a reply to:
Maybe true. But that's not what I meant. I was more thinking about the stored energy of the location, people for many generations going to one and the
same place to feel evelation and relief, that leaves a mark on the fabric is my guess.
Like the Theresienwiese where the Oktoberfest takes place, that's very barren and uncomfortable 11 months of the year.
This park nearby with hills made from the rubble of the 2nd WW is a desert.
Rome is full of "demons", beautiful but a lot of tension and unfinished somehow.
That's what I think how "aliens" locate us, the whole Earth as a tiny dot in the realms of matter is a huge whirl in the consciousness fabric layer of
the all.
Like what we learned from magic level 1, the intention the emotional energy you put in your ritual creates the feedback not what kind of candle or
whatever you use.
Wasn't it Mother Theresa who said something like their suffering brings us closer to Jesus? And that might not be wrong but it's why we are where we
are today.
At some point the negativity develops it's own mind.
I didn't even have my coffee and got my eyes not fully open, so sorry I can't express what I am trying to say.
edit on 22-6-2020 by Peeple because: that was too much
Oh and I tried reddit, absolutely hate that place, but FreeBavaria write that down in case the lights go suddenly dark. Or Brezel @DizzyBrezzl on
twitter, but it might take a while before I respond because ...well ...hate that place too.
I just occasionally read the trends and such almost never even log in, but I would be happy if you let me know you're still alive and rocking.
You know for
edit on 22-6-2020 by Peeple because: add
Oh and that^^^^ goes for all of you. TEOT, Reverbs, too not "just" but also Kilgore
edit on 22-6-2020 by Peeple because: more add