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Vladimir Putin sends message to globalists via Megyn Kelly about election interference allegations

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posted on Jun, 4 2017 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Don't act dense I know you're not. Their findings were what posted. That's not finding nothing.
They found a lot.

posted on Jun, 4 2017 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Putin went on to point out how the US is constantly meddling in Russia's affairs and interfering in their politics.

The real rub and the deflection behind the whole "Meddlesome Russia" fake news campaign. The uS is the one meddling in world affairs, coercion, false promises, threats and ultimatums thru bribes , payoffs and kickback exploitation if possible, alternatively bombing them to dust if they refuse to capitulate...

It would be naive to think we are the only nation that does so.

I would like to interfere less, but am also pragmatic enough to know we are hardly the only ones out there meddling. By now, the world and its business is too intertwined.

posted on Jun, 4 2017 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Nobody does it like we do.

Who is able to make war with the Beast? --Revelations

posted on Jun, 4 2017 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: 123143

I must have missed your retraction.
Why take yet another jab at me because I didn't see a different post. I was replying to the one where you called her a tart and asked if she was looking for a date.
And it's worse that you said that and you're a woman.

Why? I should lie about my opinion to make other people happy?

Not. I'm too old for stupid PC games.

posted on Jun, 4 2017 @ 07:44 PM
I love the parts where Putin pokes the American liberal media by saying, "They must be terribly bored".

posted on Jun, 4 2017 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: burntheships

I'm not talking about those emails. I'm talking about pedestas emails.
They were confused with her server issue and Comeys pubic indictment of her actions.
People thought they were the same thing.

that is still Hillary's fault, hers alone.
If she had just followed the law, turning over her
emails as Sec of State when she left office, as she
swore she did, never would have been an issue.

So clearly, this is NOT connected to Muh Russia.

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

"Islamic countries with 'interests' [agendas] not the same as the U.S."?

You mean the anti-globalist one's, that would have to be the case, as no nation leads the initiative towards "Babel" as does the USA.

Except Europe.

What I mean is such a thing doesn't exist, all nations' politicians worship the same goat, Mammon, none are good Christian or Muslim or Jew, or they would not be politicians.

It requires the figurative (maybe) selling of one's soul to the proverbial devil.

If Islamic government existed interest would still be illegal in every one. Because it is illegal according to the Qur'an, it didn't exist until Sabbatean Arabia was born and the Hashimites forced to flee, or be killed.

Their Cainite brethren fronting as Muslim politicians, the Sabbateans, Donmeh, Frankists, Jesuits are the top of the mountain.

Savdi=Sabdi, i.e. Sabbatai.

Dubai=Abiud, as in Hiram Abiud aka "Abiff", which if you read it as Old English is Abiss.

It's actually from the time of Herod's Temple not Solomon's these pagan religions that have many names but one goal, the same goal the powerful have in any nation, are obsessed with.

Herod A-grip-pa.

It's why a secret handshake is called "A Grip."

That's from the Nazarene Mandaeans of John the Baptizer. That's where they learned that. I don't know if the Mandaeans call it that but I do know they have been given sanctuary in America and Australia. Which is cool. But also suspicious as Druzis, Yazidis, etc, don't get that privilege.

What is an Islamic nation exactly, do you imagine? Do you think one "Islamic" country is actually NOT puppeteered by D.C., London?

And why don't you describe Russia as a "Christianist nation." St. Peters-burg? Sounds Christian to me. As Christian as any one nation is Islamic. As far as I know there is no "Abu Bakrberg" in any "Islamic" nation.

Islam is a religion. It is popular too. 1.5 billion adherhents actually so some countries naturally are Muslim in majority.

But Turkey, which is, is "The Secular Republic of Turkey."

I don't doubt you would think of Turkey as Islamic because most people is not.

Since WW1 its government has been the descendants of the Donmeh-Sabbateans called Young Turks, anti Torah Jews who converted en masse to Islam to corrupt from within.

Britain and America installed them. They committed the Armenian genocide.

Trust me dude, go thank God you live where you live and get a clue. There isn't a such thing anymore as an Islamic nation BECAUSE of UK and USA divide and conquer tactics.

Islam has nothing to do with politics. An Imam is forbidden from discussing it and politicians don't run Islam, nations aren't Islamic, people are. Stop repeating rhetoric like you understand the situation.

The Muslim world has zero faith in its politicians because they're all drunk on paganism and practicing Taqqiya posing as Sunnis, like Assad, Putin's butt buddy, who is a Nusayyri Shiite pagan war criminal.

(Not that I think paganism is inherently evil just attractive TO powerful evil people... I know not why)

You probably would consider him "Islamic" too.

It's because you really don't know a thing about Islam.

I mean you can't just say nation if it is percieved by you to be "Islamic"?

Is it not just a nation? Why is it "Islamic", is Europe "Christianist"? Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Italy, are they "Christianist" to you?

If not...hypocrisy.

I hate to break stones but buddy come on...that sounds so radicalized to me. Especially with enforcement of secularism and neo colonialism it is a misnomer to call any nation Islamic.

Nations are dirt and sand and borders, inanimate and incapable of faith.

It's its inhabitants that are Muslims, Christians or Jews, Parsees, all of whom still reside within the borders of majority Muslim nations. Iran has tens of thousands of Jews from an ancient community with full protection by the Iranian government.

''Islamic" or "Islamist" which refers to the Sabbatean creation that is Wahhabism and its cousin Salafism....

British intelligence agencies created both.

Pay attention to life. It's important.

V in Semitic languages can transliterate as B.

V/W/U are the same in Hebrew/Aramaic.

Sabdi Arabia.

Sabbattai Arabia, is the little joke nobody knows about.

Aa in Sabbattai Svi, the Jew who declared himself the Messiah in 1666 at the behest of the Brethren of Sincerity/Rosicrucians.

As expected I'm sure he was told he would have to prove this and although nobody knows exactly what happened instead he chose to convert to Islam.

And the Donmeh-Sabbateans were born. As his disciples followed his probable master plan and likewise converted although it's said many didn't, I am sure it is true, enough did.

Jacob Frank did it to Catholicism as the "reincarnation" of Svi, and you have the modern Jesuits influenced by him.

Your church or Synogogue probably has a Sabbatean or a like Odd Fellow in it too... If you are religous.
edit on 5-6-2017 by Disturbinatti because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: burntheships

So clearly, this is NOT connected to Muh Russia.

On the contrary. It was Russia's shadow network of bloggers that helped encourage the public confusion. Take credit where credit is due.

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: ketsuko

Nobody does it like we do.

Who is able to make war with the Beast? --Revelations

We are not the Beast of Revelations.

If the US is mentioned at all in any way, we might be either Babylon the great or one of the four - the Eagle whose wings are sheered off. Or something happens that removes us from play. The way things are heading politically, it would not surprise me to see us embroiled in internal Civil War.

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: ketsuko

Nobody does it like we do.

Who is able to make war with the Beast? --Revelations

We are not the Beast of Revelations.

If the US is mentioned at all in any way, we might be either Babylon the great or one of the four - the Eagle whose wings are sheered off. Or something happens that removes us from play. The way things are heading politically, it would not surprise me to see us embroiled in internal Civil War.

The Japanese and Germans never rose against their empire, nether did the Romans. Babylon in revelations refers to the most powerful system of that day and foretold, the most powerful system (both military and economic) in the future.

That future is now.

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Why is anything Putin, the leader of our traditional geopolitical rival, treated with anything other than suspicion? Putin is not a friend of the United States. Putin, a former Soviet spy, is not reliable. Putin, the murdering dictator, is not worthy of our respect. Wake up.

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: xuenchen

Don't act dense I know you're not. Their findings were what posted. That's not finding nothing.
They found a lot.

Findings proclaimed to be real by the finders.

Where's the 97% peer reviews ?

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 10:31 AM
Yeah I'm an American liberal, and I knew the Russian/trump allegations were largely a joke from the beginning. It dismays me how many of my friends and work colleagues just pantomime the narrative. It's not enough that I have to watch it on the msm, I also have to deal with it in my personal life all the time.

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 10:46 AM
Well Putin owned Megyn.He made a lot of sense and can sure work a room.

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

Well, the US Congress, US Senate and FBI don't seem to think the Russian / Trump connection is a joke. And, the majority of the American public seems to think there's something to it as well, (unless of course if you discount those polls because they don't fit your narrative). It seems the only people who don't think there's anything there are Donald Trump, hard-core Trump supporters, and Vladimir Putin - a clear minority. But hey, it's still a free country. Think what you want.

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 11:17 AM
Putin called it and I concur -

Have you all lost your senses over there?

We are the joke of the planet because the left has, collectively, lost their f***ing mind.

How can we expect to be respected as a nation when we cannot control our blasted emotions?

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: TownCryer
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

Well, the US Congress, US Senate and FBI don't seem to think the Russian / Trump connection is a joke. And, the majority of the American public seems to think there's something to it as well, (unless of course if you discount those polls because they don't fit your narrative). It seems the only people who don't think there's anything there are Donald Trump, hard-core Trump supporters, and Vladimir Putin - a clear minority. But hey, it's still a free country. Think what you want.
Show the evidence please. I think you are deluded that a majority of the US public believes these allegations. This is what happens when you still trust mainstream media.

Also, there are strong connections between the Russians and the Clinton/Podesta camp. Why are you folks lying by omission?

Finally, a clear minded person can both not support Trump generally, nor agree with Russia, yet discern political hits and propaganda when they see it.


edit on 5-6-2017 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-6-2017 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

You do understand how an investigation works, right? The evidence you seek is what the investigation is trying to uncover. And, the motivation for this investigation comes from many quarters, especially Trump himself. If criminals simply provided incriminating evidence whenever someone asked for it, the work of the police sure would be a whole lot easier, huh?

Also, you also understand that the Clintons are not in the White House, right? Those people as shady as they are, (and they are), are not the President. If Hillary had become president, and suggestions of the type of impropriety Trump is accused of had arose, do you think for one second the Right wouldn't be losing their collective minds right about now? But, as we know, Hillary didn't win, so she's not the one who's being investigated.

And finally, it's tough to make the argument that after all of evidence we do have, circumstantial as it may be, a clear-minded individual wouldn't at least have some questions of his/her own.

But hey, if you're satisfied, I'm glad for you. The majority of Americans, as borne out by more than one nationally recognized poll, have questions that they want answered. If Trump has nothing to hide, he should welcome the investigation, instead of stonewalling, which again, circumstantial perhaps, but not encouraging.

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: TownCryer
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

You do understand how an investigation works, right? The evidence you seek is what the investigation is trying to uncover. And, the motivation for this investigation comes from many quarters, especially Trump himself. If criminals simply provided incriminating evidence whenever someone asked for it, the work of the police sure would be a whole lot easier, huh?

Also, you also understand that the Clintons are not in the White House, right? Those people as shady as they are, (and they are), are not the President. If Hillary had become president, and suggestions of the type of impropriety Trump is accused of had arose, do you think for one second the Right wouldn't be losing their collective minds right about now? But, as we know, Hillary didn't win, so she's not the one who's being investigated.

And finally, it's tough to make the argument that after all of evidence we do have, circumstantial as it may be, a clear-minded individual wouldn't at least have some questions of his/her own.

But hey, if you're satisfied, I'm glad for you. The majority of Americans, as borne out by more than one nationally recognized poll, have questions that they want answered. If Trump has nothing to hide, he should welcome the investigation, instead of stonewalling, which again, circumstantial perhaps, but not encouraging.

I asked you for evidence. Your post didn't provide any. The media, and some politicians, have made an extraordinary claim. The answer can't just be "well Trump is lying and we simply haven't found the evidence yet."

What is the motivation for the investigation, pray tell? I've yet to be convinced by any of it. I could be wrong, but to me it seems like people like you have bought hook, line, and sinker a propaganda narrative that is confusing the hell out of the post-mortem analysis of the election.

I get that people can have gut feelings or suspicions, just like conspiracy theories. But don't pretend it's some kind of Truth with a capital T here.

From my view, powerful people are trying to divide us into fractured, infighting camps. This Russia narrative is but one strategy within that bigger strategy. Another major strategy within the umbrella is the abuse of identity politics to fracture the left, as well as further divide left and right.
edit on 5-6-2017 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2017 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Putin went on to point out how the US is constantly meddling in Russia's affairs and interfering in their politics.

The real rub and the deflection behind the whole "Meddlesome Russia" fake news campaign. The uS is the one meddling in world affairs, coercion, false promises, threats and ultimatums thru bribes , payoffs and kickback exploitation if possible, alternatively bombing them to dust if they refuse to capitulate...

It would be naive to think we are the only nation that does so.

I would like to interfere less, but am also pragmatic enough to know we are hardly the only ones out there meddling. By now, the world and its business is too intertwined.

Yes, but since WWII, and especially with the fall of the USSR, we are the primary meddler relative to others. It's basically factual history, from Guatemala and Iran in the 50's to Vietnam to Panama, Nicaragua, Ukraine, etc etc.
edit on 5-6-2017 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

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