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Disney's first 'exclusively gay moment' hits screens in Beauty and the Beast

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posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: RomeByFire
So, you mean to tell me, it's the parents responsibility to raise their children rather than the TV/movies?

No. I was raised by the Jew-controlled Hollywood Gay Agenda and I turned out perfect.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: RomeByFire

originally posted by: veracity

originally posted by: queenofswords
Well, it IS a remake. In today's climate, this should not surprise anyone. Parents that don't want their children exposed to this sort of thing early on before a certain age, should be aware that remakes of these wonderful older tales are going to be "adjusted". Just be aware before you take your small children.

any parent that has to be aware or be worried about those type things I would say has much more than disney movies to be worried about

So, you mean to tell me, it's the parents responsibility to raise their children rather than the TV/movies?

You're not doing American right.

well, i guess you could go that route with that statement

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Peeple

When I hear there is a delicious moment between 2 people from an actor, it is time to preview before childrens eye get to see it.

Pin your intolerant tail on some other donkey.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: seasonal

What? My intolerant tail? Haha, you....

Scared of animated love. Your heart is probably a rulebook.

edit on 1-3-2017 by Peeple because: Add

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:28 PM
Update: I just got off the Masonic Hotline with Eisner. Due to intense pressure the gay reference will be removed and the movie will now be entitled Beauty in the Bestiality to meet the next upcoming agenda that will drive your children into perversion.

You can thank me later.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:29 PM

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

Update: I just got off the Masonic Hotline with Eisner. Due to intense pressure the gay reference will be removed and the movie will now be entitled Beauty in the Bestiality to meet the next upcoming agenda that will drive your children into perversion.

You can thank me later.


posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Cool as!
It'll be interesting to see the box office takings here in Europe compared to America...because everyone knows we caught the gay over here much worse.
Must be weaker immune systems or something...

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand
Cool as!
It'll be interesting to see the box office takings here in Europe compared to America...because everyone knows we caught the gay over here much worse.
Must be weaker immune systems or something...

It's not so bad from what I hear. You start to appreciate things like window treatments and show tunes.

edit on 1-3-2017 by AugustusMasonicus because: I ♥ cheese pizza.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

Update: I just got off the Masonic Hotline with Eisner. Due to intense pressure the gay reference will be removed and the movie will now be entitled Beauty in the Bestiality to meet the next upcoming agenda that will drive your children into perversion.

You can thank me later.

Your level of satire is over 9000.

I applaud you, your posts are wonderful.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I've found a new affection for fabrics and soft furnishings lately, I could be coming down with it myself...must stop watching TV.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: Peeple

No, I think that children need not see what an adult calls delicious.

I would have to screen the "art" before allowing kids to see it, straight, gay, trans and what ever other flavor of deliciousness.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:51 PM
I'm bringing glitter when I watch the film.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: seasonal

Censor your kids viewing as you see fit, nobody is infringing any of your rights.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Really? Having a subtly gay character is Disney at their lowest? Not the blatant racism of the past or the subliminal sexual imagery? Glad to see you have your priorities straight.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:54 PM
I'll be wearing glitter.
I'm thinking

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

I did not imply that that was going on.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:56 PM
I just cannot wait to see this movie, I love all the remakes

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: seasonal

Why don't they make a completely new movie to push their agenda?

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: seasonal

It was an FYI
I equally did not imply you had stated your rights as a parent were infringed, just making sure you knew.

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