posted on Mar, 24 2017 @ 01:57 PM
The whole of Page 1! WOW!
Is that a record?
Some of the themes I noticed: Falling or leaping, sun and sun beams, a guide to greet you upon death, calmness when realizing you are going to (or
just have) died, parents and children and/or friends and pets, both on the living side and as seen from the other side, the OBE, a continuation after
the event, reincarnation/rebirth, outer space, hell and paradise, darkness or not being able to see, doors, elevators, clouds, cliffs or mountain
tops, a beach, deathbed in the ICU (I see you?), birds, life review, the cosmic joke, inner monologue, living death, literal birth after death,
righting wrongs from previous lives, remembering past lives, making a choice.
Might have missed a couple. I think it is a testament to the topic!
to all entrants! Thank you for the varied reads and wonderful thoughts.