posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:42 PM
I thought that the show was VERY GOOD.
Yes, I've read all the complaints that other people have posted and... well... I think they're very unfair. You guys have to realize that this was
aimed at a GENERAL AUDIENCE. 99% of the audience has NEVER heard of things like the Minot sighting. 99% of the audience has little real knowledge of
the history of UFOlogy.
What I am seeing on this board is a lot of people who are mad because Jennings didn't talk about their pet ideas or buy into ALL of the things that
are said about UFOs/aliens. I hate to break it to you guys... but a lot of what people consider to be 'reliable' UFO information around here is
just internet pop mythology. Really. ATS, on the whole, does not present solid, well-documented UFO/alien cases. It has a lot of fantasy stuff but
very little in the way of consistent, researched material.
Jennings took the time to interview long-time, serious reserachers at CUFOS and NUFORC. From that he picked a few 'solid' cases that were hard to
dismiss. IF he had done what a lot of you guys wish he had -- talk about shape-shifting reptiles at Area 51 -- 99% of his audience would have laughed
at the show and UFOlogy would have been thrown back 50 years. Instead, he put together a program that featured believable witnesses and sympathetic
Seriously, has anyone here seen a better treatment of the abduction issue on a prime time television show? Yes, he included skeptics with each
segment... but if he didn't the show could be dismissed as propaganda.
Let me put it this way: My parents invited me over to watch the show with them. They have heard my CE3 story before. They also knew very little
about UFO stuff. By the middle of the show they were very impressed and now are open to the idea that aliens are visiting the earth. They're middle
class, working people who have high school educations and have put two kids through college. If Jennings had gone into an 'ATS' style monologue
about how Bush and a legion of space lizards were trying to enslave humanity they would have turned off the show and laughed at me. Instead, they saw
sympathetic abductees and ex-military people who talked about UFOs.
That, my friends, is how you get out the message and get people interested.
All in all, I thought the show was excellent. It was far kinder -- and fairer -- to 'believers' than any other UFO show I have ever seen. Yes, the
segment on Roswell was too ham-fisted... but I thought the abduction segment was very open-minded. Overall, this was an excellent show.