a reply to:
I will post the version of the Fatima 3rd secret known as Neues Europa. If That is going to happen in 2017, how much time we need for all the rest 8-9
secrets in Medjugorje, or the Great Warning and Miracle in Garabandal. We will be left with few months may be weeks after the public knowledge of
imminent event, if at all. If there is going to be a rescue, as reportedly Mirjana of Medjugorje tells that Our Lady came to save the world, it needs
time. It will be a big setback for those apparitions if they fail to materialize decades old promises of some change or Warning etc as I speak
the "extract" of the Third Secret of Fatima that was published by Neues Europa:
"It was the thirteenth of October, 1917. On that day, the Holy Virgin appeared for the last time to the little visionaries, Jacinta, Francisco, and
Lucy, at the end of a series of six apparitions in all. After the manifestation of the miracle of the sun at Fatima, the Mother of God revealed a
special secret message to Lucy, in which She particularly stated:
"Dont worry, dear child. I am the Mother of God speaking to you and begging you to proclaim in My name the following message to the entire world.
In doing this, you will meet great hostility. But be steadfast in the Faith and you will overcome this hostility. Listen, and note well what I say to
you: Men must become better. They must implore the remission of the sins which they have committed, and will continue to commit. You ask Me for a
miraculous sign so that all may understand the words in which, through you, I address mankind. This miracle which you have just seen was the great
miracle of the sun! Everyone has seen it believers and unbelievers, country and city dwellers, scholars and journalists, laymen and priests. And
now, announce this in My name:
"A great punishment shall come to all mankind, not today as yet, nor even tomorrow, but in the second half of the 20th Century. What I have already
made known at La Salette through the children Melanie and Maximin, I repeat today before you. Mankind has not developed as God expected. Mankind has
gone astray and has trampled underfoot the gifts which were given it. There is no order in anything. Even in the highest positions, it is satan who
governs and decides how affairs are to be conducted. He will even know how to find his way to the highest positions in the Church. He will succeed in
sowing confusion in the minds of the great scientists who invent arms, with which half of humanity can be destroyed in a few minutes. If mankind does
not refrain from wrongdoing and be converted, I shall be forced to let fall My Sons arm. If those at the top, in the world and in the Church, do not
oppose these ways, it is I who shall do so, and I shall pray God My Father to visit His justice on mankind.
"There will also come a time of the hardest trials for the Church. Cardinals will be against Cardinals and bishops against bishops. Satan will put
himself in their midst. In Rome, also, there will be big changes. What is rotten will fall, and what will fall must not be maintained. The Church will
be darkened and the world plunged into confusion.
"God will punish men still more powerfully and harshly than He did by means of the Flood, and the great and powerful will perish just as much as the
small and the weak.
"The greatest World War will happen in the second half of the 20th Century. Then fire and smoke will fall from the sky, and the waters of the oceans
will be turned to steam, hurling their foam towards the sky; and all that is standing will be cast down. Millions and millions of men will lose their
lives from one hour to the next, and those who remain living will envy those who are dead. There will be tribulation as far as the eye can see, and
misery all over the earth and desolation in every country.
"The time is continually approaching, the abyss is growing wider, and there is no end in sight. The good will die with the wicked, the big with the
small, the princes of the Church with their subjects. Satans henchmen will then be the only sovereigns on earth.
"This will be a time which neither king nor emperor, Cardinal nor bishop expects, but it will come, nevertheless, in accordance with My Fathers
plan to punish and take vengeance. Later, however, when those who survive all this are still alive, God and His glory will once more be invoked, and
He will once more be served as He was, not so long ago, when the world had not yet become corrupted.
"I call on all true imitators of My Son, Jesus Christ, all true Christians and apostles of the latter days! The time of times is coming and the end
of everything, if mankind is not converted, and if this conversion does not come from above, from the leaders of the world and the leaders of the
Church. But woe! Woe if this conversion does not come about, and if all remains as it is, nay, if all becomes even worse!
"Go, My child and proclaim this! I shall always remain by your side to help you."