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India Daily

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posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 02:23 PM
Nygdan, there is a difference between discussing conspracies and theories and discussing what is known to be false-news web site. Please make the distinction.

We know that Indiadaily, world news weekly are false news web sites. Therefore according to the TOS it would be forthcoming to deal with known false-information by a blacklist or something. So either we remove them from being discussed or if we want to discuss them as humour topics, then have a separate thread on them. Otherwise, I think it just disparages legitimate discussion of aliens and UFO's.

Of course it will get redudant for people, when every few days we get a topic about Indiadaily's and someone saying "is it true" Ah well I am not going to waste anymore time on discussing Indiadaily.

However, I do think that this sticky(which really should be extended to tabloids in general) should serve the purpose of educating people about it.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 04:36 AM
Yes!I'm getting sick of the weird and misleading stories told in IndiaDaily.It fits to into the fiction type of story.Hey,IndiaDaily could start producing some UFO ficitional books too!That way at least it is a honest work than what they're doing now.

Anyways,is IndiaDaily currently being control by the Indian government or that it is an autonomous news/journalism company?Sounds weird if it were to be controlled by the Indian government with all those fables in their articles.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 05:42 AM
i wouldn't worry bout it

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 07:21 AM
It is not government-controlled, or apparently part of any organized media, it is autonomous...

Sam Adhikari is the owner of SySoft, who is the owner of the India Daily domain.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 08:20 AM

what's the term ?- oh, yes......'caveat emptor'

perhaps, it might be possible to have sources of info
colorized? in the case of India Daily
a Yellow alert would be the operative color?


posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 01:53 PM
The UFO news is a bit overrated, but I checked some of their other news and they all are true indeed !.I think some of you are exaggerating their credibility a little too much.
Now don't tell me the CNN never ever reported an incident about UFO landings in USA.Every news agency while reporting adds some twist or exciting phrases to make them more attractive.That doesn't mean whatever they report is fake.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 03:00 PM
I have to admit I was some what on the fence when I first encountered this site as it seemed almost legit. Once I looked further into it though, I soon realized India Daily was another WWN.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Nygdan, there is a difference between discussing conspracies and theories and discussing what is known to be false-news web site. Please make the distinction.

Demonstrate how the distinction can be made. Demonstrate that anything that India Daily reports on doesn't occur. I know its b/s, you know its b/s, but then again I know a lot of other things are b/s but others present them as actually occuring. Should Crystal Links also be banned here? What about people who use David Icke to support their ideas? Should they be required to use a real source?

according to the TOS it would be forthcoming to deal with known false-information by a blacklist or something.

Perhaps I have misread the TOS. Where does it say incorrect information is not allowed? I know it says that people are not allowed to knowingly post false information, like, say starting a thread about a ufo citing that you made up, or some such. But where does it say incorect information is not allowed?

I think it just disparages legitimate discussion of aliens and UFO's.

Anything beyond discussions of theoretical exobiology is illegitmate discussion on aliens, since there is nothing that shows that aliens exist, abduct people, fly saucers, or visit earth at all.

However, I do think that this sticky(which really should be extended to tabloids in general) should serve the purpose of educating people about it.

Sure, and I would add Pravda, WorldNetDaily, Crystal Links, Answers in Genesis, The Discovery Institute,, Zetatalk, Freemasonry watch, and a host of other sites into the 'plainly illegitimate' record, along with Al-jazeera, which also doesn't seem to investigate on some topics.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 07:08 PM

Demonstrate how the distinction can be made. Demonstrate that anything that India Daily reports on doesn't occur. I know its b/s, you know its b/s, but then again I know a lot of other things are b/s but others present them as actually occuring. Should Crystal Links also be banned here? What about people who use David Icke to support their ideas? Should they be required to use a real source?

well said.

And in fact i have checked a lot of their other stories and found nothing wrong in them.


1.Saurav and Team India Cricket is ready for Inzy and Shoaib Akhtar - FACT
2.Nepal tries hard to control mob rule – a staggering example of failure of democracy in modern days - TRUE
3.G7 to meet BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) on Saturday in Japan - CORRECT

I'm still amazed why ppl are exaggerating this so much as to start a new thread warning other ppl about the site.
This is really very misleading.

So much so, this entire forum about UFO's and Aliens is questionable itself then ?!

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 08:07 PM
Make no mistake, India Daily reports with a very very low standard of journalistic integrity, and the result of this is that anything that they report on has to be, at best, "provisionally rejected" at least until coroborated with another site. Thats, infact, how you verififed the information it was reporting. This really should apply to most news sites, but some have high standards, generally, and can be "trusted', that is, "provisionally accepted" until something they present is refuted by another source or somesuch.


posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 08:39 PM
Who is India Daily? A friend tells me it is published from the US, in which case it may be done by emigres communicating to India. It has multiple sections and lists a variety of reporters. Someone is writing all those diverse articles, and, given the Indian news concentration plus its active ad accounts, it appears that India Daily is very much functioning, whether or not some of its stories are believed, or not. As for the alien and UFO stories, anything that comes out of India, like such stories here, would run a risk of veiled sources plus some disinfo interlarded by those whose job it is to shoot down any stories of the sort. If, indeed, there ever were alien events in India or China, they would likely be reported by "sources" and unattributed officials. India Daily cites other journalists and some Indian officials by name. So, we would need to check those individuals, then list who owns the site and runs it, then do a larger check on its bona fides. For example, there is a story that says that Russia, Brazil, India and China have formed the BRIC coalition--of superpower-sized countries, as an alternative to the US monopolar scheme. That's a very big story---do you think more than half of the world's population can be fooled about so big a report? Some of India Daily may be accurate.

I agree, some of the reports feature choppy grammar and go unattributed. Pravda is worse. India Daily is making money. To address the questions about it more directly, do you think it is all disinfo, maybe used to discredit certain topics, or what?

As for me, I truly, reasonably suspect that there both is and should be a heavy alien activity at least somewhere in both India and China. The border would be a convenient location. Given the highly reliable numerous official reports about abductions and a breeding program here in the US (see Disclosure by Dr. Steven Greer, The Threat by David Jacobs, PhD, and any of John Mack's books), it is only logical to assume that those two countries (who number more than 2 billion people) would be sites of activity. After all, what are such aliens doing here? Whether India Daily's reports should be accepted at face value, or not, is up to the journalistic and scientific standard of the reader. The entire alien subject must be judged carefully. We know that some of it is true: there is an alien incursion that does appear to have at least some political earmarks. Russia's chairman of its Joint Chiefs of Staff, its highest military officer, openly admits on television that Russia has verified UFO's and has downed technology. UFO Magazine does stories about China activity also. Indeed, eastern religion begins from the assumption that there are many aliens out there, that the universe re-cycles, etc., so stories about aliens are more readily accepted in both India and China.

A recent poll in China showed that more than half of the Chinese accept that aliens are visiting our planet. Only 40 percent of US citizens think that same, if I'm not mistaken.


posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 09:19 PM
Sam Adhikari, owner of Sysoft, is apparently legit--that is he exists and is a recognized expert in his industry, apparently. He also does some reporting for India Daily. Also, see this thread at about India Daily, and look Akhikari up on Google for more info.

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 05:33 AM

i did a search on the whole indian ufo thing and came up with this. I think tere's 1 or two references on here. I have no idea if this site is credible though, hope it helps anyway.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 08:01 PM
Thing is, to date, none of India Daily's UFO stories even remotely check out with ANY other source...including local Indian sources. Our members are some of the most investigative out there, and

They constantly use vague support references such as "some scientists", "researchers", etc. without naming names or sources.

It seems to be a continual storyline....

I'm not trying to dictate what sources are "acceptable", just giving a credibility warning and heads up to those discovering the site for the first time, who may not be aware of it's rep here....

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 01:01 PM
Speaking of UFO's on India Daily, did you see the 2/16 article claiming UFO's use plasma for stealth purposes and so the could be "hovering all around us"?

My favorite line in the article is "According to some of these super smart brains of India...".

What legitimate news organization actually writes like this?

posted on Feb, 18 2005 @ 12:12 PM
Who here, has a link or picture of the most undisputible proof of UFO existence?? I'm trying to find the best pics. ...please help,

Keep looking Up....

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 08:56 AM
If it was indisputable, none of us would need to be talking about it.
EVERYTHING is disputable... I would recommend the recent announcement by the Mexican Air Force, and their gun camera footage...

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 10:29 AM
Thanks for the Heads up on that chief.

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 10:47 AM
Well, there have been reports on CNN and MSNBC about what I would say are the same UFO reports that India Daillys' been reporting on. The India Daily also mentioned the Indian Army Col's name when writing the article on the story the Col told his child re UFOs and the Base.

But, I have noticed pretty bad spelling on the India Daily (worse than mine)
so perhaps its not a 'legit site?

Just kidding. Or am I.

Ah...sunday morn at ATS


posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:34 PM
those are some werid sightings and around india these have to be the first that I no of

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