a reply to:
Three letters: "C" "I" "A"
The CIA, throughout the 1950's and into the early sixties co-opted treasonous "intellectuals and/or academics" and tricked some influential/easily
influenced "leaders/mouthpieces" on the "Traditional American left"(Think FDR/New Deal Democrats). The traditional left wing in the U.S. during the
late-early to mid 20th century were not communists nor socialists. Often times they were working towards laws to protect the the blue collar workers.
In some cases, depending on the period, there were calls of support for women's suffrage and civil rights. Just as James Burnham and Kristol Sr. can
be found at the roots of Neo Conservatism, a philosophy carried on by Bush, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Zakheim and many others we can observe the
outgrowth of a "new left" under the leadership of Dulles, Wisner and their cabal.
The point is; Both American Liberalism and Conservatism is dead. The underlying philosophies have been intentionally killed off. One may even venture
back to, and in some cases before, the conspiratorial and morally reprehensible formation of the Fed.
The type of hateful rhetoric referenced in the OP is all part of the plan. It all divide and conquer. Not only is there a system of political values
that outwardly appear to be diametrically opposed, but are in reality seeking the same ends(as they all work for the same unaccountable
international bankers). This is one of the results. This incredibly stupid, offensive and insane rhetoric is all part of the plan. It comes from the
more extreme "true believer" elements of each side of the nonsensical, planned cookie cutter spectrum that individuals are supposed to (brain washed
to) adhere from childhood.
This is just another very very sad day for the U.S.
A global system of governance, moreso than what currently exists, will be foisted upon the masses not by force of Martial law but rather as a
consequence of a purposefully constructed deep ideological divide. A ideological divide that may cause an entire failure of contemporary society and
economy, plunging nation's into civil war. That's when the martial law will come in. And "they" will then have their justification. The middle East,
and especially Africa, has been in turmoil for quite some time. Manufactured in many cases. Africa, largely as the result of colonialism and the
exploitation of natural resources, has been an impoverished continent for at least the last century. Only now do we see the influx of migrants and
refugees into Europe. Gaddafi had partially prevented this from happening. He also challenged the USD. Gaddafi is now dead. While many, rightly so,
blame Hillary, I am more than certain that a Bush or McCain would have happily done the same.
What we see in the OP's story is a tiny window into the "how". It is however an excellent example of the larger problem facing human society. Sadly
this has all been engineered by other "humans".