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It Might Be Panic Time

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posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost>>>> Really, Hillary is a vile human being( okay, she's not even human) and if the truth ever gets out about her 90% of those who support her would turn on her in a heartbeat. The other 10% would be the openly wretched and evil or so partisanly stupid that they live in a world of their own ignorance and insanity. So that's that. But I do not like Trump. He's arrogant and a blowhard but even still he did at least have a handle on what was wrong with the country and what the people wanted and that made sense enough to vote for him. He's been targeted by the deep state and they are NOT working for the best interests of Americans. So that's another reason to support him. So we need him and he needs us and we have mutual enemies.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 08:11 AM

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

But you are a self proclaimed globalist , Hillary supporter and SJW!

The anti-SJW's always amaze me.

The one most important thing I've come away with in my 70 years in this world is "be nice to people".

Yep, that's it "be nice to people".

Which does not mean I support free hand outs for doing nothing. "That which is not earned has no value".

So, what exactly do the anti-SJWs support then? The animalistic behavior of Survival of the Fittest?

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: Dutchowl
a reply to: Dark Ghost>>>> Really, Hillary is a vile human being( okay, she's not even human) and if the truth ever gets out about her . . .

Your knowledge of Hillary comes from where?

Right wing blogs perhaps?

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: Annee

mine comes from a dinner including fish and salad.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
a reply to: DBCowboy

WMDS were not found in Iraq because there were none to begin with. A couple old expired cannisters do not WMD make. People still believe this discredited fairy tale? Even the NEO cons starting the war later admitted it was BS. Sorry, "bad intelligence" or, whatever.

The most obvious answer here is the one Gryphon has pointed out and that is staring everyone in the face: Syria got its chemical weapons from the same seller they have been doing business with since the cold war era. The Soviets, and then the Russians, have in the majority of cases supported and backed Syria in just about every conflict from the 67 war on, and has been one of Russia's favorite customers.

Just like we sold weapons and backed Saddam Hussein's Regime as a counter to Iran, the Soviets were doing the same with the Iranians and Russians.

Assad and Saddam simply disliked and distrusted each other too much to ever cooperate. Saddam getting busted red handed with chemical weapons would favor Syria in removing one of their biggest opponents and barriers towards regional dominance.

That is categorically false. There have been plenty of ATS threads on this and the leftist seem to want to IGNORE reality over and over again.....

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I doubt the majority who voted for Hillary, did so because she was a woman.

She was and still is the most qualified person to have run in that particular election.

Trump was and still is an entertainer. He is not and was not qualified for the position of president. As far as him being a great business man - - the bankruptcy banks got together to save themselves - - branded the name Trump and sold the brand - - and the man with the name.

This amateur is now in charge of Global/Nuclear decisions. Good job "America First" people.

YES!!!! What do we do now?

No, they voted for her because they love the evil side of the leftist world... Kidding... A lot of the people who voted for her did so because the media bended over backwards for her and helped her with debate questions, helped her by ignoring the crap her husband has done to women and then attacked Trump for less than Bill was GUILTY of IMHO....(and much more). I am sure Ii could type a dissertation for a PhD in Psychology on those corrupt Clintons.
edit on 9-4-2017 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Dutchowl

You make some valid points and I would have been 99.99% in agreement with them (except perhaps the Hilary not being an actual human part - LOL), if Trump had not given the go ahead to bomb Syria. So, you might ask: why is it that this particular single action caused me to radically change from "supporting" Trump to opposing him and calling for his impeachment? What made me dismiss all those valid points you raised, which seem very strong reasons to support him, and just allow all of that to disappear because he has made one (in my view) bad decision?

Here is why: one of the reasons Trump didn't earn my automatic scorn/distrust (and perhaps gained some of my sympathy) is because despite his clear flaws, there was an obvious attempt from every single side imaginable (even some in the Republican party) to smear, discredit and ridicule the man to the point that if you supported Trump, you were basically pro-Nazi and were actively enabling Hitler to rise into power. This made me step back and think, hold on something is not right, I have never personally witnessed the collusion of the majority of the Media, Politicians and the general population of one country so fervently try to attack the character of a single individual in a such a way. This is not normal. This has to be orchestrated in some way, this is not a random occurrence.

Then I began researching more about Trump and discovered that the majority of the REALLY bad stuff said about him — racist, sexist, xenophobic, bigot, misogynist — were either being completely fabricated from nowhere or were being associated to his character using the weakest most ambiguous "evidence" imaginable. Other claims that he was a megalomaniac, thin skinned and not receptive to advice that conflicted with his views, I could confirm better evidence for and could see how those issues could be a big problem if one were to become POTUS. Other claims that he was a buffoon, an idiot, failed businessman etc. I did find some half-truths in those but the evidence was very weak and didn't think that should just be accepted without challenge. In other words, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on those charges, but would keep them at the back of my mind.

I really do think many people that ended up voting for Trump agree with much of what I typed in the previous two paragraphs. Not all of it, but a great deal of what I stated. The key reasons I believed those things include the fact that Trump appeared anti-establishment, had strong conviction and did not back away from taking on challenging tasks. He was exactly what the USA needed because he was so contrarian in so many ways to the previous two presidents. What really impacted me was his seemingly more isolationist policy and desire to focus on fixing the troubles in the USA and only meddling in the affairs of a foreign state if there was a strong just reason to do so.

As a non-American, there are many things I can criticise the USA for. I don't want to list everything because it will derail from my overall point, but if there is one thing I have to mention as being the number one reason to criticise, be suspicious of and feel frustration towards the USA about (and I can guarantee that a vast majority of non-Americans also agree that this one gripe is highly significant) is the USA's history of meddling in the affairs of foreign states for unjust reasons. The vast majority of people inside the USA do not understand how damaging this is for the USA itself, its global reputation and its future prospects to remain a respected superpower. It is critical. If you actually made a meaningful change to this behaviour, the vast majority of anti-USA sentiment would disappear.

The saddest part for USA citizens that don't understand this simple fact, and perhaps also sad for myself in some ways, is that everything that does make the USA great, everything good and just that the USA has done, everything that should make you proud to be a citizen of the USA or want to be an open supporter of her, all these positive things get completely overlooked and mischaracterised as insincere because of the overwhelming frustration of what people feel towards the USA for their unjust meddling in foreign states. That is the truth the USA needs to face if it wants to truly seize and maintain the power that it holds but does not properly channel.

So, I thought Trump was to be the person to represent this change. I didn't expect it to happen soon because there is a lot of work to do, but to see him waste a clear opportunity to demonstrate that he was serious about what he said and then to blatantly contradict what he said through action was unforgivable.

There are only three possible explanations that can explain everything that has happened up until this point:

1) Trump is so mentally unwell that he actually does not realise what he has done
2) Trump is very aware of what he's done but doesn't care because he is still in power and that was his key goal the whole time (attianing ultimate power and holding on to it as long as he can)
3) This is one of the best executed conspiracies by TPTB ever, they played everyone in such a masterful display of cunning villainy that despite 99% of people on ATS, myself included, dismissing the notion that Trump is likely to be part of a GIANT conspiracy to advance the plans of the Elite, we did fall for it.

When I made this thread, I was leaning very strongly to number 1. However, I am now strongly leading towards number 3 and this is why: what were the odds, with everything that has unfolded since Trump announced his presidency up until he was elected, and even up to this very minute, what were the odds that Donald Trump would still remain president to this minute and either not be assassinated, impeached or forced out of office by a violent revolution? It is close to zero. Close to zero. It seems the only possible answer is that a group of the most powerful people on this planet have intended for this to happen the whole time and played everything against us in order to achieve this outcome. Think about it.

edit on 9/4/2017 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

It is actually the left that is making it impossible for Trump to work with Russia. Any attempt he makes will be viewed and broadcast as part of the collusion.

With that said, this whole WW3 nonsense has got to stop.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

This OP is a testament to how far America has fallen under Obama, look at you Melt at the first sign of America becoming great again.

Yes making America great again, does involve making its enemies fear and respect it again. Obama bent over at most signs of aggression, don't worry, Americas just taking its place back in the world as Alpha Dog.

I thought you all thought that Trump and Putin are working together? I never believed it before, but now I actually do. This is a genius move, if you can't see it then it's hard to rationalize with you.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 10:18 AM
i want to make lots of talking like you. but i cant think of anything. i just sense a disturbance in the force ..again.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I doubt the majority who voted for Hillary, did so because she was a woman.

She was and still is the most qualified person to have run in that particular election.

Trump was and still is an entertainer. He is not and was not qualified for the position of president. As far as him being a great business man - - the bankruptcy banks got together to save themselves - - branded the name Trump and sold the brand - - and the man with the name.

This amateur is now in charge of Global/Nuclear decisions. Good job "America First" people.

YES!!!! What do we do now?

No, they voted for her because they love the evil side of the leftist world... Kidding... A lot of the people who voted for her did so because the media bended over backwards for her and helped her with debate questions, helped her by ignoring the crap her husband has done to women and then attacked Trump for less than Bill was GUILTY of IMHO....(and much more). I am sure Ii could type a dissertation for a PhD in Psychology on those corrupt Clintons.

The majority of Hillary supporters have been supportive of her for a long time. She has a very strong loyal base.

It has nothing to do with what went on during this election.

If Clinton's are so corrupt, why is the only thing they could pin on them is Bill had extra marital affairs. Which every past president (except probably Jimmy Carter) did also. Power/Political marriage have been around since the beginning of time. Who is still married, and only married once? Marriage is defined by those in it.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 10:44 AM
Another thing too, you want to talk isolationist Policies? I remember during Global leader meetings that nobody would sit with Putin during meals, what are we in grade school? Or jeeze you really showed him!

If you want to intimidate and coherce somebody, the last thing you do is shy away from confronting them. It's real brave to sit with your allies.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: Annee

They pinned the whole email scandal on them.

We have her dead to rights on pay 2 play.

They are so corrupt they are untouchable, too much money and power, Royalty is above the law.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 11:18 AM
For the 5th time since this went down,


The intelligence wasn't entirely accurate, because they thought they were still actively producing them, and they weren't. But they did have large stockpiles of them. Anyone claiming otherwise is uninformed or lying. Most chem weapons have a "shelf life" but once that shelf life passes they are merely not 100% effective. They are not safe, as the soldiers who received burns and inhalation damage from them can attest. Stop spreading ignorance.

As to the current situation, it's not panic time. All the losers who cry "WW3!" every time a firecracker goes off in some pathetic hope that they can claim "see I called it" if it does happen someday, despite the fact they were wrong the last 40 times, really need to get a life. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened with NK-China yet. Big talk and moving naval assets around has been going on since the armistice.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 12:55 PM
To the OP. I don't know you so I have nothing to say other than you probably need an internet break. Your overview is kinda insane and I suggest taking a week or so off, maybe go walk a park or get a pet. Something.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 12:56 PM
I agree for the most part, but I cant say removing Trump is the answer. I feel he was tricked into believing this was a good idea. I just hope he figures it out before it's too late. Either way it was a bad move.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 01:03 PM
Yes its time to panic the Russian coalition has said no more crossing red lines and Mc Master wants 150,000 troops in Syria,the world is going to be run by cockroaches by the end of Orange Jesus and his son in law Damien Thorns reign.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: Christosterone
When an Islamic rule (theocracy) is involved then it does not matter who initiated the weapon(s) of mass distraction…all must be made to capitulate...

It is America's moral duty to spread our Exceptionalism and virtue throughout the globe with sword or light...


Uhuh, and how is your version any different than ISIS's methods?

Arm chair generals should be the first on the front line.......

Im sick and tired of my brothers and sisters dying, or worse, coming back utterly destroyed because of ridiculous ideologies and dollar signs.....
edit on 4/9/2017 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 02:34 PM
Trump is a great risk taking businessman, when u think about it that way is it great he's got people's lives in the balance?

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