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Plot holes in the bible and what the motivation for it would be

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posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: DiaJax
I think it's really sad how redundant people are without
realizing it. OP isn't asking questions at all as much as he is parading
his doubts in his own words that are the only real difference. As if he is
the father of the doubts he points out. As if no one else in the world
has ever been as clever as he is.

But to run with the big boys OP? You first need to realize that what you
are doing here? Poking plot holes, sighting contradictions and really looking
to mock as you are? Isn't a big achievement on your part at all. Truth is it's
the easiest thing in the world to do to any written word any where in the
world. Try it with a newspaper or Shakespeare even. So ask yourself this?
What the hell made the Bible stories your prime target?
edit on Rpm60117v18201700000007 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: randyvs

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: Idreamofme
a reply to: DiaJax

1. Noah's Ark. How the heck to you find a male and female of every animal??? So Noah knows what a male and female earthworm looks like? Then all the animals are on the same boat. Wouldnt the lions eat the zebras, etc.?

Find a Christian and ask them how walruses flopped across entire continents to get to the ark, or how kangaroos swam the ocean. Throw some penguins in for good measure and watch the cognitive dissonance and anger ensue.

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: trollz

Find a Christian and ask them how walruses flopped across entire continents to get to the ark, or how kangaroos swam the ocean. Throw some penguins in for good measure and watch the cognitive dissonance and anger ensue.

The dissonance is more your part it seems than anyones.
Unless you just didn't know the story you refer to involves God.
Hello! What would be the reason for anger when the frustration is
edit on Rpm60117v30201700000019 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:30 PM

edit on 1-6-2017 by SpeakerofTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: Idreamofme
a reply to: Raggedyman

22 Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”

“Here I am,” he replied.

2 Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”

(Sorry for being ignorant. Ill go to church more to refreshen my memory)

Its ok to be ignorant, its not ok to remain ignorant when shown the truth

“Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will go to that place and worship. Then we will come back to you later.”

See Abraham knew God, knew God had a plan, had seen Gods plan work, trusted in Gods love

I understand you cant comprehend what is being shown, dont think others cant
Abraham knew God was not going to take his son, how do we know
Abraham knew God as his father

But no matter what I say or show you, it doesnt matter
You want to hate and blame God

Thats fine, its your choice

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: randyvs

Why the bible you ask because their are a lot of people familiar with it. Many people can relate. I don't think what I'm suggesting is that outlandish an idea. This is a forum to discuss ideas. Yes many people hold the bible dear and I don't question that. Maybe another way to look at this argument was the book intentionally written in this manner. What I'm trying to understand is why.

Faith to some is unquestionable. To those people I say don't question it then.

The book has a good purpose, it teaches morals, community, ways to deal with grief, gives people strength. I recognize that I don't want to take anything away from it. I'm looking at the words in the book of an ancient text that maybe no one on earth knows what the original words were. What was the history during that time when these words were written. Were they clerical errors. There has to be are reason why it is what it is.

Well I take the story as it is presented. The goal was not to mock the faith but question how ancient stories such as these had become so muddled. With all stories their is a suspension of disbelief, they present information within that are fact and are to be seen from then on to be as such. Story telling as an art form is as ancient as time itself they could have said a million different things but they choose contradictory elements. I find that odd and I don't think the original documents would have made such an error. So the best assumption I could come up with is that they must have been altered from their original format. For what I believe is politically motivated.

Maybe you have another idea.

I believe the variations in the story are connected to something else in the earthly realm.

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: trollz

originally posted by: Idreamofme
a reply to: DiaJax

1. Noah's Ark. How the heck to you find a male and female of every animal??? So Noah knows what a male and female earthworm looks like? Then all the animals are on the same boat. Wouldnt the lions eat the zebras, etc.?

Find a Christian and ask them how walruses flopped across entire continents to get to the ark, or how kangaroos swam the ocean. Throw some penguins in for good measure and watch the cognitive dissonance and anger ensue.


Walruses swim, why flop across an entire continent?? Kangaroos hop, whats to say there wasnt more land before the flood, that would be obvious.
There is oil under the oceans, because once there were huge forests where the oceans are now.
Your logic is like a childs. Its what I see now must be the same as it always was.
You believe life arose from what. Watch the cognitive dissonance and anger ensue.
Anger, it seems you are laying out a bait to attract the attention you are requesting

edit on 1-6-2017 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: lizardghost
so far every single believer in this passage has died john 3:16 " for whoever believith in me shall not perish but have everlasting life".

Yes but they get new bodies that are created for their spirit/soul to inhabit because their belief in Him provides the path to that body.

Not so hard to believe when new bodies are grown in labs across the world we live in now and doctors work with scientist trying to capture, bottle and map people's spirit/soul/consciousness.

Jesus Christ being one with the Father has this and has had the process to perfection.

The stories in the bible are full of stories of barren women not being able to carry a child and being denied acess to a child grown from a lab which is what the wealthy did because everyone was barren after the mass causalty event that occurred and a few select grew the animals and people from a sperm/seed vault ark but what they grew could not conceive or they conceived with huge problems. Something went wrong and they tried to fix it but could not. The people created from the seed vault/ark grew in population then broke off from each other and disbursed Many women were deeply grieved by not being given healthy babies from the sperm vault as that's how it was done. Had to be done after the mass casualty event. Which was the second one according to the bible as the FALL was the FIRST mass casualty event. Recorded in it. John the Baptist was likely a doctor who helped women and men become fertile and carry healthy babies in the womb. John was great. Jesus Christ came as the great doctor, the saviour of mankind to perfect the work John was doing by giving spirit/soul to the womb born children and their parents and community members by instilling the value of life, love, forgiveness, mercy hope. Alll to prolong another mass causalty event and naturally God givenly grow the population. Then all the women miraculously became fertile with healthy babies grown naturally inside them. No need for the seed vault/ark to grow them. Then obvious wars between people who grew people outside of the womb and people who could grow babies inside their womb flourished. Jealousies grew over those that could grow babies inside them and over men who had healthy sperm. Then the sabatoge on them began due to the wealthy having to purchase their babies from a seed vault . The seed vault lost money as more wealthy turned to the model and hopes of the real son of God who is One with the true Father, Dr. Jesus the Christ, aka God.

The bible stories have said 'holes' because the 'hole' is to realize the "whole". When one sees the WHOLE, they see the stories from the bible are like what we see today. The push for designer lab grown specially selected babies and cyborgs and AI/robots, the push for abortions. The obvious war on putting a medical price tag on babies while still in the womb, invented modern physical and mental diseases subjected to them at an early age. Seed vaults and sperm/egg banks all over the place. Technology we see today fitting the descriptions of technogy in the bible.

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: DiaJax

I'm not arguing that is right or wrong. What I'm more interested in would be the political motivations behind some of the stories.

Try the First Book of Samuel. You’ll notice that all the divine dreams and miracles on which Samuel based his claims to authority related to events at which Samuel himself was the only witness. Then you start to see that the story is a work of political propaganda, used to justify the seizure of power by the priests of Yahweh (previously, the nation of Israel had been ruled by elected ‘judges’) and that Samuel was a slick and unscrupulous political operator.

In the Second Book of Samuel, young Sam goes out to find a puppet king to rule over Israel. His first choice, Saul, doesn’t work out so well, so he picks another: King David. And they all lived happily ever after, except they didn’t.

edit on 1/6/17 by Astyanax because: King Solomon and King David lived most immoral lives, as the song said.

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: DiaJax
I think it's really sad how redundant people are without
realizing it. OP isn't asking questions at all as much as he is parading
his doubts in his own words that are the only real difference. As if he is
the father of the doubts he points out. As if no one else in the world
has ever been as clever as he is.

But to run with the big boys OP? You first need to realize that what you
are doing here? Poking plot holes, sighting contradictions and really looking
to mock as you are? Isn't a big achievement on your part at all. Truth is it's
the easiest thing in the world to do to any written word any where in the
world. Try it with a newspaper or Shakespeare even. So ask yourself this?
What the hell made the Bible stories your prime target?

to encourage people to ask questions, as is the ATS way.

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: Astyanax

taking a look right now. Thanks for this.

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: DiaJax

What we used to call "Faith Evangelists" utilize the JOB angle to generate lots of money for themselves.

I went to a "revival" 10 years ago featuring a Faith Preacher named Creflo Dollar. He directed people to bring an amount of money up to the stage that would bring them PAIN. In return, they'd get twice as much back from God, as a reward for their faith in HIM.

This 2,000 seat venue was packed to capacity. During 90 minutes C.Dollar preached, people were running up to the stage and throwing hands full of bills at his feet, over his head, at his sides... I didn't give anything, cause he reminded me of a snake oil salesman, but It was an amazing sight to see.

posted on Jun, 1 2017 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: carewemust

many christians get buddha and God confused
They think God is a holy poker machine
Give Him money (rub his belly) and you get to win what you want back or off others in the world
People are stupid

Its not what the bible teaches.

posted on Jun, 2 2017 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: DiaJax

find that odd and I don't think the original documents would have made such an error. So the best assumption I could come up with is that they must have been altered from their original format. For what I believe is politically motivated.

It's easily explained why you see a story with a pothole from your perception
of disbelief.

I perceive the same story already accepting that God is real. So even if you could
point to something I couldn't explain or find reason for? Doesn't mean there isn't
reasoning there. I'm convinced God exists. So I can't possibly question his capability
of providing a message to us that is exactly word for word what he wants us to
have. so we can know what he expects from us. I'd have to have brain damage
to believe in a supreme Creator of the universe who isn't capable of communicating.

posted on Jun, 2 2017 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: randyvs

I'm not suggesting that God himself is a poor communicator. I'm also not suggesting that the meanings and teachings from the plot hole parts of the bible have been altered. I'm suggesting that the men that made the book have added/omitted/altered the book for their own selfish(less) purposes.

Like the cleansing of pagan beliefs for example

I'd be curious to know exactly how the Roman Empire transitioned into Christianity. People hold their beliefs very dear you would be hard pressed to get anyone to switch. This is another instance I could see a government body altering texts in order to have a easier transitioning period.

The plot holes I believe to be an indicator to such an alteration.

posted on Jun, 2 2017 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Its not what the bible teaches.

It’s not what the Buddha taught either.

There’s no ignorance like religious ignorance.

posted on Jun, 2 2017 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: DiaJax

I'd be curious to know exactly how the Roman Empire transitioned into Christianity. People hold their beliefs very dear you would be hard pressed to get anyone to switch.

I know it is amazing isn't it? Just another insignificant Jew gets crucified but
somehow this one defies fading into obscurity and defeats Ceasar worship
forever. How does that even become imaginable? Or maybe it was rumors
from the Roman guard overseeing Christs tomb? The truth of what they saw
was surely talked about>
edit on Ram60217v16201700000024 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2017 @ 01:15 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: Raggedyman

Its not what the bible teaches.

It’s not what the Buddha taught either.

There’s no ignorance like religious ignorance.

Quite possibly right, I wouldnt know and only assume and dont make it my business to run Buddhist or Buddha down as a collective

posted on Jun, 2 2017 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: DiaJax

I'd be curious to know exactly how the Roman Empire transitioned into Christianity. People hold their beliefs very dear you would be hard pressed to get anyone to switch.

I know it is amazing isn't it? Just another insignificant Jew gets crucified but
somehow this one defies fading into obscurity and defeats Ceasar worship
forever. How does that even become imaginable? Or maybe it was rumors
from the Roman guard overseeing Christs tomb? The truth of what saw
was surely talked about>

The Roman Empire transitioned into Christianity when Constantine turned christianity into a religion and hijacked it away from people ever since.
The darkest day ever for christianity, forced conversions, mass army's, bloodshed and justification of wars.

2000 years ago to about 200 years ago, people couldnt read so always done as they were told by those in power with the authority
Oddly it wasnt till the bible became common, that people were taught to read, Rome lost its vast power in Europe

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