This poor individual got traumatized twice. Psychically and emotionally. First by being punched in the face by a "nazi" and then some bigot just
assumed that this generic entity identifies as a "she" based on nothing but psychical appearance!!! Apparently it is no longer safe in America to go
to a rally determined to bring back 100 "nazi" scalps.
edit on Sun Apr 16 2017 by DontTreadOnMe because: solicitation link removed
Zero sympathy from me. She got what she deserved. She could have been at home doing what she was supposed to do. No, she took the idiot route and
decided to go protest.
Any time you go to a protest there is a chance you may end up in the hospital, jail, or dead. Its a risk she took and now she is paying for it. Oh
Drop her off here in the Bronx for some cultural enrichment! She can explain to the kind populist how she is a freedom fighter for the oppressed!!
Note to Antifa's and other idiots. Do not post on FB on how you are going to beat up nazis and then cry victim when said nazi punches back.
All sympathy she would have had in a jury trial for a man punching women for assault erased by that post.
This is gonna get out of control if these anti-fa morons keep up. They are gonna attract the attention of the skinheads and then things will really
get out of hand when they meet a large group of people who are begging for a fight to do some serious and permanent damage. a punch will be the least
they can do.
To me the vid just does not add up "her" being attacked, but rather she along with others are charging against folks, and meet due reistance. In the
background, her friends are giving really hard time for folks, punching and kicking low lieing folks, so - I guess those coming there between urgently
did not hesitate to cut off with reasonable force.
Why can't these minions live by their religion in North Korea or something? Why here?
edit on 16-4-2017 by deckdel because: (no reason
I'm just waiting for these protests to turn into a street war with both sides brining rifles and guns into the mix. Instead of poor mary sue with a
head injury, there might be a lot of john doe's and mary sue's with gun shot wounds and dead ones lying all accross the street like some hollywood
That is where this looks to be headed if this keeps going.
edit on 16-4-2017 by 4N0M4LY because: (no reason given)
Haters gonna hate. Give them an excuse, get in their face. They may use labels like Nazi for instance, but really its just cover for hate, anger,
Bullies are really afraid, they compensate for that fear with rage. Tiny little egos are so incensed at the slightest provocation. Its not worth your
time to engage them about anything.
I don't condone punching women either.
However, when said woman has the intent to do me harm I will do anything in my power to prevent it.
Also, she was wearing a mask when she was struck. Don't know if the guy who hit her was aware of her gender or not but I don't really care.
In my mind she got what she deserved.
Teach these Fascists (Oh i'm sorry, Anti-Fascists) a lesson or two about their frequent violent demonstrations, and intentional provocation to
There's a word for when you use violence and intimidation to provoke terror in people towards the ends of a political goal. It's called
Kick a dog and don't be surprised if it bites back. This woman got what she deserved.