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Am I the only one here that believe we created the idea of aliens and the ships?

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posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:10 PM
And that they were created specificaly for satans end time destraction?

I mean if they do come, how many of you souls will believe they are higher power and fall right for them?

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:22 PM
I have actually physically seen a few UFOs during my lifetime. No angels or demons have manifested themselves before my eyes. Though neither have I seen an extraterrestrial, just their (likely) ships.

As far as proof goes. There seems to be a good deal more evidence towards proof of UFOs and ETs than there is of anything spiritual, including anything concerning the Christian God. All evidence for proof of the Old and New Testament's reality lies within their pages alone. Other contemporary sources of documentation for the travels of Jesus during his short, but highly influential period of preaching are not forthcoming. Which makes all such beliefs based upon blind faith alone. Call me a Doubting Thomas, but my life's experience has made me agnostic.

I don't take ETs for a higher power as I do not think any higher power exists at this point in time. Nor do I think I have a soul which would make it impossible for me to be spiritually distracted by them.

[edit on 2-2-2005 by heelstone]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:33 PM
Im not denying they are real, im just saying that the government has created them in tune with their plan for global dictatorship. If they did show up heelstone what then would you think
of them?

Mostly im talking like this because I do believe in satan, evil, God and the end time new world order plot to destroy anybody who believes in Christ.


posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by Truth

And that they were created specifically for satans end time destraction?

Is this in your opinion or do you speak for your religion?
Please show me the 'Truth'..,Truth.

Well Imo if all this "end of time" is true (I doubt it is) I will fight it and others will to.
Will they come from the planet hell?

Good day.

[edit on 2/2/2005 by Umbrax]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax

Originally posted by Truth

And that they were created specifically for satans end time destraction?

Is this in your opinion or do you speak for your religion?
Please show me the 'Truth'..,Truth.

Well Imo if all this "end of time" is true (I doubt it is) I will fight it and others will to.
Will they come from the planet hell?

Good day.

[edit on 2/2/2005 by Umbrax]

I totally agree, if the endtime is near I will not fight in the name of god, but in the name of freedom. For my family and my family's tommorrow.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Truth
Im not denying they are real, im just saying that the government has created them in tune with their plan for global dictatorship. If they did show up heelstone what then would you think of them?

I have read a lot about the subject of extraterrestrials. A whole lot. I am not of the belief that ETs, fake or real, are part of any plan to create a global dictatorship. I do believe that ETs would rather us not have any governments controlling our lives and would prefer us to live in some type of peaceful anarchy situation.

Since I am agnostic, I can and would change my beliefs if something would necessitate that. If what you think is going to happen actually does happen, then I would be all for your train of thought. Whether I am too late to have my name written in the Book of Life or not would be my own bad judgement and I fully accept such a consequence. Until such an event happens, which I highly doubt, I will trust my own judgement on this matter.

Mostly im talking like this because I do believe in satan, evil, God and the end time new world order plot to destroy anybody who believes in Christ.

Honestly, I don't think our leaders would want religious belief in Christ to be destroyed. Its my opinion that it makes the population far more pliable and willing to accept the rule of other men. If anything, non-believers would seemingly be far more troublesome being unincumbered by any of God's laws in their minds. Which would make them far more capable of causing chaos in a situation where absolute control would be necessary like a world dictatorship.

[edit on 2-2-2005 by heelstone]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:57 PM
heres some of the prophecies ive heard. Ill have to find them later.

In scripture it says that the end times will have alot of false christs, wonders and signs to decieve Gods souls who are brothers with christ, his followers.

Some prophecies state that alien ships were created by us off of the knowledge of Nikola tesla, and that those who inhabit the ship are mindless drones as in clones
who do not, absolutely do not have souls and were created and used for this purpose probably.

Aliens have been spotted for decades, by it would be real funny if they just showed up when the world would be in termoil to save us or something, when all along its satan planning this for along time
to lead our souls directly with him into hell.

Another huge lie is that the technology we have now thats open to the public is the mosted advanced. The government has far greater technology than they let us know about.


posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:05 AM
Do you not believe in the theory of of aliens possibly being fallen angels? There are many things in the Bible that would seem like they are actual UFO sightings and such. I suggest you check out some books on it and see what you can find out. I do indeed think the govt has tried and probably successfully made their own UFO's but even if they do possess higher technology then we are aware of I dont think that explains why there have been UFO sightings from a very long time ago.

And I would hope that people here will keep their maturity to not post anything asking for proof like always or saying that God is not real and whatnot. This is one guys theory not his freakin fact based statement to the whole world. Please, we respect your beliefs so respect ours without comment.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by CmptrN3rd5]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by Truth

And that they were created specificaly for satans end time destraction?

I mean if they do come, how many of you souls will believe they are higher power and fall right for them?

I think religion is basically the worship of aliens. Cargo cults that have gone mainstream. That is why it is so hard to create a religion in these days of jet planes and nuclear weapons.

Hell is man made. When I look at pictures of Fallujah and the destruction, I think of hell.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by Justanotherperson]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:13 AM
Heres some of the prophecies I've heard. Ill have them linked as we go along.

The Mayan Prophecies

Native American Prophecies

Egyptian Prophecies

and more...

and most of them also say pretty much we are in a end of times. But you can take it as you like old prophecies are old. They are so old none of us were around when they were made.
I like reading about prophecies.
I even like the prophecy that Reptoids will start popping out of the ground or out of air craft.

Am I the only one here that believe we created the idea of aliens and the ships?

Not at all. But you can say that about anything "Am I the only one here that believe we created the idea of fill in belief here."

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:20 AM
Well to some people money is their religion, or football is their religion.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:20 AM
Just because they have superior technology and all that jazz; it doesn't mean I'll bow down and worship them.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:25 AM

And that they were created specificaly for satans end time destraction?

Personally I don't beleive that myself.
I think they are real, I'll use the old cliche' that the Universe is just way
too big for us to be the only living inhabitants, which is what I beleive.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Truth

Well to some people money is their religion, or football is their religion.

Yes, and we created money and football too.
Boy, we sure do create allot of things.
Can anyone else name things we have created?

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:30 AM
Well to some people money is their religion, or football is their religion.

The true religion is this, and this is 100% true.

Go and sell everything, except poverty and work for the kingdom of heavens sake. this is what jesus tells us to do. Whoever puts anything above the kingdom
of heavens sake is not a Christian including me which I do alot. Ill pay for that too.

Ideas are created, and miracles are seen with the eyes through faith. if you have seen miracles you know what I mean, and I have seen these miracles.

All im saying is that I believe that our knowledge which created radio and TV from an idol mindset, and also creating our own destruction in WMDs have created the ships for the soul that rules this worlds purpose.

You don't have to believe it because its not popular. they seem so real. And they do, but I just think its created by satan through our idol minded scientists who look to creat life and everything that goes against the will of God.

JMO, which I believe personally.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:48 AM
Nope.Neither do i believe this guy.

Aliens and Satan are two different entity but I do believe both of them exist.If God can create us and satan,I don't thing he can't create aliens with his power.Anyways,any links showing Satan using the idea of aliens and UFO as just a distraction?I'd love to see some.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:51 AM

The true religion is this, and this is 100% true.

The true religion is Heaven' gate. This is 100 and one % true.

That was quite easy for me to say since I don't believe it.
However, I could never claim its true no more than you can tell me Satan and god are true.
I'm sure you will tell me thats that is what Satan wants me to believe and he has won. Sorry if that is a incorrect assumption, but I've heard it lots. It doesn't change how I see everything.

I don't like to make things personal but this serves my side of this subject.
I have noticed your mood in your mini bio. It says "fearful". It is my belief that fear will control people over everything else. In other words I interpret a religion of fear a religion of control.

In conclusion you say our knowledge created radio and TV from an idol mindset.
I say our fear created religion.
People control religion.
People control people.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 01:04 AM
Good points.
I categorize the religious as being:

Those worship a religion.
Those who worship God.

Do you see the difference. You can worship a belief and not god. I believe the majority fall into this trap.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 01:32 AM
People should not be fearful of their religions or God. I hear so many religious people claiming to fear God or that one should fear God. Why? There is nothing to fear if you feel you are on his side and live in his name. Thats what gets to me most about so called Christians and whatnot. But if youre fearful of what may soon come then I feel for you but you must remain strong because at this present moment I dont feel a tad bit scared of whats to come and very often I feel excited.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by CmptrN3rd5]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 01:49 AM
If (and notice that I did write "If", which means...."IF") God asked you to choose between Him and your church, between him and your minister, between him and all you believe about aliens and the end times.....what would you choose?

If god asked you to choose between Jesus and love.....what would you choose? (to say that Jesus "is" love is not answering the question, but stating your belief)



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