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India Daily

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posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:14 AM
Repeatedly, we are often seeing UFO stories near or in India, all stemming from this source.

Now, at first glance, this site ( may look like a perfectly legit news site. It has all of what you'd expect to find, financials, weather, etc. etc. However, it's stories regarding UFOs are tabloid tripe, akin to The Weekly World News. All one need do is simply read any of these stories. Take the recent one about the Nepal "crash" for example. The ONLY witnesses cited are "according to sources" or "UFO scientists", etc. No names, nobody to follow up with, etc. Hell, even the WWN usually states names.

Anyhow, just wanted to post this little alarm for those who don't already know about this site, as it extremely misleading upon first visiting, without knowing it's UFO-related story history. It's pretty much a continuing "storyline" and not journalism...

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:21 AM
That and they use the same few fake pictures with every UFO least the Weekly World News photoshops them into an appropriate background.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:26 AM
I was going to make a suggestion that all moderators either delete threads on Indiadaily or move them to a special thread created on Indiadaily(this could serve as one)

Indiadaily is not legitimate web site site at all. It is a fake news web site, even it's entertainment stories(like porn in Bollywood and Britney in Bollywood) are fabricated. We should either treat it as a humour topic or simply just blacklist it completely. I vote you make this thread a sticky and make it a general topic on tabloid news regarding Aliens and UFOs.

[edit on 2-2-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:28 AM
I actually created this thread just in the hopes of it being a sticky as an FYI piece.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:37 AM
Threads with India Daily as the source can no more be delted than ones with WorldNutDaily as the source or half of those 'socialist word news' and 'anti-war' sites.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:43 AM
I wouldn't advocate the deletion of the threads, but I do feel it prudent to point out the untrustworthiness of the site. My hope is more that this thread will serve as a heads up and help reduce the number of them citing this particular, bogus source.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 08:45 AM
I agree with Nygdan. It appears Indigo_Child wants to sweep questionable Indian news under the rug while embracing questionable U.S. news sources that fit his/her anti-American agenda.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:05 AM
Well, I don't know about all that.

But I suppose both might have a point. Since we must deny ignorance, I recommend, nay, I demand a blue ribbon investigatory commitee into at least one of India Dailys and Indigo_childs cliams, that of Porn in the Bollywood industry. Now I know that htis is going to be dirty work, so I wouldn't dream of expecting anyone else to wade thru the veritable mountains of material if I myself wasn't prepared to, therefore I nominate myself as the Head of this comitee.

Gentlemen, it will be a long and tiring process, but, in the words of JFK, 'ask not what the board can do for you, but what you can do for the board, especially if it invloves bollywood babes'.

Not sure about that last part, kennedy seemed to prefer blondes, but i digress.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:24 AM
Please don't get delete happy. Let people figure it out for themselves. Everyone always wants to delete something when they don't like it or think they are more enlightened than the rest of us. It's a form of control and not always protection.

I think India Daily is bunk. You just never know when, or if, they will post something that is actually worth reading. Sometimes UFO news is slow and the only new posts are old topics being brought up again. If people can't figure out that some of this stuff is fake than they would have been mislead by something else.

It's important to look at even the wildest of claims since it's clear most people don't know the truth about what's going on. At least crazy articles may get us thinking.

[edit on 2-2-2005 by Mandalorianwarrior]

[edit on 2-2-2005 by Mandalorianwarrior]


posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:49 AM
Says you guys.

Honestly, how do you know the stories are not true, no matter where they came from. Your opinions on the source are just that, opinions. And to Indigo whom said we should not allow posts from India Daily...absurd.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:56 AM

I agree with you completely. Try to discredit the article, not necesarily the entire source, with something like this from my other post,

Here are some articles and their dates posted:

Posted 1-21-05. This first artcile shows pre-existing problems in Nepal. They have been having many problems with Maoists and this time 23 people are killed.

Posted 1-31-05. This article shows that a deadline had passed for talks with Maoists all the way back in 1-13-05. It may be about time the King does something about the situation rather than waiting for the terrorists to have talks.

Posted 1-31-05. This article claims that a UFO crashed near the Chinese border and is the reason for a government lock-down.

It's pretty clear that Nepal has been fighting to keep it's same form of government if you look at the Cnn articles. This would be plenty reason enough to lock things down for a while in order to keep the government inpower alive. There is much more pre-existing information on Maoist problems in Nepal than UFO problems in Nepal. Of course, this same India Daily has an artcile from a month ago that claims there have been activities at a base near the Chinese border but that seemed to talk more of the border location shared with India so no need to include it with Nepal.

I admit it's pretty crude and I could have posted many more articles and given a lot more detail but it gives you the basic idea. Now the real question is, should I be using CNN as a legit source???

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 10:51 AM
For those of you condemning my suggestion, did you overlook, that I also offered an alternative of non-deletion.

One of the sub-sections of the Terms and conditions is

1. Thou shalt not post false information(sensationalized)

Anti-gravity and Nano-technology research in India provide medical breakthroughs
Sanjeev Sinha, Special Correspondent
January 17, 2005

India is advancing very rapidly in applications of Nano-technologies and anti-gravity techniques with some solid breakthroughs in Healthcare fields.

Most of the research is still classified but indications coming out from sources close to the researchers are surprising.

Evidence of Inter Space Agency secret protocols guided by extraterrestrial guidelines of the Universe
Ajit Parker, Special Correspondent
January 23, 2005

A secret common protocol exists that are honored by all the international space agencies. This became evident recently as China started implanting the manned lunar travel mission. Chinese engineers and aerospace scientists are reporting secretly that they just cannot do what they like. Invisible laws make their life harder. When asked, they are told that all the Space Agencies does that and China cannot be an exception either. Chinese aviation and space exploration achievements are remarkable but till this date China, it seems, never had to abide by these universal laws. But today China and Indian Space Agencies as they cross the boundary of actual Space, are told to follow protocols that are harder to follow, more expensive to implement but never the less a must for future space travel.

Many researchers say it is the extra-terrestrials in contact with the six Space-travel capable nations (US, Russia, France, Britain, China and India) set these invisible protocols and guidelines that must be “followed” by the Agencies.

If you track the use nuclear powered traction in Space, you will understand what we are talking about. Recently, China and India are going through a lot of redesign of thrust mechanisms to accommodate the same. Russian Aviation and Space Agency (RASA) and NASA both have communicated among themselves in terms of these protocols.

You may guess why Americans went to Moon in 1869 and never again made a trip to land humans there? Russians gave up the idea all together? Europeans never attach a lot of importance in sending humans anywhere. And the Indians and Chinese are dancing right now. But most likely their enthusiasm will dampen once they are told by the same entities what they can do in moon. Once they understand that they will also decide – there is no use of wasting money on moon.

India will use Bio-shield against Tsunami, Hurricane and coastal storms
Sonia Chopra, Special Correspondent
January 24, 2005

According to sources close to the Government, India is planning to use bio-shields against future Tsunamis, cyclones, hurricanes and coastal storms. Deep-rooted, salt-resistant trees like mangroves and casuarinas, if planted along the coasts, can buffer the region from future tsunamis.

These bio-shields can stop the velocity and thrusts of future Tsunamis and cyclones in the Indian coastal region as well as Andaman Nicobar islands

Controlling the ion characteristics in the atmosphere enables controlling the human mind and body
Staff Analyst
January 24, 2005

This is a photograph of the high frequency antenna array at the HAARP Ionospheric Research Observatory in Gakona, Alaska. The photo is taken with an automated camera located in the temporary operation center trailer at the HAARP facility.

Have you ever thought why countries like Iraq surrendered almost without a fight.

Have you ever thought why Ukranians voters flipped and then flopped?

Have you ever thought how in China the Tibetans and the dissidents are kept under control?

In spite of strong urge to independence why Taiwanese elected a Government that will not ask for independence?

Do you know that human mind and body can be controlled using the ion characteristics in the atmosphere?

This is the subject of research in America, Russia, China, Japan, Europe and even in India. This technology is used to increase agricultural output, lower the morale of the enemy and even control the sentiment of the stock market players.

Most of the information is classified. Militaries of many countries are actively working on these technologies

Learning to communicate with Extra Terrestrials – young children in India-China Himalayas use strange sign language
Staff Reporter
January 29, 2005

In the deep region of Himalayas, people are reporting strange behaviors in children. They are using sign languages that is unknown to their families and any one around. Many of them draw pictures of triangular objects flying in the sky. Many of them do not know what they saw and how they learnt these sign languages.

Some in the region of Aksai Chin believe that these children regularly communicate with the extra-terrestrials who are only visible to these children and communicate via spiritual telepathy. The children learn the sign language to communicate back to these beings from another Galaxy or Universe.

According UFO research materials, some Mexican children also manifested similar behavior when many in the area reported for a long time UFO sightings.

The extra terrestrials communicate with children first because they are always easy to become friends with.. They teach children the sign language they can understand.

According to some teachers in the schools in that area young children are extra agile and extra talented these days. Their problem solving skills have increased and they are much more disciplined. They continually use a strange sign language among themselves. However they cannot teach this language to adults!

Robots with human intelligence and emotions - a fast forward technology being implemented in Indian Technology Institutes
Staff Reporter, Special Correspondent
January 27, 2005

In Southern side Kolkata and in Bangalore a fast forward technology is being tested before being unveiled to the country and the world. The Technology Institutes in India have finally cracked the black box of artificial intelligence. Robots are being tested that have human level of intelligence, get emotionally effected and does not imitate typical microprocessor based Robots.

So does this qualify as false information, or did America really go to the moon in 1869?

Hence, why I say, we either devote a thread to tabloid news as a humour thread or in the interest of serious and intelligent discussion(and terms and conditions) delete them.

I personally resent these tabloid stories because they make a mockery of ufo researchers and further confuse people. I mean look at the person last who responded, he suspect it could be true

[edit on 2-2-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:52 AM
maybe the person who posted the India Daily article did not know the article was false information. You don't know that it's false information either. It probably is but then maybe you should prove it if it bothers you that much.

You are correct that false stories can hurt with the study of UFO's. I think information being kept from us would be worse than a false source. We will be able to figure out if a source is false or not. The only problem is that we don't know what the truth is so who is going to be the one to tell us a source is false? Sometimes the most outlandish things are the truth. It's just dangerous to start the automatic deleting of articles from any given source.

I don't see why Indigo_Child, or anyone else, should be the autority on what's a good source and what isn't. So do you wanna tell me what a good source is for legit UFO news is??? HAHAHAHA, I guess your take on what UFO sources are true should be listened to and not others.

It's sad how conrtol is so desired by many.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 12:01 PM

You are correct that false stories can hurt with the study of UFO's. I think information being kept from us would be worse than a false source. We will be able to figure out if a source is false or not. The only problem is that we don't know what the truth is so who is going to be the one to tell us a source is false? Sometimes the most outlandish things are the truth. It's just dangerous to start the automatic deleting of articles from any given source.

I don't see why Indigo_Child, or anyone else, should be the autority on what's a good source and what isn't. So do you wanna tell me what a good source is for legit UFO news is??? HAHAHAHA, I guess your take on what UFO sources are true should be listened to and not others.

It's sad how conrtol is so desired by many.

No one is asking for control of information. All that I am saying is that Indiadaily is providing false-information and it is obvious. In addition it does not corroborate it, nor does it respond to inquiries, all it does is say "experts say" "inside sources say" "scientists say" "school teacher says" "the aliens say"

Therefore as most of this forum knows by now, it is all false information and therefore in accordance with terms and conditions, the information should not be allowed or a separate humour thread should be created for these stories for people to entertain themselves with.

Otherwise it just confuses people and it's quite disparaging to serious discussion of aliens and UFOs. Anyhow, that is my suggestion and I leave to the consideration of the mods. Already, Indiadaily's stories are circulating all over the web and some credible and informative sites like are referencing them.

[edit on 2-2-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 12:14 PM
You do bring up a good point that I noticed and was foolish not to bring up on my own. The articles in the India Daily did not corroberate events and sources. Just saying, "sources say" is not the way to prove something.

I don't know about a humor thread though. Some people may want to take these things seriously. If it gives them something to do and they believe it then let them prove it or us disprove it. Also, if you start a humor thread than a legit article may be posted in this humor thread to shed a negative light on it. It may make a good source seem as if it's a joke. I'd like to think an individual can determine if something is a joke or not with their own mind.

Most of us were able to tell that the India Daily thing was junk from the first moment we saw it. I wasn't upset by that. I just took a minute to give my two cents and that's that. You never know where a good story may come from. I just like to look at everything as an individual case.

It just seems as if this site can tend to become more and more restrictive as time goes by. I would hate to see any administrative time wasted on something that will be forgotten in a week or two.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
For those of you condemning my suggestion, did you overlook, that I also offered an alternative of non-deletion.

One of the sub-sections of the Terms and conditions is

1. Thou shalt not post false information(sensationalized)

The TOS says that one may not post information that one knows is false. If its reported on India Daily then its certainly as valid as any other 'news' citation.

So does this qualify as false information, or did America really go to the moon in 1869?

irrelevant. Much of whats posted to ATS is false. Hell a lot of stuff is outright contradictory. Thats part of what the board is about, discussin and anlysing these things. If someone is loony enough to actually think that the US went to the moon in 1869, or that the Ram Empire was flitting about in spaceships, or that bush morphs into a reptile, or that there is a clandestine NWO trying to take over the world, then by all means present it and discuss it. Just don't knowingly present false information.

the interest of serious and intelligent discussion(and terms and conditions) delete them.

Serious and intelligent discussion requires that shady sources be considered, not censored.

Can I be put in charge of what new sources pass as credible, if the board does this? Afterall the mods are busy enough as is.

I personally resent these tabloid stories because they make a mockery of ufo researchers

Similarly, people talking about 'bush did 911' make a mockery of people with valid criticisms of the president. And david icke makes a mockery of any 'serious and intelligent' conspiracy researcher, but heck he was an esteemed and invited guest!

No one is asking for control of information.

Are you aware what the words 'control' and 'information' mean?

All that I am saying is that Indiadaily is providing false-information and it is obvious

A lot of things are obviously wrong but are presented here. If someone wants to start a thread on Batboy, then there is nothign admin should do about it.

[qote]In addition it does not corroborate it, nor does it respond to inquiries
Yes, they have low standards of journalistic integrity. What of it?

it is all false information and therefore in accordance with terms and conditions, the information should not be allowed

False information is explicitly allowed. What is not allowed is that one should post information knowing that its false.

or a separate humour thread should be created for these stories for people to entertain themselves with.

Thats pretty laughable.

and some credible and informative sites like are referencing them.

The by association ufocasebook is no longer credible nor informative. Should ufocasebook also be censored here? Or but into a 'joke' forum?

. Just saying, "sources say" is not the way to prove something.

Many media outlets don't vet their information. CBS didn't vet their information relating to the now infamous bush letter. Is CBS to be censored?

Most of us were able to tell that the India Daily thing was junk from the first moment we saw it.

And the ones that aren't should discuss it, investigate its claims, and will probably find out that its bunk on their own.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 12:38 PM
I'm not advocating restriction...but I wanted to provide a heads up to those who may take a quick glance at the site, see a UFO story, and then assume it's a legitimate news source. I do NOT advocate deleting such threads, but I did want to post an FYI to members who didn't know about this site already, as evident in some recent posts over the past few weeks...

The articles in the India Daily did not corroberate events and sources. Just saying, "sources say" is not the way to prove something.

Exactly, and yet in EVERY story of this genre on this site, that is exactly what we see, as IC showed in her examples. Since each story builds upon the last, it's basically stacking lies on top of lies, and presenting a veritable phenomenon scenario, where no such sequence of events actually exists, and more than one member has been caught unawares by this, so I felt it prudent to post an advisory....

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 12:43 PM
Thanks for helping us to deny ignorance

I first found an indiadaily story after the tsunami. You're right, at first it looks legit. When my post about a story got debunked almost immediately by our scientific-types, I became suspect.
Looking more closely, I began to question indiadaily veracity.

I vote this SHOULD be a sticky!

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 12:54 PM
I agree with Nygdan.

This site is all about using sources that most people laugh away. That's why most of us are here!!! To hear things we couldn't find from "normal" news sources. Maybe that's why so many questions are still unanswered. People are to quick to write sources off as false.

It's important to have an open mind and to be willing to debate with other people.

Also, I appreciate the heads up Gazrok. I don't think you were trying to limit our sources on this site. You were just speaking your mind on what you thought of the source. Some specific examples could have been given but I don't give examples as often as I should either. Sometimes it's to time consuming if one feels they are not important for the time being. This started as kind of a general statement anyway.

All I ask is that you continue to give your opinion of a source if you feel it should be considered, such as India Daily. Also, keep an open mind without deleting sources as certain individuals may ask you to do so just because they do not agree with that source. I think that we are all able to defend our minds from sources that may prove to be false.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 01:41 PM

I think that we are all able to defend our minds from sources that may prove to be false.

I agree, and I believe our membership to be more than capable of doing so. However, this particular site (India Daily) is simply done VERY cleverly, and imho, VERY deceitfully to appear more legit than other tabloids at a first glance. I am not the end all, be all for verifying what is or what isn't a legitimate source....and often, even sneered at sites (such as Rense, or Al-Jazeera, Pravda etc.) have nuggets of truth nestled in them. But, I definitely wanted to call attention to it, so that posters citing this as a source, would be educated on how that source might be perceived by the membership, and that they might take a moment to see if such a story is corraborated elsewhere. To date, and to my knowledge, no UFO story in India Daily has ever corraborated with any non-Indiadaily reference.

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