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A man disappeared in Brazil and left behind 14 books full of encrypted hand-written text

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posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: chiefsmom

Yes, we have the meaning of the alchemy symbols, I believe it's in the page before this one. I will update the "unknown symbols" image so it's easier for people to find instead of reading every page today or tomorrow

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Ghost147

I can tell you that having Saturn depicted in the background was no accident. I know he commissioned the piece but that particular planet is not just happenstance.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Ghost147

Your avatar is the creepiest I've ever seen omg!!!

Ok now on topic.

I saw this on Vigilant Citizen yesterday and OMG this is crazy!!!!! I have no idea half the stuff I'm reading or looking at but this guy, wow!! I wonder what it all means, where he went and why he looks like this guy mentioned he was studying. Just so much cray yet very intriguing to say the least! Probably my favorite topic lately to look into!

I like your contributions to the thread too!

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: PRSpinster
a reply to: Ghost147

I can tell you that having Saturn depicted in the background was no accident. I know he commissioned the piece but that particular planet is not just happenstance.

I thought the same thing and wondered if he is depicted with an alien on Titan.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: Martin75
a reply to: MotherMayEye
Awwwww, I didn't think of that. I don't know why but I just keep seeing him as the statue!!!! Add the hollow element and it makes it even spookier!
Here is the actual statue

And his statue

ETA: The features on the real statue seem to be much sharper. This may just be the way it looks but if he was that obsessed wouldn't you want the statue to be perfect?

What I find interesting about this sculpture, both the original and the replica, is that Giordana Bruno's left hand is resting on top of his right hand. This is usually symbolic of something negative. Maybe true in this case, maybe not.

A very interesting story to say the least, enjoying this thread and thanks to all that are putting in the time and effort in looking for answers...


posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Gnobody
Or it is a symbol of conscience control.

That the knowledge in the book has to be kept close to the heart and under its control.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 04:30 PM

Saw this on one of the 4chan threads apparently his code came from a junior woodchuck guidebook.
edit on 4-6-2017 by Popeye1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: Popeye1


Explained back on page 8 of this thread. Can't you see that both 'A's are different? Left, 'A' is "__|" while the children's book is "|__" See, both different. Same with the remaining alphabet.

Sorry 4chn!

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 04:49 PM

Oh ok. And yes i can see that i thought he just reversed it all. I unfortunately haven't had a chance to read every page in this thread yet. Still working my way through the middle.

Edit - Yep never mind, it's clearly quite a bit diffrent.
edit on 4-6-2017 by Popeye1 because: My bad

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 04:55 PM
some stuff

its not real alchemy whatever he is doing

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 05:00 PM
According to news reports the guy is a UFO buff. I haven't gotten from this thread that he was a UFO enthusiast.

Maybe he's at Tom Delong's house

edit on 6-4-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 05:17 PM
YouTube drops me recommendations every time I check in. This video showed up as a recommendation. A lot of the symbols in this video reminded me of the symbols depicted on the walls in Bruno's room.

I know that there is a religious connection with Bruno's work as well.

edit on 6-4-2017 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Glitch in the Matrix? Things that make you want to go, "Hmm".

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 05:22 PM
Here's a good book that may have some insight on this but you have to really get some information on what is revealed in that room.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: Popeye1

not really its a bit diferent

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: drphilxr
a reply to: humanoidlord

now this is getting interesting...

remember "badselfeater"? on reddit there was some chatter about it being related

to cicada

Here's the translation for the text directly below the symbol for what is shown in the given photo:

Leia me o'leitor se em minhas palavras encontra deleite. Pois ra ramente no mundo alguem como eu nascera novamente

Read me the reader if in my words find delight. Because in the world someone as I was born again


This is a pretty fun thing, who doesn't like the mysterious?

posted on Apr, 7 2017 @ 02:32 AM
Jorge luis Borges was my first thought.

posted on Apr, 7 2017 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
Leia me o'leitor se em minhas palavras encontra deleite. Pois ra ramente no mundo alguem como eu nascera novamente

Read me the reader if in my words find delight. Because in the world someone as I was born again

The end is wrong, probably because of a missing accent in "nascerá", it should be: "Because rarely in the world someone like me will be born again"

posted on Apr, 7 2017 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: urssmorris

Trippy how this was posted in the 14th week and on Tuesday. Day of Mars. God of war.

Now on Thursday Thor's hammer rains down on Syria. And the 50-day moving average.

posted on Apr, 7 2017 @ 04:57 AM
I don't understand why he felt the need to go to all these lengths if he has something important to say that will benefit humanity. If it is so important, why not just tell us all?

More likely it's just an elaborate hoax, like all these type of things are. There will be nothing of any significance revealed.

It really annoys me, how people always talk in code, parables and riddles when it comes to things they claim will improve our lot on this planet. This means they are open to any number of interpretations, and anyone can twist them around to fit anything they want. It's a very dangerous game.

posted on Apr, 7 2017 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: MetalChickAmy

I think he thought it was a way to provide for his family, and the time it takes to decipher it not only allows interest and intrigue to grow but allows him more time to escape those shackles and bonds... into obscurity to be left in peace by them. Sure they'll search for him but it is likely he doesn't want to be found and if he does? The missing books will likely be hidden somewhere the other one's point too like a hidden codex scavenger hunt.

It's best to see it as a form of entertainment... a gift of mystery.

What do people do here at ATS? Share this sort of thing all the time and who the hell really reads it or pays attention when it is just given... it's oh I can understand that clearly in my rote conceptual grasping; here's my view and brace incase they are triggered by a point of view not their own and get weird about it when it is all just views... no view in particular special except by one holding it as such, otherwise meaningless just the same as all of those not held or held by others.

So it's the round and round in a different way that says stop, slow down take a closer look... than zoooom right on by so giving it an extra special meaning one that is not known to anyone at first glance? That's what has occurred.

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