them.
When they say either accept the Nicene Creed or you have no chance of going to Heaven they are no more than Spiritual terrorists.
So the fact that their theology isn't derived from the Bible and Jesus pbuh didn't teach what they do if he actually said any of those words (we don't
know) is just despicable in light of this.
And to bring it into topic the word Deacon is derived from Dagan and why they wear that fish hat is because of Oannes who they made John the Baptizer
pbuh resemble because his name is Iohanne in Greek and close. Carl Jung commented on this as I always look for others that share what I notice and the
observations I make, I was surprised to find he said that too.
Like Tammuz/Tammus/Thomas. The twin shephard.
It's not the religion that irritates me it's the refusal to acknowledge it's an innovation of men centuries after Christ, Trinity.
Or the refusal to admit 3 isn't ever 1.
I am tolerant but I am critical too. I try and maintain a healthy balance. Because it's not the fault of the flock if the shepherd leads them astray I
don't blame Christians I blame pastors and esteem the Arian like Unitarian Church for its bravery.
They are despised by evangelism.
Because they follow the words in the Bible and the Trinitarians of men.
Catholics, for all their wicked hypocrisy, have no problem with a multi religous Heaven and what it means is Catholics are freed from the shackles of
the with us or against us mentality.
I don't trust the RCC much but I respect that.
edit on 20-6-2017 by Disturbinatti because: (no reason given)