a reply to:
anotherside He did say they touched their nose and it could be a hand signal, I have also seen a couple youtube
video's from car dash cams of them doing this repeatedly and other things repeatedly while being synchronized, one person after the other, so that
makes it less likely to be coincidence, some of these are just paranoia some others I'm sure are not, in my brothers case I don't think it is, because
it is more overt than this,
I've seen a video on youtube of a supposed stalker handing out a gift card after doing some other odd things but cannot find the video now.
I'm not sure of the other thing you are talking about, whether some type of electromagnetic wave technology or some form of technology exists to
implant voices in your head I don't think we know for sure if this technology exists, or if it is just paranoia only you can say, here is something
similar on that,
But he did complain of amnesia, I've also read online of microwave technology or something similar being used to cause amnesia, I forgot the full
details, but he said there was a white van behind him then he doesn't remember anything and woke up to being chased by this van, it could be similar
to the EMP device which likely uses high energy radio waves I have read to shut down his car engine, he told me they stuck this outside the window and
the end of it glowed red then orange and they tried boxing him in at various locations while chasing him.
I've also read online I'm not sure if there's actual evidence but the DHS which has a 39 billion a year budget and 225,000 employees, which means they
have a lot of resources, so I wouldn't put this out of the question, giving grant money to the town council then to police, EMS, and firefighters for
I found this video on youtube I think the description explains a lot of what is probable to be going on but too much for me to post here,
Here is a video of Donald Trump possibly referring to this or the means they will take especially after 3:00, no I don't trust him completely and
think this commenter has a good take on it, he may be wrong but I think it's good to be skeptical, just like this stalking but do not flat out deny it
unless you have proof it doesn't exist
Scott Snitzer
He is not an outsider. Is anyone aware of Trump's history? He has had full knowledge of this for a long time and they wrote this speech for him as
their way of stating that the government is behind these programs and aware of them. Trump has probably perped people himself. He barely has any true
power. Targets must stop trying to get help from a system that is behind all of this, in the US and the rest of the world. Help yourselves first, then
other targets. Yes. Expose these #s as much as possible and if you have ANY solid evidence, make copies and push legally until something breaks, but
do not waste your time on the controlled local and national media. They have known about these programs for a long time.