posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 01:57 PM
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Geese are great watchdogs,i would love to have some but we have many dogs and i would not want the poor things cooped up in a small enclosure.They're
delish to eat too,my mother often made goose for xmas,really good meat,sort of creamy.I remember when i was pregnant with my youngest daughter,i
craved meat in the worst way,but we could hardly ever afford any,my hubby was between contracts. So it was me and the hubby,my oldest daughter from my
previous marriage,plus our daughter we had together,his parents,plus his sister and her son. At that stage she was also mostly unemployed,so the only
person in the household who had a job in those months was my hubby's dad. We ate a Lot of spaghetti,i can tell you.
On a road on the way to the mall,there was a small plot and there were always these 2 gorgeous fat geese.I kept bugging my husband to help me catch
one to consume,but he refused.God i was Desperate for meat
When i was a kiddie my mother always kept poultry. My father would occasionally slaughter one of her hens,but she would then make the Sunday chicken
in 2 different pyrex dishes- home chicken for us and a smaller dish of supermarket chicken for her
She would never put her mouth to one of her own