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ANTIFA Girl Hospitalized By Nazis!

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posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: whatsecret

I have heard of excessive force. Punching someone lobbing glass bottles at you is not excessive in my estimation. Its "assault" vs "aggravated assault". I believe the law agrees with that, but i could be wrong.

Would i punch a woman? No. But then again, i wouldn't be in the vicinity of a brawl either. Im a normal person.

You missed my point, of course. Why did he chase her for a second punch and do you support it?

Why can't i simply say, "Oh, its 2 assholes swapping punches....they are idiots" and that be good enough?

You could and have said that? And a bunch of other (wink, wink) absolute Bull# in defense of this guy whilst trying to pose as being offended by him.

Psst..It wasn't "swapping punches" was a Neo-Nazi sucker punching the girl TWICE...

For someone that wasn't there you sure as hell have a penchant for inserting facts that never happened..

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: whatsecret

I'm surprised you don't stand for equality. Sad.

Must be a Trumpkin.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
Because its a morose question.

What you have essentially done is ask people to admit to supporting a neonazi....thats not a team anyone wants to join.

WTF are you talking about?

His question never even said the word "Nazi"

This is what he asked...

originally posted by: whatsecret
How many of you here defending this tough guy would do the same thing, punch her when she had the bottle then chase her and punch her the second time and then run away like a little bitch?

AND as far as the answer...YOU or anyone else just has to read the 35 pages of posters defending his actions as all cool to know where they stand...

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: Bobaganoosh
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Dude, she is a mentally ill leftist with pornographic aspirations, and poor hygiene.

Her parents are failures and should be forced to watch her epic facepunch in hell for eternity.

Awesome slo-mo gif. Hollywood made her delusional thinking she can go toe to toe with this guy.

This awesome gif should be used to convict him for assault.

None of you want to answer my question?

So if I'm dumb enough to charge Tyson and he defends himself he should get charged with assault too?

Apparently you're dumb enough to think that second punch was self defense.

First, second, third punch whatever it takes to prevent a possible knife to the gut.

So now he was worried she had a knife, so he chased her?

Time to ask your doctor if lithium is right for you.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

You did notice my phrase "what you essentially said", right? i hope that helps.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: whatsecret

there was no excuse for him to chase her for a second punch. Judging by the video he ran up to her for one and only reason which is to punch a girl half his size. Once he did that he ran away like a little bitch and didn't care if she picked up another weapon, he just wanted to hit a girl. period.

And that's the bottom line..

So I'm asking the people who keep posting "she got what she deserved and he did the right thing" for 34 pages, if they would have done the same thing.

So would you?

The answer for a lot a-holes on this thread is very clearly long as they could get away with it.

Why did Nathan Damigo literally run away immediately after punching her the second time?

He just didn't realize he got caught on Camera and he wanted to get out of there before someone called him out for beating on a girl during the melee.
edit on 19-4-2017 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: MysticPearl
a reply to: whatsecret

I'm surprised you don't stand for equality. Sad.

Must be a Trumpkin.

I enjoy sarcasm and I even put some in my original post.

Children have equal right too, Do we punch them in the face when they"re acting out? Healthy men have no excuse for using excessive force on anyone who is physically smaller and/or weaker than they are. Has nothing to do with equality.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: Bobaganoosh
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Dude, she is a mentally ill leftist with pornographic aspirations, and poor hygiene.

Her parents are failures and should be forced to watch her epic facepunch in hell for eternity.

Awesome slo-mo gif. Hollywood made her delusional thinking she can go toe to toe with this guy.

This awesome gif should be used to convict him for assault.

None of you want to answer my question?

So if I'm dumb enough to charge Tyson and he defends himself he should get charged with assault too?

Apparently you're dumb enough to think that second punch was self defense.

First, second, third punch whatever it takes to prevent a possible knife to the gut.

So now he was worried she had a knife, so he chased her?

Time to ask your doctor if lithium is right for you.

He did not chase her down. She stepped into the ring. And I wouldn't put it pass anyone who's dressed like a lunatic that they would have a knife or a gun. And im pretty sure if she was looking more like a female the guy would have gave her a pass. And no I don't think Nazism is a good idea.
edit on 19-4-2017 by wickd_waze because: ASU

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: Indigo5

You did notice my phrase "what you essentially said", right? i hope that helps.

Oh.. the phrase where you invent something completely different than what he asked?

Magical turn of phrase there you got Tex..

I guess you are "essentially saying" that it helps to make # up when you are on the wrong side of an argument?

Did I get that usage correct?
edit on 19-4-2017 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: Indigo5

Psst..It wasn't "swapping punches" was a Neo-Nazi sucker punching the girl TWICE...

For someone that wasn't there you sure as hell have a penchant for inserting facts that never happened..

I didn't see him hit her twice in the video in the OP.....i saw it once.

That said....she was pretty clear in her intent. Maybe she didn't throw a punch, so swaps never happened. In the 10 seconds of video we have, she got hit hard by someone. In the photos we have, she is carrying an unbroken bottle (meaning she likely brought it with her). If you have other evidence im happy to look at it. I've been busy, and have been passing through this thread between i may have missed something.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: Indigo5

You did notice my phrase "what you essentially said", right? i hope that helps.

Oh.. the phrase where you invent something completely different than what he asked?

Magical turn of phrase there you got Tex..

I guess you are "essentially saying" that it helps to make # up when you are on the wrong side of an argument?

Did I get that usage correct?

Sure. WHy not.

Ill stand by what my understanding of his question was. Unless he would like to clarify, that is. Or unless you are telling me that the dude wasn't a Nazi. Im happy either way.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Why did Nathan Damigo literally run away immediately after punching her the second time?

Because he knew that what he did was not self defense but an assault.

(post by whatsecret removed for a manners violation)

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:56 PM


posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:58 PM
This thread is pornographic, isn't it? Enjoy.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

originally posted by: Indigo5

Psst..It wasn't "swapping punches" was a Neo-Nazi sucker punching the girl TWICE...

For someone that wasn't there you sure as hell have a penchant for inserting facts that never happened..

I didn't see him hit her twice in the video in the OP.....i saw it once.

The video shows him in the background attacking her the first time...

The Pic with the bottle is from the first time he attacked her...she was also wearing a hat then.

He slammed her to the ground..she lost hat and bottle..RAN and came out behind a post in the left of the video..

Where he sees her and goes in for another punch..


Notice the tall guy standing beside woman beater Nazi boy in the beginning of this? Shaved sides of his head? (He accompanies Nazi Boy to the punch scene)

Notice the guy they are in a stand off with..the backpack guy on right? (He gets stomped and jumped in the Punch can see it was him when he gets up at the end of OP video)

Then here the two are again...With Nathan Damigo attacking the girl (she loses hat and bottle here)

He has his buddy from the stand off line behind him. shaved sides of head...member of his Nazi club BTW

SAME TWO from the first video and the guy they are talking to is who they jump moments later when his friends are not around. That guy was the boyfriend of the girl who was punched.

So what is going on out of frame? They caught that kid that was in the stand-off in the first video and jumped him and are stomping and kicking him..

You can see Nathan attack the girl in the video below TWICE...which is also proven by the Photo above (1st attack)

In the OP Video you can see the first attack in the background...where that pick was taken of the 1st attack

All at the 6 Second Mark

He punched first in the background of the OP video..her hat gets knocked off and bottle dropped..she runs behind the pillars to escape and comes out close to camera..he spots her and runs up and socks her again...then runs away like a coward..

In the OP Video/Punch..>She has already lost hat and bottle to him from the FIRST attack moments earlier..

FIRST PUNCH - Loses hat and bottle

SECOND ATTACK - AFTER she runs away behind the posts and emerges and he sees her again..

edit on 19-4-2017 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2017 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2017 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

That said....she was pretty clear in her intent. Maybe she didn't throw a punch, so swaps never happened. In the 10 seconds of video we have, she got hit hard by someone. In the photos we have, she is carrying an unbroken bottle (meaning she likely brought it with her). If you have other evidence im happy to look at it. I've been busy, and have been passing through this thread between i may have missed something.

Her intent was simple. She was trying to get away from a guy who just hit her so hard that she lost her hat, mask and the bottle. By this time she was disarmed and even if she wanted to punch someone in the crowd next to her, no one would even notice. She looks like she can't even make a fist.

And if all you saw was the video in OP and think he hit her in self defense than It's even worse than I thought and I have nothing else to say to you. Try to not get beat up by little girls. Good luck.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: Bobaganoosh
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Dude, she is a mentally ill leftist with pornographic aspirations, and poor hygiene.

Her parents are failures and should be forced to watch her epic facepunch in hell for eternity.

Awesome slo-mo gif. Hollywood made her delusional thinking she can go toe to toe with this guy.

This awesome gif should be used to convict him for assault.

None of you want to answer my question?

So if I'm dumb enough to charge Tyson and he defends himself he should get charged with assault too?

Apparently you're dumb enough to think that second punch was self defense.

First, second, third punch whatever it takes to prevent a possible knife to the gut.

So now he was worried she had a knife, so he chased her?

Time to ask your doctor if lithium is right for you.

He did not chase her down. She stepped into the ring. And I wouldn't put it pass anyone who's dressed like a lunatic that they would have a knife or a gun. And im pretty sure if she was looking more like a female the guy would have gave her a pass. And no I don't think Nazism is a good idea.

You are hallucinating. I never said anything about Nazism. I said you are losing your mind and should see a doctor. Because when a person with a knife or a gun is running away from you you shouldn't run after them.

You've never been in a fight or brawl have you? Might do you some good to have some experience. Could save your life.

I grew up in brooklyn. experience I have. I understand what you're saying tho. You got experience with getting beat up by little girls so you're qualified and your opinion matters.

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: whatsecret

originally posted by: wickd_waze

originally posted by: Bobaganoosh
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Dude, she is a mentally ill leftist with pornographic aspirations, and poor hygiene.

Her parents are failures and should be forced to watch her epic facepunch in hell for eternity.

Awesome slo-mo gif. Hollywood made her delusional thinking she can go toe to toe with this guy.

This awesome gif should be used to convict him for assault.

None of you want to answer my question?

So if I'm dumb enough to charge Tyson and he defends himself he should get charged with assault too?

Apparently you're dumb enough to think that second punch was self defense.

First, second, third punch whatever it takes to prevent a possible knife to the gut.

So now he was worried she had a knife, so he chased her?

Time to ask your doctor if lithium is right for you.

He did not chase her down.

You might have some # in your eye...cuz the video is plain...TWICE and yes..he chased her down and sucker punched her..

And im pretty sure if she was looking more like a female the guy would have gave her a pass.

Beating women for how they dress?

Tell me again the difference between an Alt-Right Trumptard and ISIS?

posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 06:54 PM
Lot of cowards in this thread.

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