a reply to:
I would say for you personally; reconnect to that moment you died and that golden light. Teot likely needs to realize he died from freezing to death
in a car as his subconscious runs around trying to lay new track or road than some cold deserted highway... however it should be obvious the dream
bubble called life once popped or reaped has another bubble formed to catch you in that whole dream within a dream business... the nothing part is the
3rd bubble or dream one is not aware of for the next round of birth and death of that bubble.
Aware of it or not? It goes on... becoming aware of it however? Is a hold onto your butt situation because the woo is non stop as the kamma resettles
and reforms into a new bubble; for many unaware the process seems sort of seemless; for others they try to control that forming for still others they
simply let go and all one's bubbles pop... what occurs then is a quasi "living" in other peoples bubble(s).
Peeple has interestingly the same obstacles that Anagamins/Arhats have to get over; the desire for all other peoples bubbles to pop that interfere
with a better world that could be realized. Like someone needs to push the big shiney red button to wake people the hell up than running around like
zombies regurgitating the same crap 4 generations ago did... meaning are you really you? Or are you just a little drone or clone of them? So of
course; those not really an individual are the one's that need to understand what "nothing" is because that's what they already "are" just a viral
load carrying around idealogical concepts of others with no real indepth thought or consideration of their own in some hive/herd minded blather. Some
of course feel they have gone too far seen too much etc etc and find the blather safe or comforting and then blend back into the facelsss nameless
thing called a we and society back into the masses... too scared to stand alone and on their own no longer able to be a nothing.
So ego? Ego death is killing all of those within that are not self; all of those influences that altered one's behavior, all one's old heroes idols
and role models all of the blank diskette people filled with the same banality that are the problem instead of the solution.
Of course politics; politics does not escape even heavens or hells... there are always those floating around between them, coming and going and beings
of various types and demeanors.
Personally? I am 100% a vampire. A biological form of life that has been every form of biological life that clings down to the last sand grain of the
largest mountain that has then become a speck of space dust where in contemplating the elements becomes then no different than that small speck of
dust... only after some inconceivable amount of time rolls and drifts into a larger and larger mass... not the only one like this, or realized in such
a manner however and like dung beetles roll new moons into formation around the larger bodies call them electrons or suns matters not... as contact
produces noise, and that contact producing noise long enough, forms language... that language is zen; and attachment to those noises of matter
contacting matter is what consciousness is; however that grasped noise as consciousness is an illusion... and delusion where dreamer and dreamed is
inseparable and unknown; out of which is where ego is seen.
Just as the historical Buddha sat silent for aeon after aeon to see the house builder... sitting silent the same; until one hears just that phenomena;
the delusion or illusion of dreamer and dreamed as that ball of unknowing ignorant consciousness; is definable as such a house builder, they are not
self, impermanent and subject to suffering due to that ignorance and illusion they are attached too.
So out of the dust of the elements we vampires arise and continue about our work in silence while the chaos of that being continues on until that
bubble pops.
Thus is of course the life of a hermit that has thus gone and from which cannot return because one also has never left.
So your dreams connect and collide with that housebuilder ignorant and not aware of the difference between dreamed and dreamer and in that space there
is a formation or firmament for all to continue on and attach their "bubbles".
Is such as that ideal? No of course not... because zombies bring all sorts of things to that existence in formation that complicate instead of
So do I care about a bunch of idiots zoning out in dreamland while watching men play with balls? Is it any wonder that most people have to be drunk to
watch such a thing? No matter how drunk I have ever been in my entire life? The thought to sit for an hour or so to watch a group of men play with
their balls... has never occurred. Metaphorical and well isn't that what meta means here? There is another sort called metta... and not allowing a
constant stream of zombies to rehash or reintroduce a bunch of complication to life, is by very definition an act of loving kindness.
Such people when meeting a wrathful form of "me"(sattva) do not fare well in such an encounter. As all lands are pure Buddha lands until such a thing
as that sort of mindless infestation occurs.
Of course compassion and empathy for those on the path is a given... however, as Teot has seen from dreams there is a recursive loop in those bubbles
of formation; that cannot be gotten over or surpassed until a certain amount of positive kamma is built up to do so. Repeating or re-occurring dreams
means one has lived all around and up to the very limit of what that bubble can contain... sometimes that occurs many many times over, different
iterations and reiterations.
So of course that change has to come from within as change is constantly occurring thinking anything is a constant in that change is the assumption
that which does not? Is God.
So how many times does one have to go round and round the same damned bubble? Before they realize it is their own? Stupid one they keep making in
ignorance as the knower and unknown but do not know which one is which of the dreamer and dreamed?
This I cannot say.
As no one can awaken another; which is why when such a thing occurs? It is called rightly self awakened.