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White Men Should Pay 5% Extra In Taxes Because They’re Privileged

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posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: Krazysh0t

For every 1 who refuses to listen, there are 100 who will eagerly perk up their ears, my friend. The information war doesn't rely on Krazysh0t's participation.

Ok. Go stand on a corner with a large sign and bitch about coming reparations bills that will never get here. I'll go worry about other things that are more likely to be happening in the near future instead.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Chickensalad
... Though if you walk into it with your partisan blinders on reflecting the strawmen you've browbeat into your head from right wing propaganda then you'll just end up looking like a gullible fool.

I surely hope that you see the irony in that sentence you just typed.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: Chickensalad

I sure don't. I'm not the one getting all bent out of shape over a non-story. That is unless you are coyly ad homineming me based on other threads I've participated in. In which case, just stop. I don't care.
edit on 28-2-2017 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 03:59 PM
White men should be payed 5% more....on account of suddenly finding ourselves having to do the work the coloreds used to do.
It's just not fair having to work or pay for something we used to get for free without getting compensated for our loss.
We are victims and have been suffering since 1863
edit on 28-2-2017 by Zimnydran because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2017 by Zimnydran because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Chickensalad

I sure don't. I'm not the one getting all bent out of shape over a non-story. That is unless you are coyly ad homineming me based on other threads I've participated in. In which case, just stop. I don't care.

Newp, just pointing out that sentence alone, ifn you don't see it, then I can't help you. *cough* partisan blinders *cough*

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Chickensalad

I sure don't. I'm not the one getting all bent out of shape over a non-story.

You seem quite bent out of shape to me, flooding the thread with nonsense.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 04:36 PM
White Men Should Pay 5% Extra In Taxes Because They’re Privileged

Seems someone didn't pay attention to what happened in Boston so many moons ago.

That people is the personification of taxation without representation.


posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 04:44 PM
Only if Muslims, Mongolians, modern descendants of the Aztecs, Mayan and Inca, Cambodians, Chinese, Japanese, Rwandans, Turks and every other "non white" group that had empires or colonies, or committed appalling crimes of genocide, slavery or land theft, pay up too...and that includes the descendants of Barbary pirates and Arab slave traders who kidnapped millions of white Europeans into slavery, and did so for centuries.

Fair enough???

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: FHomerK

I promise the day I start receiving my white privilege checks I will deduct 5 percent to this cause.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: FHomerK

This is an excellent idea! It's so simple, you could publish it on a chart.

At the top of the chart we could have ethnicity. With "white" at the highest rate and as you move away from "white" the tax rate would decrease. Of course the first 5 years of this tax, no minorities would receive anything. The money would go to standing up a Federal agency in charge of determining all taxpayers ethnic make up. We need to be fair.

Next on the chart maybe we go with "gender". "Male" would be the highest rate and as you move away from male, the tax rate would decrease. We would need to determine Federally recognized genders. Last count I read was 58. If we have our 58 legal genders then all the tax payer has to do is prove they are one of them. Should be pretty cut and dried.

But why stop here? This is working out pretty well. I say we add religion to the chart. Lord knows how oppressive religions have been throughout history. Let's make thing right. We can top the chart with "Protestant" and "Catholic". As we move away from these bastions of oppression, the tax rate would lower. The order of the religions/belief systems moving towards the bottom of the spectrum is obvious to anyone. Right? To be fair, even atheists or agnostics still need to pull their weight. So let's say 1%. Sounds good.

After this, I say we can add in a political affiliation tax. Hear me out. This is simple. When you go into the voting booth and insert your Federal Ethnicity ID Card, whatever candidates/ballot initiatives you choose are uploaded to your voter profile. The more privileged a candidate or initiative you choose, the higher the tax. Heck, since the Federal Ethnicity ID Card is also tied to your bank account, funds can be withdrawn immediately.

Of course this is just at the Federal level. States and municipalities could take advantage of this too. Stopping off on the way home from work to get some milk and bread? All the cashier has to do is enter the price of the items, your ethnicity, your gender, your religion, and your political affiliation. BAMO! Total cost is too easy.

Now originally, these taxes were intended as a form of reparation for whomever has suffered negative privilege. They remain that way even though everyone pays. It's simple math really. A white, male, heterosexual, catholic, republican pays the highest tax rate. An aboriginal, pangender, androgynous, druid, anarco-capitalist would pay the least. That difference is the reparation!

We here at the Federal Ethnicity and Gender Identity Agency are proud to take the lead in righting the unfortunate wrongs our great nation has experienced in the past. Our 750 field offices and 96,000 agents are hard on the job everyday ensuring "The Privileged Pay". If you are interested in joining our team please visit our website. We offer exciting careers in Religious Belief Determination Technicians, Gender Enforcement Strike Team Officers, Voting Data Collection Engineers, and many more! Call today!

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 09:23 PM
I won't get into how pathetic an attempt to justify being victims demanding freebies instead of hard working in order to overcome type people are behind this. I won't get into how I would spit in every one of their faces if they ever approached me with the BS claim that money is the prescription for the emotional trauma that people can't get over that keeps them from working, from being civil, from being responsible about the situation at home before taking pregnancy risks with having sex, etc. sparked by the fact that their skin tone means that 16 to 40 decades ago, they possibly had a relative who may have lived in a slave state and there's a chance that relative was a slave when I heard all about being enslaved for 400 years from my great grandmother who actually suffered through it before conspiring to escape to Europe and then the United States which could only be done by her agreement as a young girl to marry a much older man here sight unseen and lead many more years trapped in a life she neither wanted not deserved and that have her no pleasure until he died and she was finally able to enjoy her grand children and great grand children whom she felt made her sacrifice worth while. I actually touched, hugged, kissed, and loved the slave in my family and if anyone should be traumatized emotionally it is I. They don't make people like that anymore and I can say without a doubt I can't amount to anything that could begin to make up for and I don't know how i could possibly be worth the incredible pain she went , violence she endured, or her losing her family by 11 and never seeing them again, only a few phone calls after we spent several months trying to track them down which was the year after her brother had died but she, at 107, was able for the first time to talk to her sisters, 106 and 108 (well, cry and say I love you over and over for two it on video
. That's something I could see leaving a mark on someone's life but it doesn't for me. And if it did, the very thought of going and finding the great grand children of those responsible to pester for money is so ridiculous a thought I don't see how anyone could keep a straight face talking about the great great great great great grand children.

No, I won't say any of that (or did i just do so? Lol), but what I will say is what I say for all the goddess hillary, she didn't do anything illegal, trump sucks, trump is racist, impeach trump, call me it not him or her, women's pay gap, misogyny type posts and that is that I can't force myself to respect you people if I try. And your hypocrisy goes so far beyond pathetic, beyond pathological even, pitiable I s which is far worse. In this case where the article and comments included in it bring so much back to the idea of not multiculturalism or multi-racial equality but instead the typical WHITE alone on one side and all others on in the other side with black slavery as a main arguing point, this is what I want to say to all those who support this. To be so affected more than any race in history that faces some thing horrendous and was able to overcome like the black Americans are with the trauma they suffer day and night from slavery suffered by their distant lomg dead relatives, I sure hope that you aren't just lazy and money grubbing and that is an easy to answer problem. Because people THAT sensitive and THAT effected couldn't possibly worry about gimme gimme gimme self gain and money with all the slavery, actual physical bondage and forced labor, that different nations around the world put their minorities through today in 2017 so if you are truly in need of some money related program tax or repartition u must be equally if not more involved in activism for those people waking up as slaves every day in this day and age unfortunately. Problem is I have a feeling if i asked you something simple like, "give one single fact about oriental Asians and their enslavement by Bahrain or by the United Arab Emirates," your answer would more than likely be, "Bah- who," or, "Who are the United States of hammer- hits!?" Which would mean slavery and oppression based on race is not a concern for you but it comes more from a place within yourself, what you can get to satisfy yourself, and other hedonistic and selfish places inside. Sorry but the Jews for example have given more to the world than I can even fathom and they were going through enslavement and nationally funded genocide programs just two thirds of a century ago and they have already fought their way to the top and given so much back. So your argument falls flat.

Don't come here and call me racist. I get to have an opinion on things like slavery and reparations though since I was remotely connected to it and the people who love to wave it around are so even less (I know the subject is much wider but I'm addressing a recurring theme in the webpage from the op).

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 09:57 PM
can everyone please relax, you have been trolled by a satirical hit piece meant to inflame, and boy did it work. this article is the definition of click bait! all articles like these do is stir up emotion, hatred and more divisiveness.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 10:00 PM
I wonder is those that think this a good idea have a clue about how to find a true white person in our society this days.

I guess a DNA test will be appropriate for this task.

It will shed information on what we all know, that in this days and times in the US is not such think as a pure breed anymore, we are all mutts.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 10:13 PM
So, an obviously biased article from THE DAILY CALLER is reporting about something they found in the internet's dumpster?

Has anyone ever even heard of the site ? No? Neither have I.

That would be akin to Salon going to a neo nazi blog and posting some crazy headline that all white people apparently hate Jews or something.

So, apparently there's a site called "wesplain" and someone wrote a stupid editorial on it. OMG it means "they" are trying to actually make you pay more in taxes!


posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

Sorry but the Jews for example have given more to the world than I can even fathom

What like "money creation" out of thin air? Or displacing Palestinians and faking that they were the traditional owners of the land

Whilst the Greeks were under slavery from Ottoman rule the Jews seemed to fare better

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 10:29 PM
edit on 28-2-2017 by TheConstruKctionofLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

the greeks hold a hard grudge against the turks still to this day, being a victim of oppression is hard to get over.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: c2oden

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: FHomerK

I 'identify' as a black fella for the purposes of this proposal therefore nullifying any consequence upon my sorry white ass.

Yeah go say that in public instead of on the keyboard and see how far it gets you.

It got a white woman a leadership position in the NAACP.
She's now on food stamps.

Yes it did, and when she was fired for NOT being black wasn't that just the kind of discrimination the NAACP stands to fight? Funny how that worked out. If it was the other way around the world would have ended.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: FHomerK

The more they complain about white privilege the more they make whites look privileged.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: Somekindofwizard

But she identifies as black..

So gender is fluid but race is not?

What about equality?

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