a reply to:
Are there really still people that don´t get it?
That the whole terror stuff since exactly 9/11 is created, funded by "us", the western secret services. Or at least they let them happen, right under
their eyes.
Just to install Big Brother, just to have excuses to exist!
Man, they even use they same script everytime, so...
...are there really people left that don´t get it?
Best evidence is May´s "observe all citizens in the web a bit more" reaction.
Some lunatics injured and killed people, with cars ans knives, first reaction:
Observe all of the average citizen in the web more...
If a plane falls from the sky, do we start to observe the seas because of that?
No, it`s so clear, after every terror attack in the west(those with way more victims and in areas where they happen every month for several times
don´t count, as it seems, if it is not the west), done by attackers that all were known and often under actual observation of the "anti-terror"
officials, the first reaction of the "defenders of our western, liberal lifestyle and freedom" force us people to give away exactly those freedoms,
bit by bit.
So that the rich and only because of that powerful, the ruling class, build a secure state... for themselves. And the average people are the potential
terrorists, that need to be observed 24/7, by the "anti-terror" agencies, as we can see live and since years. Telling the people all that would be for
their security. Yeah, it´s logical that they spy on me, for my security...
And those that spy more on their people, that cut more of their peoples freedom, are coincidentally hit more often by terror attacks, whoever is the
real puppet master.
Look at England, look at France
It´s like "they" know exactly that it is one minute before twelve(people in the west, maybe except scandinavia, are fed to the backteeth of these
robber baron capitalism systems, of the dictatorship of the rich), and want to create as much security for themselves as possible, in the remaining
time. Before the next self made(by "them", because of greed and gambling obsession) stock market crash, or whatever it will be that will let the
people uprise, in the near future. I mean, everybody can feel it, there is something in the air...
That whole terror stuff since 9/11 is a tool by the rulers, to get complete control of the annyoing "working bees", that only are allowed to exist to
work, consume, pay taxes and sleep, sleep, sleep...
But i am still wondering that there are really people left that can´t see, accept the reality, that we are all fooled, all average citizens in the
Reactions of "our protectors"(destroying that what they should protect, doing the work for the terrorists!), after every suspsicious terror attack!