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Am I the only one here that believe we created the idea of aliens and the ships?

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posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 03:02 AM
Isn't worshipping a certain belief automatically makes you worshipping a higher/supreme being(s) or God(s)?

For example:
Hinduism:Brahma,Vishnu,Krishna etc.
Confucianism:The ways of Confucious(Lao Zi)

Be it a set of ideas,nature,one god,many gods or goddesses,every religion on Earth in one way or another has a some sort of supreme being in their belief.Unless of course there is some religion that has no GOD(s) or SUPREME BEING(s) whatsoever that you can tell us?(which I highly doubt)

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 03:59 AM
i mostly agree with you 'Truth' - but some of my ideas vary.

i refuse to touch on the religion aspect so much, but i definetly agree that what was once called "satan" is now being called "ET"

-whoever he is and whatever his agenda - it should be clear to everyone that this "satan" character is sinister. forget what you call him, but recognize that throughout recorded history someone has had their hand in all of it - someone whose intentions have not changed - to trick humanity into slavery.

thats a pretty bold statement - it makes more sense if you step back and look at the larger LARGER picture. even for all you well intentioned people out there (including myself) - expect that he has his eyes on you too.

-is it so ridiculous to think there are infinitley intelligent beings (deities, whatever) that have such great atvantages over us that they could be setting us up using our own logic?

-point being, no matter how hard you try to understand the cosmos, INFINITY is INFINITY; you're not allowed. atleast not yet. for now, focus your efforts on what you can understand: being a good person.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 04:10 AM
Why would you assume Satan? I use to ridicule religion and the concept of god. Now I just ridicule religion and stand in awe of god. I don't care for any belief, I just believe in a God. I think that is more than sufficient.

Only man is capable of evil and hell is a concept that is created by man. It is just a cop out to give a name to evil or good. One can not exist without the other.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 04:28 AM
very true!

be it possitive/negetive, good/bad, righteous/evil,

as far as humanity is concerned, it has always existed and is key to existence. the "satan" character plays a key role, but who ever said key roles must be played by good characters?

-maybe its all relative to humanity; some call (-) lucifer/reptile/ET and (+) Jesus/God/theLight, in the end we all agree that its the (+) we want to be alligned with.

-he doesnt have to be called "satan" - call him what you like, just recognize his key role (-).

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by CmptrN3rd5
People should not be fearful of their religions or God. I hear so many religious people claiming to fear God or that one should fear God. Why? [edit on 3-2-2005 by CmptrN3rd5]

Most of the time, it comes from not using plain English the same. Throughout all of the Judeo-Christian texts, it says to fear God. A lot of other religions cover that to. Often the text can be changed to Awe and lose little meaning.
Think of it this way: I fear Hurricanes, yet I live right in their path. A more accurate wordage that others would understand is "a healthy respect"....but that tinge of fear is still there. Often, this is what Christians mean. We are supposed to have that fear, but live at peace with ourselves, lol...

And while I do believe that this is man-made, and being the christian I am, believe that Satan's out to distract us, I don't believe it's through the UFOs themselves, but more the obcession that some people have that consumes their lives over such subjects. People worryingmore about the Aliens taking over than the state of their soul....THATS more how Satan works.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 04:56 AM

I don't believe it's through the UFOs themselves, but more the obcession that some people have that consumes their lives over such subjects. People worryingmore about the Aliens taking over than the state of their soul....THATS more how Satan works.

Well said! From personal events, I can agree with that. For a while there I was very obsessed with getting to the root of this whole UFO thing. Well, I would still like to have everything disclosed etc...but I have come to terms realizing that all my efforts and concentration was being wasted on this "trivial-phenomenon"

-really, think about it - the whole UFO culture, comprised of well-intentioned people is a trap in itself. Lots of people know there is something to it, and want to get to the bottom of it - studying - pondering - puzzling, but never end up getting anywhere. Why? Because it too is a distraction, a tantalizing idea that has just enough evidence to keep me on edge, but not enough for me to get over it.

Modern day fairy tales - yes they may end up being completely real and evidenced later, but until that day why should we flush our efforts and concentration on some cosmic-pranksters? should we actually get to the root of the UFO question, i imagine we would hit a wall of sinister laughter, for then we would be caught!

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 05:15 AM
yeah i think you are the only one that believes that.
Aliens come and save us in 2012 from either a pole shift, a New World Order or a world war. Yes im a firm beliver in ET's i love them there our tru gods

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 06:08 AM
If i were an alien i wouldnt show myself to a population like ours. I mean half of people would attack the "satans little helpers" and probably stone them to death.
Damn religious lunatics, its not enough they screwed the world several times over already, the church is still feeding its loyal sheeps with biblical nonsense, rather than to help them open their eyes to the bigger truth that is all around them.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 06:19 AM
*sigh* it's not the religion that does thigs, it's the people in it. Just as many christians wold want them alive to convert them...or blieve that they have nothing to do with the Bible...and treat them with the same curiosity as everyone else...some Atheists would want them destroyed, some would want them studied, thereby destroying them, and othera would be outside with signs that say "Give peace a chance" while the monsters are killing them.....

ooooo religion is sooooooooooooo evil, lol...people are evil, screw adding religion.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 07:28 AM

Am I the only one here that believe we created the idea of aliens and the ships?

Maybe not the ONLY one, but certainly a minority...

If you were correct, then that means we started "creating" the idea hundreds of years ago, as evidenced in Renaissance, that's a lot of prep time.
Why is it that the zealots are never happy unless they are living in the end times? It's been over 2000 years since God was "active" and raining down frogs, sending in locusts, raining fire and brimstone, etc. so something tells me you've got nothing to worry about....
Odd that in those days, people attributed thunder and lightning to the anger of Gods, isn't it? And yet, we accept such stories as the parting of the Red Sea, or walking on water, as fact, and not mistakes in the narrative... Strange indeed....

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 08:07 AM
You are definitley not alone in your belief. According to recent polls, you fall into the 40% of those who don't beleive that aliens are visiting us. I'm afraid that in the next few years that percentage is going to decrease alot. You may wanna rethink, restudy, and re-evaluate what religion has taught mankind over the 1000's of years. I know I did

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 08:22 AM

bigger truth that is all around them.

...and the whirlwind starts. this thread, and every other like it is a waste really - but we love thinking about it, better yet we love to think about it while others think about it, and then discuss it. maybe in a week or two we will be back here doing the same. this argument will not go anywhere for either party.

BUT, here we are. i dont have a monopoly on the "truth" and no one here does. the little bit of insight i can offer is this:

seeing as we DO NOT KNOW, there is an enormous range of possibilties. out of all those possibilities are we ready to rule out the God scenario? Is it so implausable that there is an equation so grand that we are little variables at best? is it so crazy to think that maybe such an equation was set up by some supreme intelligence?

you do realize that because we're flawed, everything we touch becomes flawed no? that means religion too.

-its really not hard to imagine, intelligence so far advanced then ours - that we wouldnt understand even if it were explained to us.

why do we have the audacity to think we should have all the answers, or even the capacity? -its pretty ridiculous.

when Infinity is entered into the equation, no matter where, the entire outcome of the scenario can be altered drastically from any perspective, no matter where the INFINITE component is entered. think about that! because you and I are humans with FINITE minds, we cannot and will not be able to understand the cosmos unless the cosmos are FINITE. As soon as any one part becomes INFINITE, then we humans cease to even have a chance at understanding. i.e... no matter your position on 'the meaning of life' if such a thing as "infinity" exists your entire argument can be flipped upside down if one only takes the necessary steps back to see the "Bigger Picture" -does anybody follow me?!

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Truth
Am I the only one here that believe we created the idea of aliens and the ships?

Strange for someone who the argument could be made against that the idea of a christian god was also made up by man. Not looking for a fight. Just pointing out the similarities.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by mpeake
You are definitley not alone in your belief. According to recent polls, you fall into the 40% of those who don't beleive that aliens are visiting us. I'm afraid that in the next few years that percentage is going to decrease alot. You may wanna rethink, restudy, and re-evaluate what religion has taught mankind over the 1000's of years. I know I did

you certainly came a long way since ive been here mpeake

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Heartagram
Nope.Neither do i believe this guy.

Aliens and Satan are two different entity but I do believe both of them exist.If God can create us and satan,I don't thing he can't create aliens with his power.Anyways,any links showing Satan using the idea of aliens and UFO as just a distraction?I'd love to see some.

i'm not sure if this qualifies as the link you exactly wanted to see
but its in the general ballpark with links to further memes.

John Keel theorizes that all angelic manifestations in the Bible were simply the same beings now claiming to be aliens.

(i think the ~watcher site is fairly known amongst posters here)

[edit on 3-2-2005 by St Udio]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 10:18 AM
Why does an angel whether good or bad, need a space ship!? This is the silliest thing to me, every time I hear it it cracks me up. Other worlds are supported in the Christian bible if your Christian...what about that!? Why is it that some people are so arrogant as to think we have to be the only life form that exists

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by nukunuku

Originally posted by mpeake
You are definitley not alone in your belief. According to recent polls, you fall into the 40% of those who don't beleive that aliens are visiting us. I'm afraid that in the next few years that percentage is going to decrease alot. You may wanna rethink, restudy, and re-evaluate what religion has taught mankind over the 1000's of years. I know I did

you certainly came a long way since ive been here mpeake

I really appreciate the comment!

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 11:34 AM
If the end times are a coming I'm not bothered if it is Satan, Aliens or the Travelling Wilburys. I just wish they would get on with it so I don't have to read any more of these posts.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:42 PM

[edit on 3-2-2005 by CmptrN3rd5]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:43 PM
the only thing that is happening is people are gradually becoming more aware of their surroundings and the vast unknow that is "out there" and it scares the living crap out of them. I guess our collective conciousness is rising after all. I just wonder how long the fake barrier put upon us will hold.

Strap on your seat belts folks, were on a ride

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