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Need help with strange occurrences

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posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: Davg80
a reply to: sled735

take the member "surnamename57" for example, he has no flags and only opinions the negates anything you say, so he is either an antagonizer of the cause, paid or recreational troll, or whatever. or he has deep conditioned insecurities that makes him belittle anyone that has any views that are not like his.....

DENY IGNORANCE is not only my motto. It's my way of life!

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 10:51 AM
I hope Jason will be back. However, in the meantime, let's not let the discussion drop or go to waste.

I'd never really thought about what kind of advice I would give to someone experiencing ... high strangeness, Forteana, UFO/Ghost/Cryptid phenomena that just wanted it to stop.

Anyone interested in discussing our ATS reaction to Jason's (I believe) heart-felt request for help?

What should we say in the future?

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
I hope Jason will be back. However, in the meantime, let's not let the discussion drop or go to waste.

I'd never really thought about what kind of advice I would give to someone experiencing ... high strangeness, Forteana, UFO/Ghost/Cryptid phenomena that just wanted it to stop.

Anyone interested in discussing our ATS reaction to Jason's (I believe) heart-felt request for help?

What should we say in the future?

After spending 5 years reading and trying to help others understand their experiences on my paranormal thread, I feel I have learned quite a bit in how to respond. I try to be helpful, even if the story is beyond believable.

Having experienced all kinds of high-strangeness, I know what it's like to not have anyone to turn to who will believe what I say, so I try to put myself in the person's shoes and give the kind of advice without ridicule, as I would hope to receive from someone.

Sometimes, just listening and saying you believe them helps immensely, because the first knee-jerk reaction is to tell them they're crazy and need a shrink... and that doesn't help at all!

Understanding that strange things do happen in this world, and just because we haven't experienced it first hand, doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's like saying I don't believe someone tripped you on purpose on the bus because it has never happened to me.

When someone does come on my thread that I think has mental issues, I do try to get them to seek help, but I do it with kindness and never belittle them. I think that is the first most important thing to do; show empathy.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:10 AM
Well this is not new, whatever Jason's encounter is real or not, this type of beings are common, more common of what people think.

I could explain why happen this, but probably people would say $#%#" s-hit that cant be. Anyway i can only say that encounters with strange beings are not uncommon, in fact some wars in our history have not only been with humans, one of them was the Vietnam war, do you think that militaries where only flushing out vietcongs from caves??....

Encounters happens, why this beings sometimes pop up here is another history.

Hope this helps

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
I hope Jason will be back.

Jason has been sending me personal messages since he left the board. In his last message, he stated he had taken down the trail cam and found more anomalies. He said it looked like faint mists swooshing through a couple of frames that weren't in the previous, nor the ones that followed.

He said his brother was trying to figure out a way to upload the pictures to his laptop, then send them to Jason's phone so he could share them.

I don't know if he will share them here, or just send them to me and a select few others here in private messages. He seemed to be quite done with the thread though. He isn't seeking attention, only help in understanding what's happening.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: sled735

Personally, I've gone back and forth on most issues in life, LOL. However, whatever my personal positions are I'm really trying to retrain myself (and I fail in regard to politics and especially religion) to understand that many times people are speaking from an entirely SUBJECTIVE position, not objective.

Therefore, when I (or anyone) insists on applying objectivity (rational, scientific, etc.) to the simple relation of an experience ... it seems reasonable to respond just as you've stated that you do.

Notice how many of the (genuine) folks make the claim "I know what I saw."

Now, do I think that the subject matter in general is subject to objective review? Absolutely.

But when we're talking about our experiences purely, I wouldn't mind seeing the policies in Skunk Works and The Grey Area forums extended across the T&C ... SO LONG AS someone is merely saying "This happened to me, or "This is my opinion."

In my opinion.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: sled735
Sorry to see the OP doesn't want to return, but thankful that he is still in contact privately. Will Jason be okay with you sharing any new information with ATS?

I have been lurking ( As I am sure many others are too) and simply reading since I really can't imagine what I could contribute to the thread...but it is a fascinating thread and my curiosity is peaked. Was and still am hoping to see any possible cam captures.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: AlexDJ
Well this is not new, whatever Jason's encounter is real or not, this type of beings are common, more common of what people think.

I could explain why happen this, but probably people would say $#%#" s-hit that cant be. Anyway i can only say that encounters with strange beings are not uncommon, in fact some wars in our history have not only been with humans, one of them was the Vietnam war, do you think that militaries where only flushing out vietcongs from caves??....

Encounters happens, why this beings sometimes pop up here is another history.

Hope this helps

Yes, that's correct.

I saw a video where, I think it was William Tompkins telling about being in a war, and when he looked over into the brush, he saw several gray ETs. One of them asked what he was doing there, because he wasn't supposed to be there.
The ETs were engaged in the war.

That may have been someone else, but William Tompkins was the one who popped in my head.
I watch so many videos, and read so many stories, sometimes I get the characters confused.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: CynConcepts
a reply to: sled735
Sorry to see the OP doesn't want to return, but thankful that he is still in contact privately. Will Jason be okay with you sharing any new information with ATS?

I have been lurking ( As I am sure many others are too) and simply reading since I really can't imagine what I could contribute to the thread...but it is a fascinating thread and my curiosity is peaked. Was and still am hoping to see any possible cam captures.

I'm going to do my best to persuade him to share the photos with everyone here because I know a lot of people would love to see them. I don't know that I'll be successful, but I'll try.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: sled735

Yep, i can only say this, in the Second World War drugs where less used to engage the enemy and was more about Honor and Respect and defend your country, in Vietnam War is like the floods of drugs were open and there is a good reason for it, if you not only engaged humans in caves but something else too would you not like to forget that from your mind???.....

Now you know why in the Vietnam War drugs where more used than in the Second World War., sometimes its better to forget.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: AlexDJ
a reply to: sled735

Yep, i can only say this, in the Second World War drugs where less used to engage the enemy and was more about Honor and Respect and defend your country, in Vietnam War is like the floods of drugs were open and there is a good reason for it, if you not only engaged humans in caves but something else too would you not like to forget that from your mind???.....

Now you know why in the Vietnam War drugs where more used than in the Second World War., sometimes its better to forget.

Do you have personal experiences in Vietnam with something other than humans in caves that you can share?

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: AlexDJ
a reply to: sled735

Yep, i can only say this, in the Second World War drugs where less used to engage the enemy and was more about Honor and Respect and defend your country, in Vietnam War is like the floods of drugs were open and there is a good reason for it, if you not only engaged humans in caves but something else too would you not like to forget that from your mind???.....

Now you know why in the Vietnam War drugs where more used than in the Second World War., sometimes its better to forget.

Do you have personal experiences in Vietnam with something other than humans in caves that you can share?

I know you were asking AlexDJ this, but I would like to add that the military did experiments on the soldiers from the 1950s to the 1970s because they had to obey orders. '___' was used on over 1,500 "test subjects" to learn about the effects of the drug.
Here is a short article: Experimenting on Troops

I'm sure some of what the soldiers saw was just an hallucination, however, some things could have been real, and the drug was used as a way to tell them it was only their imagination.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: sled735

I was aware of some experiences with ____ but thanks for the link.

I was actually more interested that caves were involved; that intersects with some of my current research work.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

No personal experience and i am not that old to have been in vietnam war, its what i know of it, that doesnt mean i have not encounter strange stuff, yes sometimes happens. People think that encountering a different being or a ET its like a star trek or star wars, sorry to spoil your idea of been valiant but problably you would scream like a small children afraid and run to the hills literally , well if your legs moves

Now why this happens? i can only say that sometimes beings are on the run and sometimes they end up on solar systems like ours that are less "check".

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: AlexDJ

And sometimes humans have to deal with them, Vietnam war had a lot of this stuff, thats why drugs where let rampant around so you have more probability to forget what you saw engaged On Both sides of the coin.. I mean not only USA soldiers, vietcongs and USSR soldiers too.

But heck you can think i am ufo nut and i am in vietnam drugs

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: AlexDJ

I don't think you're a nut OR on drugs.

Thanks for responding.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: sled735

I was aware of some experiences with ____ but thanks for the link.

I was actually more interested that caves were involved; that intersects with some of my current research work.

Have you heard Corey Goode's story?
As some others here on ATS, I think a lot of what he says has been "downloaded" from a high technology source that makes him really believe it's all real. However, I also think there is some truth in what he shares. There are many others who have come forward talking about the tunnels, and underground caves where "aliens" live.

The case about the green children who "appeared" in a field in the village of Woolpit in England has always intrigued me. The girl claimed she came from underground.

The Green Children of Woolpit

I've read other accounts of people seeing Beings who had green skin, blue skin, bronze skin, etc. It's fascinating to think what may be lurking underneath our feet!

And learning about the Dulce underground facility is one that has left my mouth agape! The things that have gone on there are terrifying!

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: sled735

Yep there are a lot of cave trolls around both humans and not humans, plenty of space on this world for everybody to enjoy. Some are here for the fun, others are "fugitives" and others are use for finding the "fugitives". It's a whaky universe, ever seen finding bigfoot? Some humans try to find Bigfoot but Bigfoot its soooo clever he can erase tracks, leave no mark and dissapear like larry houdini but when you ask researchers they say "Yep Bigfoot problably is a long lost human relative that lives with ancient tools" or "They are probably a Gorilla relative" now know why they say that LOL.

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 12:37 PM
sled, I too hope that you can convince Jason to return to the thread. Let him know that there are folks who are genuinely interested and not here to belittle him. Thanks in advance!

posted on Apr, 20 2017 @ 01:32 PM
Hello, I just came across your story and found it very interesting. Though I have not seen a creature like that I have witnessed very dark and disturbing beings... I don't know your beliefs but I can tell you right now, aliens, ghosts, demons, monsters... They're all real.

What you encountered sounds like a member of a subspecies of either a Reptilian or Alien Grey. There are many many different races, though to make things extra confusing many of them look very similar to one another even though they may not share similar agendas.

Though based on this creature's interest in your children, I am assuming it was most likely a reptoid. As for it dissappearing it likely had some kind of portal technology situated in your barn,

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