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The walking dead March 26 discussion/Spoilers

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posted on Mar, 27 2017 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
One thing I'm really not digging this season is Ezekiel. His grandeur and manners are just over the top...even for a zombie apocalypse series.
In fact my wife used to love this show, but since the kings intro, she couldn't be bothered with it now.
I'm feeling the same way in regards to the king. I really hope he drops the act come season 8
As he does in the comics...sort of

I didn't like ezekial at first either,and the CGI on the tiger takes the uncanny valley to new depths...But. once he had that conversation with carol explaining his back story it made it easier to swallow .

I just want neegans back story episode..that character is fascinating..


posted on Mar, 27 2017 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: kosmicjack

originally posted by: Mike Stivic

2 those junker peoples dialect.. its been a few years yes but I don't see people reverting to mad Max new speak in under a decade.. that Jadis character is old enough to have gone to school before the walkers. It just makes me shake my head .

Yeah, it's totally stupid. But I guess no harder to swallow that Ezekiel. But, Im with you,it's been a few years max, not a few decades or centuries.

Was Jadis in the comic? She is tall and fierce and strange, just like Jadis from CS Lewis's Magicians Nephew. I wonder if she is an homage? If so, she was a crazy, power-mad loon, maybe she clued in Negan...

I never read the comics, although I wish I did. As far as her knowing neegan or knowing of him its quite possible.
And it would be an interesting twist.


posted on Mar, 27 2017 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: Mike Stivic

She definitely knows of him. That's why her group was pissed when Rick and that guy got the supplies from the boat - they had been trying to get them becasue they also must pay tribute to Negan.

posted on Mar, 27 2017 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: kosmicjack
a reply to: Mike Stivic

She definitely knows of him. That's why her group was pissed when Rick and that guy got the supplies from the boat - they had been trying to get them becasue they also must pay tribute to Negan.

I'll have to watch that episode again I don't remember her mentioning neegan or the saviors during that conversation.

Sunday is my fun day...

By 9pm my comprehension is lacking to say the least


posted on Mar, 27 2017 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Mike Stivic

Meathead, I'm going to give you an early Christmas present,
Here is every single walking dead comic from issue #1 till now ( not including a couple special editions, but they are just back story's) which is well beyond the shows timeline. So depending on how far ya get, it's possible that there will be spoilers, or variations of such.
They hardly pull directly from the comics, but will use it as source material and give it a twist.

Every Walking Dead Comic

Oh and by the way, This ones not included in that list for some reason but here it is, a mini series dedicated to Negan, with his back story. They are still adding to it, part 11 is current as of March 2, 17

Negans back story

edit on 27-3-2017 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-3-2017 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2017 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: kosmicjack

Hahaha exactly, there's some people who like they have actually gained weight since the

I thought it was odd also - the pirates of the Caribbean walkers.
I guess they have been walking the bottom of the ocean since it all began?
Because really, some of those dudes had full blown coral reefs attached to them lol.

posted on Mar, 27 2017 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: Blueracer

I wish blueracer...I wish.
I can't wait to see if the writers are going to follow the same arc as the comics, that has Rick keeping Negan alive and in jail.
I honestly hope they kill him off to get him out of the picture completely and focus on the Whisperers.

posted on Mar, 27 2017 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: kosmicjack

No, the garbage pail kids aren't in the comics. They have a hint of Whisperers to them, their dialect that is. Broken English and animalistic characteristics. I don't dig them.
Them and Ezekiel and both hit the bricks.
Or if they decide to keep him around, have him become humbled during the upcoming war, and STOP talking like he's actually some royal king.
I get why he does it, trying to keep people's minds off what's really happening, but the show dropped a few notches in my book, after his introduction.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

I just wanted to thank you for that link. I am on issue 20 and loving it.


posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: Mike Stivic

It's great reading the comics, and remembering oh ya, they did that on the show, but it was different lol
Or how they change who dies but keep the same death from the comic.
You'll see that happen a lot.
Notice there's no Daryl Dixon ? He is a made up character just for the show.
Wait till the introduce The Governor. You ll get a kick out of him and his antics!

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 12:58 AM

I was hoping that he just got introduced later in the comic.

I'm hoping the governor plays out better in the books..I wasn't a huge fan of that segment of the show..I know that its an unpopular opinion.

No Daryl.. huh..

I was trying to figure out how he would come into the book..I was starting to guess axel was his brother..

No Darryl..


If I wasn't so grateful for the link I would be mad at you..


posted on Apr, 2 2017 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: kosmicjack

originally posted by: Mike Stivic

2 those junker peoples dialect.. its been a few years yes but I don't see people reverting to mad Max new speak in under a decade.. that Jadis character is old enough to have gone to school before the walkers. It just makes me shake my head .

Yeah, it's totally stupid. But I guess no harder to swallow than Ezekiel. But, I'm with you, it's been a few years max, not a few decades or centuries.

Was Jadis in the comic? She is tall and fierce and strange, just like Jadis from CS Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, I wonder if she is an homage? If so, she was a crazy, treacherous, power-mad loon, maybe she clued in Negan, maybe she is how he knows Alexandria is up to something...

Spot on!

Well done!

I would say more but I'm too busy trying to fit my foot in my mouth..


posted on Apr, 2 2017 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

I am not a thread maker..

And I enjoy these discussions.

I wanted to suggest you make one Mega thread covering all episodes
all seasons.. you could still do the pre episode writeup which I also enjoy by the way..

But we could keep the discussion all in one place..

Look at zazzy's game of thrones "winter is coming "thread..

Hey however you choose to go forward I'll be there.. but u do have a shot at a 30 to 60 page thread...

Respectfully as always,

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: Macenroe82

The guy who plays Eugene..Josh McDermitt is quitting social media after receiving numerous death threats over his character.

In the video, which was captured by a fan, he told viewers, "Don’t send me death threats ... I’m just sick of it. You can hate Eugene, I don’t care. You can think whatever you want, but when you start saying you hope I die, I don’t know if you’re talking about Josh or Eugene."


I haven't kept up with the season since the first 4 shows. I've seen talk of Eugene turning to the other side, so is he bad now?

posted on May, 5 2017 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: EchoesInTime
a reply to: Macenroe82

The guy who plays Eugene..Josh McDermitt is quitting social media after receiving numerous death threats over his character.

In the video, which was captured by a fan, he told viewers, "Don’t send me death threats ... I’m just sick of it. You can hate Eugene, I don’t care. You can think whatever you want, but when you start saying you hope I die, I don’t know if you’re talking about Josh or Eugene."


I haven't kept up with the season since the first 4 shows. I've seen talk of Eugene turning to the other side, so is he bad now?


That is crazy.

Some people are messed up in the head. I just don't understand the motivation behind doing that . And when I saw the mulletman on talking dead he seemed really cool. I guess maybe are so lost in their alternate reality they can't separate actor from character.

He should block and report and keep doing his thing in my opinion. To each his own..

Weird story for sure, thanks for sharing.


posted on May, 5 2017 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: Mike Stivic

That is ridiculous. like it's real life and Josh Mcdermitt really decided to screw over Rick and the gang lol.
I get there are some hard core walking dead fan s out there, and heck I considered myself to be one. But I'm not about to go and started threatening the actor because I disagree with what the writers have him doing hahah.
People are insane!

Oh and meathead, I really like your idea about the mega thread.
I'll do that closer to the season premier, or once the trailers start to come out,
That way I can I can do some speculation posts leading into season 8.
Thanks for the tip!
edit on 5-5-2017 by Macenroe82 because: (no reason given)

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