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Peter Jennings Reporting: UFO, Feb 24th on ABC.

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posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Simulacra

Originally posted by dangermouse
Wow, I'm glad I live on the West Coast............ I was planning on watching this.......................

It's highly ignorant to not watch this report based on what a handful of people say about it. You should view it because you are interested, not because you are easily persuaded by the few.

You have no idea how much I appreciate your well informed opinion on my ingorance.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:25 PM
If ABC was smart they would of played it up a bit so that Disney can make a movie on UFOs.
That and what Gazrok said makes me think that this was a disinfo show

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:26 PM

Absolutely rediculous disregard for investigative responsibility.

But at least it wasn't so bad that it didn't take away from the "Hey look you disbelievers, there's something going on here!"

But still stomache turning ignorance levels were real, real high.....

BTW: Stanton Friedman is still my hero, no matter what!

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:30 PM
Seth76 You out there???? lolololol

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:32 PM
The good:

Decent US military personal account stories. Especially the pilots themselves.

The bad:

Just about every thing else.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:34 PM
UFOs have always been like god for me - it'll take me seeing it for my self to believe it. Until then I impatiently await my epiphany. I want to believe.

Anyway - several of the segments made me want to know more and, in effect, renewed my hope. I had never heard the B-52 story before and it's given me something to look into further for my own satisfaction. So maybe not all is lost Gazrok - maybe just the fact that a show like this was aired at all during primetime will renew peoples interest in the subject and get them watching the skies.

I know it did for me.


posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:35 PM
Why are you going to neglect such a commentor as Stan Friedman?!
They smeared him by making him out to be a money hungry baztid! GRRRRR!


posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:39 PM
They made Stanton look like an absolute fool.

I'm emailing Art Bell. He said on his show he would be pissed if Jennings made a mockary of this show. Well?

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:40 PM
This was what was expected from the show and most people predicted this exactly. my prediction was: My opinion is that they'll be talking with people who've been abducted. Most likely these people won't be of military or government intelligence like they could easily obtain. I think they'll be focusing mainly on average american citizens and very few credible sources. Doing that would create a nice gateway for skeptics and people not educated on the subject to steer away from it.. I think that the government's looking to bide as much time as possible before having to talk about it, and this special could be a step in the right direction. Or it could backfire on them.
In the end i put this right up there with his special on Lee Harvey Oswald. In fact you can compare the Roswell explanation the same way you can compare Oswald killing JFK by himself....Ridiculous. Everyone can talk about what should've been talked about. I will start haha. They don't want to bring up Dr. Dan Burisch or Steve Schneider. They definitely don't want to bring up the governments involvement with ufo's or other countries claims that they believe they exist. Nor do they wish to talk about crop circles, must be because two guys did them all, even know they've been spotted for the past 200 years. Let's not talk about our history with ufo's, pictures dating back 1000's of years all the way up to the 1700's depicting saucers in the sky. Pictures so amazing that they would make your drop your jaw. And I really could go on and on but the point is that there's enough people like you and me who want the truth. We're not joking around or chatting about nonsense. We're writing and reading on these forums cause we're scratching for truth. And I believe we're getting fed up of these cover ups. My opinion is I think they're going to give us full disclosure on this subject sooner then most are saying on this forum. I predict with the rate of this movement sometime within this year the government will acknowledge that we've been visited. We all know they didn't cover this subject respectively tonight. This will backfire on them, expect another special like this really soon, just better. And definitely not with Peter Jennings Hosting it.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:41 PM
i see people are still complaining that this show made us (UFO / alien believers) look like fools

oh well...

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:42 PM
I e-mailed Peter Jennings and ABC...not that I expect to hear anything, but hopefully Art will address this one also...

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:42 PM

I thought that the show was VERY GOOD.

Yes, I've read all the complaints that other people have posted and... well... I think they're very unfair. You guys have to realize that this was aimed at a GENERAL AUDIENCE. 99% of the audience has NEVER heard of things like the Minot sighting. 99% of the audience has little real knowledge of the history of UFOlogy.

What I am seeing on this board is a lot of people who are mad because Jennings didn't talk about their pet ideas or buy into ALL of the things that are said about UFOs/aliens. I hate to break it to you guys... but a lot of what people consider to be 'reliable' UFO information around here is just internet pop mythology. Really. ATS, on the whole, does not present solid, well-documented UFO/alien cases. It has a lot of fantasy stuff but very little in the way of consistent, researched material.

Jennings took the time to interview long-time, serious reserachers at CUFOS and NUFORC. From that he picked a few 'solid' cases that were hard to dismiss. IF he had done what a lot of you guys wish he had -- talk about shape-shifting reptiles at Area 51 -- 99% of his audience would have laughed at the show and UFOlogy would have been thrown back 50 years. Instead, he put together a program that featured believable witnesses and sympathetic testimony.

Seriously, has anyone here seen a better treatment of the abduction issue on a prime time television show? Yes, he included skeptics with each segment... but if he didn't the show could be dismissed as propaganda.

Let me put it this way: My parents invited me over to watch the show with them. They have heard my CE3 story before. They also knew very little about UFO stuff. By the middle of the show they were very impressed and now are open to the idea that aliens are visiting the earth. They're middle class, working people who have high school educations and have put two kids through college. If Jennings had gone into an 'ATS' style monologue about how Bush and a legion of space lizards were trying to enslave humanity they would have turned off the show and laughed at me. Instead, they saw sympathetic abductees and ex-military people who talked about UFOs.

That, my friends, is how you get out the message and get people interested.

All in all, I thought the show was excellent. It was far kinder -- and fairer -- to 'believers' than any other UFO show I have ever seen. Yes, the segment on Roswell was too ham-fisted... but I thought the abduction segment was very open-minded. Overall, this was an excellent show.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:43 PM
Well guys and gal's, after years of following this site from the sidelines I finally upped and registered; thought it was time to get involved in some of the discussions here and add my ten cents worth! Watched the show tonight and had my 8 and 10 year old son's watch it with me; as over the last couple of years they have become semi-interested in this sort of stuff (although they still think I am a bit strange sometimes)!! Wasn't a complete waste of time; but Jennings and ABC went for the safe approach - nothing for; nothing against - and here I am still left guessing; definitely believing but still guessing (I know that this doesn't necessarily make sense!) In the end it was too much to expect some sort of shattering expose'; but still they did only pay lip service to some of the most important points; those being Roswell and a couple of the eyewitness accounts. Someday..................someday...............maybe!!!!

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:45 PM
I am surprised that no one is metioning that Kaku who is highly respected made some great comments and the most important part of the show IMO was when he said "I say let the investigation begin." Hopefully it will have some effect.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
They made Stanton look like an absolute fool.

I'm emailing Art Bell. He said on his show he would be pissed if Jennings made a mockary of this show. Well?

I think that Stan is a fair target for criticism. He likes to take credit for the work of other people. I think that people like Davenport and Rodeigher -- that is, the guys who actually DO sort through UFO reports -- looked pretty good.

You guys have to expect to see some UFOlogy 'idols' get trashed on something like this. The people who are the most famous personalities on ATS are not necessarily the greatest UFOlogists.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:47 PM
I thought it started off strongly with the Phoenix story, but then it trailed off in the end. I think we expected too much for prime time. It's not like he could start spouting off David Icke stories or anything - the general public would change the channel immediately.

My roommate is a media buyer, and he said that none of his advertisers would take this time slot, hence all the junk commercials. His agency represents a ton of big companies, like Ford & GE.

Got to get one of those soldering irons though...

[edit on 2/24/2005 by chiS2000]

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:49 PM
Face it, at first you had to toss Fox News from your daily life, then CNN, and cope for a while with the major networks. Seeing this failure from ABC as well as its spokesmanship for dark powers who advocate torture both in the news and in propaganda placement on their regular programming, I wonder. With enemies like ABC, who needs space aliens whose primary saucer rooms have a dentist chair, painful procedures and weird bodyguards?

Hopefully somewhere in the Universe there are genuinely adaptive and friendly space aliens, not the kind that seem to run our major institutions.

[edit on 24-2-2005 by SkipShipman]

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:49 PM
They didn't even mention the Space Shuttle Sts video's. Official Nasa video's...

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:49 PM
I sent Art Bell an email, i also invited him to browse this conspiracy board and supplied him with a link.

I told him how upset we are at the dissinformation.

Art, I hope you do stop in and browse.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I e-mailed Peter Jennings and ABC...not that I expect to hear anything, but hopefully Art will address this one also...

As much as I respect your knowledge of UFOs, I have to disagree with you on this one. Like I said above, I think this is the most sympathetic treatment the UFO issue has ever received on network television. It both 1)introduced vast segments of the public to the topic and 2)didn't portray abductees as nutjobs or weirdos.

Those two things, together, are huge leaps in terms of public awareness.

And, yes, I was upset at the way Roswell was portrayed... but you have to remember that it is the abduction issue, not the crash stuff, that is at the core of the UFO enigma. Roswell was debunked... but the abduction witnesses were all believable (and filmed with dignity). That, in itself, was a huge leap.

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