originally posted by: WalkInSilence
Hon are you Down under now????
I wish
Nope, we're guesstimating August/September at this point in time.
I'm back! With Pringles! And little walnut + apple cakes!
I'm sorry WIS
It's not that I wasn't comfortable sharing, it was more it seemed rude to share and detract from more important problems. I was -this- close to
venting just a couple of days ago though, I was ready to just explode with anxiety and stress... and I had it all typed up as well. But then I re-read
it. Was pleased that I had at least gotten it out of my system. And just deleted it all.
And thank you Miss Martin
I'm not really horribly worried about my son. I'm certain he'll grow out of it, especially once Dave is here and I have a helping hand and we can go
off on adventures and excitements for him. Assist with his inner bravery and courage by going to wondrous places and doing fun things!! It's just if
he remains like he is, apparently any school that he goes to will demand that he be diagnosed as something, anything, just so they can get funding for
him. And having had first hand experience with children on various areas of the spectrum... I can say that my son's only problem is literally this
crippling anxiety. He exhibits nothing else.
And it doesn't help that I live in a small country town with not much to do. So it's hard to get him out and into social activities on assorted days
of the week. But that'll be rectified when we move to a larger town, which is planned!
And yes, Miss Elfie One.
I will force myself out of those bushes, and I will mingle with the crazy people!
*waves to The Blue Dude*
I'm estranged from my family. Have been for about 4 years now. It was for the best, but at the same time, I know that probably contributes to my son's
anxiety. Only me and him, and not having anyone else around. But soon he'll have Dave around too! And I know that'll do him the world of good.
Pringles are my sacred delight at the moment! Salty delicious goodness!
But I did bring little cinammon apple walnut cakes too!
Something sweet, something savoury, something for everyone!
*and another quick hug for everyone just because... HUGS!*