a reply to:
Edit: Everything below is directed at the article. Winstonian, I feel strongly you linked the article
insincerely (knowing it WASN'T
satire) to demonstrate how absurd the content of the actual article is. Would I be correct?
After reading the article headline and the rest of your post, I was initially convinced "SATIRE alert! This is SO going to be some type of Satire!"
Then went to the link and decided to read the article as objectively as I could, despite gradually thinking the further I went along "Yeah, this is
definitely some form of satire..."
Then as I reached the last few words, to my UTTER amazement I realised "this is NOT satire. This person is being serious. They actually do believe
what they are saying!"
It was an interesting read. Nice presentation, pleasant language, thought-provoking and
exactly what I wanted to hear. And that is when alarm
bells rang off in my head. What I had just read was PERFECT ammunition for me who is highly critical of Western feminism to use against my nemeses. I
was given such good reasons to believe everything I was told, I was given such convincing and seemingly logical answers that I WOULD have been sold
and ready to link it in every pro-Western feminist thread I could find...had I NOT done my research into Islam before reading it.
If I could best sum up the article you linked, I would do it as follows:
Muslims Are The REAL feminists! is a dangerous piece of propaganda disguised in the shiniest of sheep's clothing for their intended audience: Western
feminists. Why? Because it is relying on the fact that Western feminists know next to nothing about Islamic scripture, which is VERY likely
considering they are already teamed up with Islam to help promote the belief that what I mentioned before (
close examination of Islamic
scripture) leads to Islamophobia. In addition, it serves an even darker purpose as well: to get people LIKE ME to automatically challenge Western
feminists to read it, as though I would have been given no better opportunity to rub into their faces that even Muslim feminists have it better than
they do!
All so very cunning and devious! I must admit I am surprised at realising the full extent of the attempted deception.
Attention: Western feminists, I don't particularly like you and you don't like me, but please heed the following warning wisely: do some basic
research into Islam, especially Muhammad and anything to do with Women's roles/obligations within Islam. You do NOT understand what you are being
If you think I am just trying to stir up trouble and demonise the author or Muslim "feminists", please at least consider this: why at no time
throughout the article are you never encouraged to look at the
source material of Islam, while continuously being told what you have probably
heard is wrong. They
don't say, "read into Islam and THEN decide for yourself!", they just encourage you to believe the author and all your
goals and ambitions you have fought for can be achieved by being a Muslim feminist! (you know, the ultimate combination of your nemeses' most feared
Please, for your sake as human beings, research Islam. Buy an authentic Quran with an English translation if you must and get access to Hadith
writings via the internet if you can, you are being deceived to a horrible degree!
Even more fascinating to consider after reading the article: Who has the most to gain from Western feminists swallowing this propaganda and
becoming Muslim feminists?
non-feminist Muslims!
We are headed for serious trouble if this article becomes a beacon of light within Western feminists circles, if it has not already happened...
edit on 25/4/2017 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)