a reply to:
Speaking of plot holes in the Bible...
I have a good one.
Christians who believe in Trinity violate the Word of God which never says Jesus pbuh is God or that God is 3 in 1.
Matter of fact in Mark Jesus pbuh said:
The Lord OUR God is ONE God.
Jesus pbuh can't BE God because he HAS God, is subservient to and depends on God.
"Of my own power I can do nothing."
Is another thing said that proves Jesus pbuh is not God, he is not equal in power.
The Words was with Tontheon (God) and the Word was theos(divine).
Is how Greek John 1 reads.
In summary, you insulted Islam, no big deal God's believers are always slandered, I take it as an honor.
Not because of what you know, but because you are not a Muslim and don't know anything about it or its history and are a casualty of war
I am telling you that I have studied all 3 Abrahamic religions in depth, the Bible, Qur'an, Apocrypha, Zohar, Gnostic texts, etc.
And if you compare Christian theology to the Bible it doesn't fit.
If you read the Qur'an it is closer to the teachings of Jesus pbuh than anything you will read in "Paul's" epistles or hear from the preacher.
Because said preacher doesn't know or care about knowing, he wants you to believe HIM, not the Bible.
Because if you read the Bible you will learn Jesus pbuh is not God, never said he was, or asked for worship, refused to even be called "good" because
"Only God is good."
And there is no Trinity. It's a Nicene pagan idea obnoxiously and nonsensicallly grafted onto the Gospel teachings of Jesus pbuh.
There are Christians who proffess Christianity as their religion but don't even know what Christ taught, and make him God.
And there are disciples of the Nazarene Messiah...called Muslims, who learned the truth from the Messenger of God saws Mohammed.
That there is no god but God and Mohammed is His Messenger.
Jesus pbuh was a Messenger and the Messiah.
Mohammed saws was sent to fix what false prophet Saul corrupted by falsehoods, as he himself admitted.
"If through my FALSEHOODS God's glory abounds why am I being judged a sinner?"
For sinning, Paul, lying IS a sin.
And sin never glorifies God.
Also Paul allowed eating meat sacrificed to idols.
In Revelation Jesus pbuh condemns this teaching and whoever teaches it too, if they don't stop.
Saul obviously lied about his revelations because he didn't learn from Jesus pbuh to teach what Jesus pbuh would later condemn.
If you want to talk about the negatives of a particular theology you should know it, but you should learn your religion first, you have not done
I can pull the Bible apart like string cheese, because I put in the effort and learned what it teaches.
Flawed though it is it still doesn't say "Jesus is God in a Trinity."
I am a Muslim specifically because I read the Bible, and the Qur'an is right, Christianity is not.
Christian theology is not based on the Bible but paganism, human sacrifice, godman cults. And narcissistic personality disorders.
It is sad you think you know so much, and no so little in reality.
Go in a Mosque some day, they will let you visit if you request to, no commitment required you can observe, I have had colleges, police officers and
other groups visit my Mosque.
My first visit was to take Shahada.
Before that day I didn't know what serenity and peace was.
I did after and still do. I only wish you find the same, whatever your religion is.
We don't believe in the one religion only version of Heaven you guys do, so we don't have that obsessed need to "save souls" with threats of hell.
Don't even try deflecting by invoking wars that have nothing to do with Islam in reality, militias that pretend to be Muslim but are covert ops
actually, do not form our theology.
Qur'an does. God's Word does.
The devil always wants to destroy good things by blaming them for the evil deeds of others.
His disciples always listen.
Islam is good, if you hate Islam you hate good, God and Jesus pbuh.
And can't hate Islam without hating all 3 too.
You can be confused, sure.
But still hate God, because God created Islam, is the founder of Islam. To be a Muslim is to submit to God's will in peace which brings peace, and
only when justified are we to fight, like when oppressed or invaded, to protect your family and friends.
No ''Empire" in history grew as large as fast with as little bloodshed as did Islam's, and nobody contributed more to the advancement of science.
Europe learned all science through Arabic translated into Latin, would have lingered in the Dark Ages otherwise for a lot longer.
Compare Europe in 800AD with the Islamic Empire and you have, in Europe, a cesspool of filth and ignorance.
Except for Muslim Spain which was the most advanced city on Earth at the time, along with Baghdad and many others it's like comparing America (Islamic
Empire=gold) today.... to excrement today(Europe).
I am European too.
edit on 9-6-2017 by Disturbinatti because: (no reason given)