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Marine Le Pen wins in France = Trumpism is a Global Movement

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posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
I will be amazed if Marine Le Pen wins.
I think her only hope is the unlikely one that Melenchon's voters go for her rather the rabid Europhile Macron.

Wow. You just called a man white the personality of an unbaked baguette "rabid." I assume you think Trump is "even keeled?"

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: TruMcCarthy

originally posted by: SBMcG

I'm coming to the conclusion that The Left really has no idea what's going on in The West right now.

Oh, they definitely know, they just don't want The People to know. If the The People of The West were actually being informed to what was being done to their countries, the Leftist and Globalist agenda would be dead in the water.

I actually think that toothpaste is already out of the tube. There can be no denying that there is a major push-back against leftism and globalism in the West. If Le Pen wins next month, that is a game-changer as far as I'm concerned. If Frexit follows, that is not only a continuation of the national sovereignty trend, that is probably the end of the EU.

And God help the Left in the US if they take another massive beat in 2018...
edit on 24-4-2017 by SBMcG because: Bill Clinton's wife lost the popular vote.

posted on Apr, 24 2017 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: SBMcG

Is that why she's stepped down from being the leader of her far right party to appeal to a larger demographic??

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: SBMcG

And God help the Left in the US if they take another massive beat in 2018..

No, God help the world if the United States abandons liberal democracy and the rule of law for Russian style authoritarianism. When borders become more important than people, people die to expand the borders. Five thousand years of recorded human history testifies to that fact.
edit on 25-4-2017 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: DJW001

originally posted by: SprocketUK
I will be amazed if Marine Le Pen wins.
I think her only hope is the unlikely one that Melenchon's voters go for her rather the rabid Europhile Macron.

Wow. You just called a man white the personality of an unbaked baguette "rabid." I assume you think Trump is "even keeled?"

nope, rabid in respect to his stance on the EU .

as for the rest of his life, I have no comment.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: SBMcG

And God help the Left in the US if they take another massive beat in 2018...

They will. I'm going on record.


posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: SBMcG

And God help the Left in the US if they take another massive beat in 2018...

They will. I'm going on record.


I agree.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: SBMcG

And God help the Left in the US if they take another massive beat in 2018..

No, God help the world if the United States abandons liberal democracy and the rule of law for Russian style authoritarianism. When borders become more important than people, people die to expand the borders. Five thousand years of recorded human history testifies to that fact.

The United States has never been a "liberal democracy". It was founded and has existed as a constitutional republic since 1776. It has become the greatest nation in human history because it had strong borders, a legal system based upon a fixed Constitution, and a national ethos based upon personal responsibility.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: SBMcG

Is that why she's stepped down from being the leader of her far right party to appeal to a larger demographic??

I have no idea. "Far right wing" sounds pretty good to me, but maybe she needs to appeal to a larger audience as you've said.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: SBMcG

The United States has never been a "liberal democracy".

A constitutional republic is a liberal democracy. So is a constitutional monarchy and a social democracy. Each of them features democratic elections, civil rights, free (but usually regulated) markets, and the rule of law.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: SBMcG

It has become the greatest nation in human history because it had strong borders, a legal system based upon a fixed Constitution, and a national ethos based upon personal responsibility.

While I'm at it, let me correct your other errors. The United States only has two borders. One of them is so porous that the only way you can tell that you have hiked or boated into Canada is because the Canadian part of the woods is cleaner. The other border has been revised several times over the course of our history. Bandits and smugglers have been crossing it for 150 years or so. It is only recently that this has been portrayed as an existential threat. The United States has thrived because it has mostly maintained good relations with its neighbors, until now, and has been isolated from European and Asian conflicts by two oceans. Consequently, we have been able to choose when and where we go to war. Our vast continental resources, combined with our ingenuity spawned by competitive markets, have provided us with a strong industrial and agricultural base.

The Constitution is not "fixed." The Founders understood that society evolves, which is why they made provision for amending it. Thanks to its fluid nature, we no longer have slavery, and women and minorities have the vote. Sorry if you don't like that, but that's liberal democracy for you. Another feature is the separation of powers. The President cannot make law by decree, as Mr. Trump is learning to his frustration. The judiciary can overturn any law or decree that violates constitutional principles.

Yes, individual responsibility is a key to America's success. So is community. Citizens are expected to vote, participate in the militia in order to provide for the common defense, attend town hall meetings, and generally respect and assist their neighbors.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: SBMcG

The United States has never been a "liberal democracy".

A constitutional republic is a liberal democracy. So is a constitutional monarchy and a social democracy. Each of them features democratic elections, civil rights, free (but usually regulated) markets, and the rule of law.

Let me correct a few of your many errors...

The United States is not now, nor has it ever been, politically liberal. It has always been a right-of-center country ideologically. that's why you leftists have had almost ZERO luck turning this constitutional republic into the socialist kleptocracy you perennial needy types seem to so crave.

Civil rights began under Republican Dwight Eisenhower (Civil Rights Act of 1957).

The overall free market economy is not "regulated" in this country, nor does the Constitution grant the Federal government the authority to do so -- that would be the state-controlled economy you leftists love, but the rest of us know to be communism. Certain segments are regulated more than others (banking, transportation, medical), but these efforts are more to ensure quality control than they are meddling in the individual business models of the companies in these sectors.

The rule of law in this constitutional republic is established and maintained by the static and fixed mandates of the Constitution of the United States. This document is under constant attack by liberals because it limits the size and scope of the one thing they want more of -- government.

This country is NOT a "democracy". If it were every vote would count in every election. Every law passed, every government act, and every decision made would be determined by majority vote. The system we have is that of a representative democracy, but the nation itself was formed as, and continues to be, a constitutional republic.

None of which has anything to do with political liberalism...

I live very near the Canadian border here in Washington, my cousin lives in Langley, BC, I am up there all the time. You don't need to lecture me about "borders". In my 35 years or so of making trips up to Canada I have yet to see one Canadian sneaking over the border illegally to take American jobs. If you knew anything at all about our northern border (which you clearly do not), you wold know that the number of illegal incursions across that border are minuscule when compared to the second-by-second daily nonstop onslaught of illegal immigrants, drugs, and probably terrorists coming across the US - Mexico border.

The United States has a massive trade deficit with Canada, so I have no idea what point you were trying to make about the US "thriving" because of the relatively open border between the two countries. That has nothing to do with any economic benefit either way.

The Constitution is absolutely a fixed document, as was clearly intended by the Framers. If you were to read the writings of our Founders as extensively as I have, you would very quickly come to understand their Original Intent in the framing of our Constitution was to limit the power of the Federal government and make the document itself very difficult to change.

During the Constitutional Convention (1787 - 89), literally tens of thousands of correspondences were sent between the Delegates. Modern liberals would be aghast at some of the suggestions. History buffs like me all have our favorite go-to Framers I suppose -- with me it's Hamilton, Washington of course, Franklin, and Madison. But I continue to come back to the Hamiltonian doctrine that individual rights (and responsibilities thereof) should be infinite and government's power over the individual finite.

Again, the opposite of modern leftism...

If you think the Constitution is a "living document" why didn't "constitutional scholar" Obama and his liberal Congress pass a socialized healthcare plan when they could have passed anything they wanted?

Because they knew it was unconstitutional...

Obama wrote as many EO's as President Trump. Obama also got slapped down by the courts just as much. Again, I don't know what your point is there...

Liberals love to use terms like "community" (liberal definition: collectivism), but it's all a bunch of happy horse pucky. If you want to go live on a kibbutz with a bunch of like-minded penniless hippies -- hey, you're free to do that. But don't expect the rest of us to find that an acceptable lifestyle.

I hope I have corrected your many errors and given you something to think about. I'll leave you with this to put a finer point of the fact that America is a right-of-center nations...

Gallup: Liberals Only 25% of Electorate

Have a pleasant day.

posted on Apr, 26 2017 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: SBMcG

Let me correct a few of your many errors...

The United States is not now, nor has it ever been, politically liberal.

You seem not to understand the definition of "liberal." It means that the government does not attempt to control the economy through state monopolies, and affords its private citizens certain legal rights. This is the original sense of the term, which is the meaning it has in the phrase "liberal democracy." The opposite of liberalism is autocracy, of which monarchism is a form. Did the Founders establish a monarchy?

Civil rights began under Republican Dwight Eisenhower (Civil Rights Act of 1957).

Civil rights began with the Bill of Rights, which were limitations on the power of government. These rights were guaranteed to all citizens in 1957.

The overall free market economy is not "regulated" in this country,

Exactly. It is a liberal democracy.

nor does the Constitution grant the Federal government the authority to do so

Actually, the Constitution grants the Federal government power to regulate interstate trade. This loophole has been exploited by both Progressives and Conservatives, as their agendas necessitates.

Certain segments are regulated more than others (banking, transportation, medical), but these efforts are more to ensure quality control than they are meddling in the individual business models of the companies in these sectors.

Correct, we do not have a centralized command economy, we have a liberal, free trade model.

The rule of law in this constitutional republic is established and maintained by the static and fixed mandates of the Constitution of the United States.

The rule of law is constrained by the Constitution, which provides the means for its amendment. It is not fixed and immutable. Differences of interpretation of its "mandates" precede the Republic, and are frequently the driving force of its politics.

This country is NOT a "democracy". If it were every vote would count in every election. Every law passed, every government act, and every decision made would be determined by majority vote. The system we have is that of a representative democracy, but the nation itself was formed as, and continues to be, a constitutional republic.

Once again, no-one ever called this a "direct" democracy. It is a liberal, representative democracy. "Representative democracy" means "republic."

None of which has anything to do with political liberalism...

You keep confusing the word "liberal," which comes from a word meaning "free," with an imaginary monster that "conservative" propagandists tell you is hiding under your bed in an attempt to steal your guns. In fairness, you do seem to understand 18th century American political philosophy. Perhaps if you read some European history and political philosophy, you would understand what is meant by the phrase "liberal democracy." It has absolutely nothing to do with anything the American Democratic party is about.

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