originally posted by: 0racle
I heard recently that Germany already had 3 million Turks living there before he recent wave of migrants came.
People say that Muslims don't want to integrate into European culture. Based on the Turkish who have lived in Germany since the 50's would you say
that is true?
If i am allowed to answer, as a german, grown up with so called muslims(passport muslims) that were(and are) my best friends, raised by a "muslim"
father(passport muslim) and having muslim colleagues, friends, passport muslim friends, many of them turkish, or kurdish... there are many, many more
integrated ex-turks than not integrated ones.
But there are, not less, not integrated turks. But that is in parts our own fault, we didn´t want them to be integrated, because the germans, at that
time, thought that they come for a while(Gastarbeiter), work here for a while, and go back to turkey. We even build complete city quarters here in
cologne(Chorweiler), at that time, i would call them ghetto´s, so that the Gastarbeiters could live there, separated. In Cologne near the Ford(!)
plant, where most of them worked. So they didn´t have to cross the city centre(with all the germans and tourists) on their way to work and back. And
don´t mix up with the germans, i guess...
So "turkish" quarters arose, where they never had to learn the german language, because it was/is like turkey in there, you don´t need to talk german
there. Btw, i love those quarters like Keupstrasse/Mühlheim(scene of a deep state terror attack, known as NSU nailbomb attack), just because of the
food and the flair.(Half a turkish flatbread, thats really big!, full of Döner Kebap meat, salad and sauce for around 5 euro, for example).
And not only turkish people live there, many germans(and people from around the world) live there too, and love it. It´s kind of being on endless
holidays, in summer. Even a female friend of mine lived there for over 25 years, till she left Germany, and never had problems, on the contrary.
Because, in reality, nobody there cares if you are turkish, german, african or whatever. Everybody helps everybody, and that is what counts.
Neighbours are neighbours, no matter which haircolor.
But it´s almost only the real old turks that never integrated. Maybe because they thought they wouldn´t stay that long, or just because there was
simply no reason to integrate. Nobody had problems with old turkish people that couldn´t, or wouldn´t speak german. But believe me, they understand
everything you say, at least... xD
Many of the turks/kurds i grew up with, most of them not born here, but came as very young childs with their parents, were better in school than i
was. Many of them were really successful in life, make a lot of money. Many of them speak even a better german than germans that were born here, are
"better gerrmans"(diligence, punctuality, work morale...) than many "bio"-germans.
I would say, at least for Cologne, that there never was really a problem with that "integration" stuff. It is blown up by politicians(that fish now
for votes of the rightwingers), mass media like Springer BILD, Focus and crap like that. To be honest, if we go back, the problems really started to
grow with 9/11 and all that anti muslim propaganda. Before 9/11 it was qiet irrelevant who was put in which sect by their parents, nobody
believed/believes that crap either. Only that the "muslim" friends of mine just had to take care not being seen by their (from time to time beer
drinking) parents, while eating a Fleischwurstbrötchen(pork).
edit on 29 5 2017 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)