posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 02:59 PM
Budd Hopkins says the Harvard psych grad student got it wrong. 30 percent of abductees' reports about an abduction are taken outside of hypnosis, and
many interviewees were abducted from outdoor, daylight activities. Hopkins says all his abductee-interviews during his first two years research
reported that they were abducted while wide awake.
Uri Dowbenko (Conspiracy Planet) argues that Jennings is a Bildergerg shill. "The Bilderberg Group is an invitation-only secretive Global Cabal of
Illuminati Gofers, Politician-Minions and Mega-Corporate Honchos who are sworn to secrecy not to reveal the conspiracy which binds them all. Their US
based Media Shills include --
* Mort Zuckerman, chairman US News and World Report
* Arthur Sulzberger, editor New York Times
* Conrad Black, chairman, The Telegraph
* Lesley Stahl, CBS 60 Minutes
* George Will, James Reston, Joseph Kraft, political columnists
* William F. Buckley, National Review (also a Skull and Bones member, as is his son novelist Christopher Buckley)
* Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times columnist
* William Kristol, editor/ publisher Weekly Standard
* Peter Jennings, ABC World Tonight
* Jim Hoagland, Washington Post
* George Stephanopoulos, media pundit"
Sure, Jennings' production company PJ slightly opened the subject to further scrutiny (those millions watching may lead to other millions), but
Whitley Strieber suggests that Jennings did weak work on Roswell and abductions by choice, not solely due to weak research. Bilderberg looks for rich,
pliant media elitists who make friends with and invest in elite corporate projects. Such people are rewarded for keeping with the game plan: money,
rich friends, invitations to elite yacht parties and to hob with billionaires, plus the royals. Heady stuff, isn't it? No wonder they look down on
commoners who want disclosure. Bilderberg wants slow, controlled, market-dominated adjustment to the alien subject.
Which is why Jennings has that tight faced, chiding quality when dismissing Roswell and abductions. No competent newsperson in the swim at Jennings'
level can live without being included in private chatter and networking that points toward the alien subject. He likely knows that both Roswell and
abductions are valid subjects, but is taking the military industrial side in this argument: electrogravity could be used for weapons, so let the elite
weapons makers monopolize it first, fixing an aristocratic economic dictatorhip into power--forever, "they" seem to think. Aliens are all
equalitarian, aren't they? None of those Bilderbergers are, NONE of them.
Worse yet, there's literally a Frankenstein in our midst, here on Earth, and some of it has direct federation loyalties. That would be people who
have supported death squads, the laundering of narco money and the brutalization of humankind to bring us, on our knees, into the federation. Like The
Allies of Humanity (a book) suggests, such operatives are lacking vital human qualities. If Jennings is only half awake, he may, by now, know this,
hence he has to cover his flank by watering down his report. He can't make the biggest move in human news history alone.
The ugliest irony in Jennings cool regime tilt is that it allows abductions to continue, as though they are petty, like street crime. Meanwhile, a
tightly planned abducting alien agenda proceeds, apace. The breeding program reportedly has led to deep insertion of hybrids into human economic
elites, people who may go unnoticed for yet another 18-36 months, due to Jennings' cake walk. Maybe that's the plan... (not necessarily Jennings',
but that of the Rothschild strain in human-alien relations, for example).
Then again, maybe Jennings just isn't strong enough to do a clean take, a minor outsider with a mini fortune--lucky to even get unreported, "off the
record" info about aliens, an actual witness to private details (i.e. the discussions at Bilderberger in '04). Jennings was just another
upper-middle class upstart--who knows that he has no real power. The moment he steps off the range, he's out of a job at ABC. Which may be why he did
a good intro hour, then dumped the Roswell and abductions disinfo into our laps with a vaguely token quality. The first hour's clips and Phoenix
lights are starkly better stuff than is the second hour. Maybe that's Jennings' plan: do the regime's dirty work, i.e. the Oswald as lone gunman
report, but then buy back his soul with an even bigger story: aliens are here, BUT... *Jennings was raised in Canada. He may think that the US regime
might frown on a newly-naturalized person breaking the big story. What if they think he's a Canadian spy? (weird as that may sound to those of the
non-paranoid persuasion)
Anyone who saw the first half wouldn't dismiss the possibility of Roswell and abductions easily. So, maybe Jennings' plan was to continue ABC's
higher than normal standard (ABC actually discussed CSETI's 2001 press conference on its web site and sent cameras there, unlike NBC and CBS). ABC
also did reasonable Nightline specials on the JFK assassination, which Jennings may think cancel out his regime-like apology more recently.
Maybe it's a little give and take. Meanwhile, watch your children carefully and check them for unusual "dreams" about riding with aliens.
*So, who are those elite actors who work as "direct federation operatives?" Get up to speed on remote viewing and "look" for unusual, high-energy
(electrogravity) streaming to any such personnae. Remotely view an entire city, the entire globe to scan such out. It's easier than you might think.
Just find a known alien-related site or craft and practice remotely viewing/scanning it for energy streaming of the sort. You can learn to do so
quickly. It stands out starkly!
[edit on 28-2-2005 by gl2]
[edit on 28-2-2005 by gl2]