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Baddogma's Other Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Nov, 7 2020 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: Peeple


Forgot to tell you that I love you Nini!’


posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 02:26 AM

That's so very "man" of you, Spotzerl. Sometimes women just like to complain you don't have to fix my problems. But thank you anyways.

My mood isn't as bad as it sounds.

posted on Nov, 8 2020 @ 04:23 PM
Hum. My brain is confused...

The quote is:

Alright, brain. You don’t like me. And I don’t like you. So let’s get through this and I can get back to killing you with beer...

Here is my remembrance of the same quote:

Alright brain. I don’t like you. And you don’t like me. So let’s just get through this so I can get back to killing you slowly with alcohol...

Not only a “Han shot first” but a change of focus to beer!

Google shows the clip with “beer” but I clearly remember as “alcohol”. Weird that I quoted it to my sister and it is on the menu today. But with beer instead of “slowly with alcohol”.

Shame. The Simpsons is a great place for ME residues where they have as the original way but it has changed. Now their own quote has changed.

Of course. I might have drain bamage but why are not other details out of whack?

Emphasis on the’h’!!

posted on Nov, 14 2020 @ 01:30 AM
Bill McClintock is such a badass!

The one I deleted....

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: No spaces...

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Attempt 2

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: No space

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Dumb ass autocorrect m!!

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Book, book, book,...

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Yup

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: I hope this works...

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: This is stupid

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Dumb copy and paste!

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Stoopid autocorrectives....

edit on 14-11-2020 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Blank spaces sux

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 07:29 PM

I looked at my phone to check the time. First, 2:34; next, 2:43; next was 3:24; and just now, 4:23!!

How cray cray is dat?? (Does anyone use ‘cray cray’ any jamore??).

Not even trying... just happenstance!

posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 01:07 AM
I just had a deja vu moment as I tried to download the song by Nails from iTunes. It didn’t work the first two times.

The third time is when I “remembered” doing all of this before!

The sequence was what was the sealer of the deal.

I remember it exactly that way!!!

Any of you still getting these vibes??



posted on Nov, 21 2020 @ 01:42 AM

I read Mafia Life from F.Varese, the day I finish it, German Bundestag starts discussing money laundering. Stuff like that?

Happens a lot. Now I try to think everyday "legalize it..." But of course nobody is discussing that...

Let us pray

Blessed be the holy herb, Queen of Plants

posted on Nov, 23 2020 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I hooked up my TV to the net and can now surf ATS from my sofa!!!


The remote is wonky, and clunky, but I can read posts!! (I deleted the post I was creating on the TV and said screw it! Back to phone!)

This is kind of cool!

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 05:55 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
I was just wondering if I'd have said something to you, I guess not, I would have been a bit jealous, marvelling at the size of your balls...

I'm going to do the quoting bits back at you thing - not to be aggressive (though I've never got why people find that aggressive, or indeed, why being aggressive always has to be a bad thing. Anywho...) I just want to pick up where I left off and because well not much has actually happened differently since.

I have however forgotten to put my mask a further two times and on both occasions I was aware that people were acting strangely towards me but totally didn't click why they were acting that way. I assumed they thought I was shop lifting - or thinking about it - it was only when I left the shop and didn't have a mask to take off that it clicked. In one case the security guard followed me round the store and the other the assistant, very pointedly, asked if they could help me.

I don't think the size of my balls is the issue, it's that everyone else's are shrinking. It's all an illusion, the rest of the world thinks that we English are polite and all stiff-upper-lip but the reality is that the whole country is boiling under a lid of passive aggression. That's why things get so bloody when we get drunk. Perhaps I should put a little sign around my neck explaining I don't bite if politely reminded to wear mask.

originally posted by: Peeple
That's been a thought that has crossed my mind a lot lately, this covid thing is a case study of how new social norms are implemented. Because you basically follow the rules, projecting the message "I do this to protect you", or you don't and project "screw you" (you being the unconsidered 3rd option "lost in thoughts")

They made a survey how many people agree with the imposed restrictions, I don't remember the precise number but it was impossibly high and that's not fitting with the observed reality if you go out and see how people behave, so my thought was how useless that survey is.
Given that you ask people to say "I'm a sociopath and don't give a # if you die" because that's the implementation of the narrative we got hammered in with that pandemic.
Not necessarily the truth, I think people just want to go back to normal. But it's quite fascinating, a little sociopsychological realtime experiment....

I think that there is also a lot of editorialism going on - picking the surveys and surveyed to represent a toeing of the line so that those that deviate feel isolated - or some such learned by rote psychologialism. We're all in this together after all. Lol. I think that is we reintroduced the pillory and the stocks for masking infractions it'd be more likely to get those not wearing a mask to wear a mask not so much to avoid punishment but more so that they could get involved in distributing it. For the most part, most people just accept that it's not a big deal to have to wear a mask and get on with it in the hope that it brings 'normal' closer. I also think that a lot of people will keep to the masks even after this ends and that is a good thing, making that more socially acceptable while the air we breathe is still so highly polluted, as well as I think we will find that there have been slower spreads of common colds and the such-like too.

originally posted by: Peeple
Plus: whenever I put my face-sock on and enter a shop I greet people (silently as little inside joke) with "blessed be the fruit"

I feel more as though I'm all dressed up for a robbery or some other form of banditry with nowhere to go.

I'm not all that keen for 'normal' to return. I like the quiet streets and otherwise having a reason to not go out. I'm still pretty much furloughed, I do a third of my usual hours. It's been a fairly productive year though - personally - and unlike many I have no pressing economic worries. As such, I'm not complaining about any of it.

And Trump has very nearly exited the building so I much less likely to hear about what he's thinking about. I'm looking forward to lots of change and significantly less imposition upon different as the new 'normal'.

Could be fun, it's definately going to be interesting.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
Because everytime I do I get so #ing angry! 6 years of dodoistic woo research and zero to show for and now I feel my Fellows of the Woo (you guys and gal) got swallowed by life and we'll never move forward.
While the world... what a #show... I mean... right?

Zero? Really? I don't believe that, it might not have been the outcome you expected but that doesn't mean that there is no outcome. You've learned something, right?

I can only speak for myself but I don't think I've been swallowed up just really unsociable. The I Ching reckons I need to be more sociable, so here I am. Trying.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF

I looked at my phone to check the time. First, 2:34; next, 2:43; next was 3:24; and just now, 4:23!!

How cray cray is dat?? (Does anyone use ‘cray cray’ any jamore??).

Not even trying... just happenstance!

I had a two day run with 17:17 that ended yesterday with 17:07. Had there been a third I may have started believing the rumours about the Masons - the UGLE ones at least.

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 01:59 AM

The miracles of technology

I hope you got your turkey/bar issues sorted?
Happy Thanksgiving!

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

Well maybe not zero, but for sure nothing positive.
I nailed down what humanities biggest problem is: stupidity.
After thousands of years of bad leadership people still wait for someone they can put on a pedestal. "Didn't work with the last 999 but the next one will be different! I just know it!"

And the "other" I nailed down to not-club-people, not-aliens, not-God, not-spirits of any kind. But as of yet again- no positive.

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 02:48 AM
Happy Thanksgiving, metaphysical and general weirdness people!

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Haha. Yes, abundant stupidity, but let's not forget the arrogance too. Sure, we could class it as a kind of stupidity but I think really it should be in a class of it's own. Without arrogance there'd be little purpose to stupid. Stupid, as I've said before is a choice not a predisposition. To survive in a world that favours arrogance one has to cultivate a little stupidity, some of course choose it as a way of life because they too want the power to be arrogant one day.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: Never Despise

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

If the Dunning-Kruger Effect is to be believed, stupidity and arrogance are often fellow travelers.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: Never Despise

"We are all engines of misbelief," Dunning has suggested.

I like that.

Suspension of disbelief is a part of the survival tool. It gets you the prey. It gets you over that crocodile infested river. It provides impetus for action for that one zebra that has to be first so they'll all follow. Problem, possibly, is in survival terms, our human willingness to follow the fakers because they offer an easier or apparently more comfortable option. The real experts know that they can only hold their own corners and hope that other experts are doing the same with their corners. Perhaps?

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

Good point. People forget that the primary purpose of the brain is survival. It's not to detect the truth or find beauty or anything else at root other than survival. In this sense it is no different from the spleen or the pancreas.

If the brain can induce survival better with a lie than a truth, it will choose the lie. If it needs to adopt insane, deranged, or deeply immoral belief systems to further survival under harsh conditions, it will do so without hesitation.

posted on Dec, 3 2020 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

Yeah... but there's arrogance and there's arrogance.
I'm arrogant. But that doesn't have to imply that my poopsy smells less than everybody else's. I'm superior mostly because I don't lie to myself no matter how uncomfortable it is.
I mean I lie to others, because I'm not stupid, I manipulate to get what I want. Like smart naked apes do.
But I have no illusions about my shortcomings, my menagerie of flaws, my character, my status... my whole systems stats are always present to me. Got that from playing board games and it's pretty useful in life.
Nevertheless I'm smarter than at least 90% of all people I meet/met and if it's just the fact I'm aware of my dirty socks...

huh... so I guess, I did indeed learn something? While trying to overcome my ego, I learned I'm so much better than everybody.... awesome

edit on 3-12-2020 by Peeple because: happy happy joy joy

edit on 3-12-2020 by Peeple because: my autocorrect always writes die when I mean did

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