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Originally posted by mwm1331
To whomever mentioned depression etc.
Psychology as far as I am concerned has turned into nothng more than a institutionalised excuse machine.
Depression, ADHD etc are nothng more than excuses for those who refuse to tke responsibilty for thier own emotional state.
Skin color jakko is the result of pigmentation.
Also jakko you should reread the diet-pills article. At no point in that article do the scientist who actually did the study ever advance it as proof that people are "born gay"
The simple fact is that there is a huge difference between a statistical correlaton and a casual effect.
nt no point do those who actually did the study even imply a casual effect.
Are you capable of understanding the difference?
The sad thing is many of you actually believe you have no control over what you feel.
Why you would be willing to abandon or dismiss your ability to control the only thing you have any control over, your own inner world, I dont know. Maybe the idea that you are in control of your own mind scares you.
However the simple fact is the one and only thing you will ever have total control over is you mind, emotons, thoughts feelings etc. in other words your inner world.
To the bisexual poster, I dont know why you touched yourself at 5 but the simple fact that you did leads me to believe that something in your life twisted your natural sexual development.
Yes the brain has chemicals which can act to regulate moods sleep etc. however wht you fail to take into account is that even though you may be unaware of it, you are in control of those chemicals and thier release.
The idea that people are born gay, and that there is nothng wrong with it makes people feel emlightned, and tolerant, the truth is though that it makes you feel that way becuse afterall if gays have no control over thier sexuality it makes it easer for you to shift blame for your own lack of control of yourself to biology.
Your not undiscliplined. you have ADHD.
Your not a sexually depraved equal opportunity slut, you are biologically bisexual.
Your not weak, you suffer from depression.
These are very comforting les to tell yourself because it excuses you from the hard work of taking control of yourself, it allows you to blame your genes, your environment, the medications your mother took when pregnant etc, anything but yourself.
Blame it on the rain baby.
Whatever you do dont put the blame on you
Originally posted by Reaganwasourgreatest
Wow, this is the thread for me. I am not going to trash any of you people. I will leave that to Ed.
Question: If it is in fact genetic, then would not millions of years of evolution breed that gene out?
Originally posted by Reaganwasourgreatest
Breed that gene in? You are kidding right? My bio profs would have loved that one.
Great, now this Christian can blame those endanged species, endangered because they are gay. Make sense to me!
Originally posted by Reaganwasourgreatest
First I willl assume that all of you...........believe in evolution. I do not until they can get past Newton's second law (which is an impossibility).
Originally posted by Reaganwasourgreatest
yes indeed your are rightabout the first part, I am talking about the 2nd law of thermo (must have been thinking about work again) and I have heard the closed system argument before
Originally posted by XRippaManX
Before you try and attempt to debate me, figure out the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE. I now take you just as serious as I do every other fool on the internet, that types like they have brain damage. "Your soo dum, nurulugee aint reel n e wayz, your jus maykin xcuses".
I find it amusing that you attacked only the biological part of my post, and not the moral part, everyone seems to follow that same pattern. This part being the most weak part of that particular post, I could see the attraction. I shall adress your response though.
On the note of brain disorders just being excuses, I really hope no one has ever given you a degree in neurology. People with any officialy diagnosed brain disorders, show specific neurological patterns. Certain parts of their brain work harder than the others, making their brain chemicaly unbalanced. If you'RE a dreamer, you can not just say "oh I better grow up" and it be immediately changed. Speaking from a purely scientific stand point, your neurologcal patterns are mostly what makes you who you are. Yes you can think for yourself, but that has nothing to do with how your brain controls your emotions. Your emotional imbalances have NOTHING to do with your intellectual thought process, saying that these disorders are really people that wont take responsibility for their own actions is ignorance in the highest.
What you did there with the little play on labels thing, works for you as well.
You're not an intolerant ignorant facist, you're just a good Christian!
Also, I know it's hard for you to fathom and all, but me touching myself at 5 had no outside influence. Most of my friends started masturbating way before puberty even took place, and none of them had outside influence either. I know it scares you, because it skews your take on reality, and I feel very sorry for your luck.
[edit on 16/2/2005 by XRippaManX]
Originally posted by mwm1331
Originally posted by XRippaManX
Before you try and attempt to debate me, figure out the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE. I now take you just as serious as I do every other fool on the internet, that types like they have brain damage. "Your soo dum, nurulugee aint reel n e wayz, your jus maykin xcuses".
I find it amusing that you attacked only the biological part of my post, and not the moral part, everyone seems to follow that same pattern. This part being the most weak part of that particular post, I could see the attraction. I shall adress your response though.
On the note of brain disorders just being excuses, I really hope no one has ever given you a degree in neurology. People with any officialy diagnosed brain disorders, show specific neurological patterns. Certain parts of their brain work harder than the others, making their brain chemicaly unbalanced. If you'RE a dreamer, you can not just say "oh I better grow up" and it be immediately changed. Speaking from a purely scientific stand point, your neurologcal patterns are mostly what makes you who you are. Yes you can think for yourself, but that has nothing to do with how your brain controls your emotions. Your emotional imbalances have NOTHING to do with your intellectual thought process, saying that these disorders are really people that wont take responsibility for their own actions is ignorance in the highest.
What you did there with the little play on labels thing, works for you as well.
You're not an intolerant ignorant facist, you're just a good Christian!
Also, I know it's hard for you to fathom and all, but me touching myself at 5 had no outside influence. Most of my friends started masturbating way before puberty even took place, and none of them had outside influence either. I know it scares you, because it skews your take on reality, and I feel very sorry for your luck.
[edit on 16/2/2005 by XRippaManX]
Wow I gave bad grammar? So what: irrelevant, to' the" discussion. Whether my grammer and speeling is perfect or not is neither the topic nor does it in any way increase or decrease the validity of my points. Nice to see though that you admit that the biological "born gay" argument is weak.
Yes some diagnosed brain disorders do show specific nuerological patterns. However are those patterns the cause or the symptom?
Your neurological patterns may make you who you are but I am far more than the sum of my electrochemical makeup.
Emotional embalances have nothing to do with thought processes? really? Try this, think about the saddest day of your life, jhow do you feel? Now think about the greatest triumph you have ever had? Now how do you feel?
You see the emotions can be controlled and are self directed, I know this because I control my emotions, I dont allow them to control me. Again its a queston of whehter you have the strength to exercise your abillity to choose or whether you surrender that abillity to biology.
As to the moral part of your post I saw you accuse me and others of beng upset when a woman is in a dominat position in a relatonship? Sorry but your barking up the wrong tree.
The simple fact is there is no moral postion you can take in defense of immorality, I love you and all other humans as best I can, because of that love I will not stand silkently by while you are lied to and led down the road to damnation, you see its not the fact that you are gay bisexual, trisexual or whatever that is the problem its that you think its ok. Its very similar to being a drug addict, you can fix the problem ntill you admit there is a problem. But I will pray for you none the less, maybe one day you will realise the truth if not I hope god forgives you anyway.
Originally posted by EnronOutrunHomerun
XRippaManX - I have a suspicious hunch that if you keep letting this angst slip out, you're going to run into the ban hammer....
No need for name calling - Just put your ideas across and let it be....Reserve you're bickering for U2Us.....
Originally posted by Jakko
Originally posted by EnronOutrunHomerun
XRippaManX - I have a suspicious hunch that if you keep letting this angst slip out, you're going to run into the ban hammer....
No need for name calling - Just put your ideas across and let it be....Reserve you're bickering for U2Us.....
It really amazes me to see how far trolls are allowed to go in their attempt to piss people off so much that they resort to namecalling.
Can't we call someone who is a retard a retard?
Ignorant just doesn't seem to cover half of it for some individuals.
[edit on 17-2-2005 by Jakko]