a reply to:
She does have a sense of humor!!
So my company didn’t bother to try to win the next five year contract. They planned to lose so the manager left to another contract and was replaced
with a guy who knew nothing of what we do or how we do it. Some people were purchased by a new company, some people left, and the rest of us rode the
train crash to the end.
No help from management, no guidance, no instructions on how to get “hired onto” a new contract. Me, boozing heavily, ignoring looking for a job,
working from paycheck to paycheck, one meal a day. Stuck at home with nowhere to go. A guitar in hawk, not looking very well.
One drunken morning, drinking my Saturday breakfast, somebody had the nerve to play Dolly’s 9to5. Three weeks later it was still stuck in my head
while I made iced tea this morning.
See, last week I was told I would be reviewed, not an interview, so, did a half hour review!
An hour later, I was offered the job!!
Guess what my hours will be to start??
This all happened over Labor Day!! And they got my name from a report (not one of three people who were “searching” for my next assignment!!)
I am working for a major company that makes outdoor clothing with several different brand names that everyone knows!
I am leaving behind this company that wouldn’t save its own office, and a company that seems like they didn’t want me around, to a world stage
(and pay raise)!!!
“It’s enough to drive you crazy if you let it!”