a reply to:
Better not ever have a Lord of The Rings themed event, with Orcs involved. That would be bad form as well!
Look... I can get behind quite a few social justice issues. There are far too many hate crimes which go un-recognised, far too many victims who
cannot get justice because their characteristics are not protected, or protected adequately. There IS a disconnect between how like behaviours are
dealt with in law, when persons of differing skin tones are involved. Persons from the LGBT community DO still get treated badly, purely because of
who they are as people, and that is not right either.
But there is a massive difference between deliberately inciting racial hatred, and getting dressed up as a Stormtrooper from Star Wars. Yes, the word
stormtrooper was bought to its first prominence in the West, when the disgusting whoresons of Hitlers army, descended on Europe and blitzkrieged their
way across huge swathes of it, enslaving those who were fit, murdering the rest, and gassing people for being different than them. But Star Wars
happened in a galaxy far, far away, and the motivations of the Stormtroopers in those films have nothing at all in common with the motivations of the
serious, hardcore scum that Hitlers legions of filth employed in elite positions.
The Galactic Empire sought to destroy all that stood between it and dominion over all things. That is a very different stated set of goals. They
never sought to destroy anything that did not stand in their way. They might have taxed it to buggery, worked people so hard that their lives became
empty shells, but the Galactic Empire did not kill people because of what race they were from. They killed people to assert dominance, because at the
end of the day, the Empire was a movie construct, a two dimensional idea that was created to counterpoint a lighter, more noble element of the story.
The Nazis sought to kill off entire religious and ethnic groups from the face of the world, would have depopulated it savagely in the first place,
and sent many to die in work camps, rather than permit them to breed. They would have destroyed the biodiversity of this world, turned it over to
darkness and death.
Were the Galactic Empires tactics noble or decent? No. Were they anything like as evil as those of the Nazis? Not even slightly. Hell, Hitler made
Palpatine look like a reasonable guy.
There just are not fair comparisons to be drawn. This stinks. I wonder what the Star Wars fans who make up the 501st Legion...
think of this decision?