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posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 03:51 PM
Some of my brothers story of gangstalking I believe this is evidence enough that it exists and who does it

I am writing to you because I was recently the target of Government Endorsed Gang Stalking which was just one of the many harassment tactics used against me by the Federal Government. But this method in particular held a more sinister purpose, of trying to incite me to racial violence. Up until this night the government did nothing more than to just follow me around on a daily basis, and I know for a fact that they had been following me 3 months prior to this incident if not for longer. I frequently travel and have been followed throughout multiple states with probably upwards of 20 vehicles or more and aerial surveillance on me at times. I had no clue that there was an actual term for what the government did to me, in which they hired actors, some more than likely on the spot, consisting of possible gang members and street persons in which to try to illicit a response of violence from me. It started when I went out to walk my dog one night. About a block over from me, I hear some people yelling "Black Lives Matter." I didn't think too much of this other than they were having a protest or rally, being that there were still riots and protesting going on in Charlotte, NC at this time. As I kept walking I soon realized I was being followed and called my family to let them know what was going on and that I was going to keep to well-lit, video surveillanced areas should anything happen to me, there would be evidence of it. And after being followed day in and day out by Government Agents who had long ago quit trying to be covert about it, that was who I was afraid of, not some protesters. And as I came upon a gas station that is situated beside a fast-food restaurant, I noticed agents sitting in both parking lots, the same ones I had been seeing for months now in my travels and many recognizable by face and vehicle by this time. At this point I start hearing yelling from behind the gas station, coming from the fast food parking lot, and realize it's being directed towards me. From there on they tried to taunt and provoke me to racial violence by yelling such things as white supremacist, etc. This verbal assault, which I chose to ignore, went on continuously for at least 30 minutes, yet this group never tried to approach me. And at the same time I didn't understand it. How you could have two parking lots full of agents, with this gang of people yelling in the middle of them, and nothing be done about it. And these people knew nothing of my background or history as the government does and were simply following the script given to them. And so I quickly tuned them out as I became more concerned with the government agents and their movements towards me. For once the saw that the taunts of their actors was not going to provoke me to violence, they changed tactics geared towards the apprehension of me. I got away that night but from then on I was literally running scared for my life as a game of cat and mouse ensued. And I was in a perpetual state of duress as they relentlessly stalked, hunted, and pursued me. At times following me in vehicles with no headlights on at night or in the use of EMP devices by which to shut down my car's engine. And my reasoning for why I was targeted is that I would have made the perfect patsy. Being that I run an anti-establishment blog and I am classified as being a member of a Security Threat Group, and I have also served time for the Attempted Murder of a Police Officer. And when stated that way it sounds horrendous but in all actuality, I am ex-military having served in the Air Force, after my discharge I was the victim of a home invasion in which I was shot and beat with a bat. From that experience I developed PTSD and went through severe bouts of depression in which I tried to commit suicide. In one of these suicide attempts I tried to shoot myself as cops rushed me, but instead of getting mental health treatment, I was sentenced to 8 years in prison for the above said charge of Attempted Murder. I've always been anti-establishment to an extent because I can clearly see the ills of society, a lot of which is caused by the government. And by their actions I was forced into situations in which I had to make decisions I normally wouldn't have. They eventually initiated a chase one night in Columbus, GA after I had already eluded their attempts at capture twice that day. But on this night they had the traffic to all main roads shut down as well as the bridges leading into Phenix City, AL blocked. So I drove across a train trestle that spans the Chattahoochee River, but the car broke sideways about halfway across and I almost went over the side. As I was sitting there trying to decide what to do an officer climbed up from a river patrol boat and attempted to rock the car off the bridge from where he was positioned up under it. This was a blatant attempt on my life by an officer of the law, whether it was federal or state I am unsure of, but and officer nonetheless. I then attempted to flee into Phenix City, AL where I was quickly apprehended

SNIP: MOD Edit: Do not post private information

edit on 2/24/2017 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 03:56 PM
Can you please edit the OP and make some paragraphs in order to increase the absorption rate?

I frequently travel and have been followed throughout multiple states with probably upwards of 20 vehicles or more and aerial surveillance on me at times.

Is that where my tax dollars are going?

edit on 24-2-2017 by eisegesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: dkf89

Hi that's a lot of text. Don't you maybe think it is just a bit paranoia?

edit on 24-2-2017 by Peeple because: Edit after edit

Seeing it as you come across as slightly confused with your first sentence and a link to a counter intelligence Wikipedia entry being evidence for something? For what?
edit on 24-2-2017 by Peeple because: Add

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I dunno, he is writing from jail that address stated.

If he reached out from jail to say this, to me that's enough to at the very least read his story and see what sense and assistance we can provide, if any.

I don't think disregarding his accounts is always in the best interest of truth, as we all know, reality is much more wild than any fiction we can come up with.

I mean, we have entertainment figures as leads of state, that's pretty insane and I have always felt Gangstalking had some relevancy, it's the perfect means to prevent someone from staying their course.

It makes you wonder, I mean look at the whole gate stuff, maybe that guy was off his rocker or maybe not, but we saw lots of arrests take place after that went down, I highly doubt that was coincidence.

This is ATS, let's investigate.

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 04:08 PM
I am by no means an expert on this topic.

But I have observed that a lot of the "victims" of gang stalking, have underlying mental health issues.
Primarily extreme anxiety. This anxiety leads to paranoia. To an outside set of eyes, it's just people going about their daily lives.

No doubt to the victim, this all seems very real and there is no other explanation.
They truly feel they are being set up by a group of people who will drive by their home, walk by, stare the individual down etc..

I have seen it first hand how someone will draw parallels to this behaviour.
Things that someone of sound mind will clearly see, ya that person is waiting for the bus, or something along those lines.

One thing I know for certain is people are lazy.

Way to lazy to organize themselves for no reason or monetary gain, to do nothing with their entire day for months on end, to gang stalk someone.

I personally just don't see it ever happening in real life.
Movies yes, real life, no.

I can't even set a deffinitive schedule for my home life, let alone to conduct some elaborate stalking of some stranger, day in, day out for months at a time...or until the victim finally gets the mental help needed.

I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm just saying, I know people.
And I know people are too lazy to conduct something as significant as something like gang stalking.

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 04:10 PM
If you don't believe Gangstalking could exist, I suggest looking into Scientology and how they treat "dissenters" or enemies.

If they can do it with such efficacy, I don't see why "the company " or other intel agencies using it is too far fetched.

With that said, this story sounds super paranoid and my instinct is to be suspicious if it.

Either way, I don't think it's that crazy.

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

I'd like to know what kind of information he might of been researching via his " Anti-Establishment " blog.

That alone could be enough to " waste time " on someone to drive them crazy or elsewhere.

Anyhow, keep one eye open and the other in " wary " mode.

I'm also a little surprised to see the quick responses, dismissing this entirely

Not saying to have an open mind that your brain falls out, but some skeptical curiosity could be of help here.
edit on 24-2-2017 by Tranceopticalinclined because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 04:23 PM

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 04:58 PM
I have no doubts that gang stalking happens- it's been happening among teenagers for decades if not longer! Let some teenaged girl's boyfriend be seen talking to another girl who isn't her friend and you will get immediate gang stalking in action as the girl's circle of friends will collectively stalk and make miserable- sometimes to the point of suicide with the inception of social media- the unapproved "man stealing hussy".

I believe it is entirely possible for the government to commit the same type of acts if they wished to intimidate someone to the point of ceasing whatever action or speech has got them riled up, however this seems unlikely in this particular case. Due to the fact that it was previously mentioned that the OP was posting from jail I find it highly unlikely the government is trying to shut him/her up. If you are incarcerated all lines of communication between you and the outside world (few that they are) are monitored, censored and controlled. If the government wanted to keep him/her quiet he/she would have no means to make the post- period! And if it was serious enough that the OP was truly being "gang stalked by the government" it is only common sense that it would mean solitary confinement with absolutely no outside communication.


posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: SteamyJeans

That is true.
Perhaps maybe if there is some large investment being lost - Scientology losing a paying member that could potentially talk about some of the ongoings behind the scenes - like that reality series on tv.
Then I can see some of its members going out of their way to discredit the potential loss.
But for an everyday person to suddenly become the centre of a huge conspiracy theory, thinking the world is watching them.
It has the tones of mental health being the issue...unless that's what "they" want us to think

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 05:40 PM
Know how to get rid of gangstalking? Stop caring about it. Want to follow me around?

Jokes on you.

(And just to clarify, I understand what scientologists do and how they operate. I lived about two blocks from the main big blue headquarters in Hollywood, and they'd follow me around, slide weird notes and pamphlets under my door and find me on the street and try to convince me they could help me with my music and talk me into becoming a scientologist.

It's fun to flip it around on people that try that kind of thing, I actually enjoy it. Your imagination is the only limit to the BS you can convince them to run down.

If that's what gangstalking is, I think you're just viewing it in the wrong way. Just take their methods and use it against them. If you know you're being watched, then you have power over what they see. And that's pretty much it.

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 07:04 PM
Troublemakers might trowl sites like this to stalk ppl for jollies and to endlessly bother a person. Notice these people are all on the net. A real government could find real info if they wanted to. People themselves do stupid things and for dumb reasons. Your neighbor could be pesky for some reason and get pissed you don't like him, and try to do stupid things, start dumb rumors, fail to get out of the house. Someone or a script kiddy on the net could think as long as they stay in the shadows people will think they're cool. All this can be found out with law enforcement..Heck, you might not even be what race/intentions you claim to be..

Lotsa dumb stuff on the net that doesn't ever rear it's face in real life.

edit on 24-2-2017 by mericks74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 07:45 PM
Reading through your post nn it's entirety, still not shur you're hu you say u are..maybe u have problems because you keep startn fights wiff copss. I am not trying to sound like any one thing I'm just here for stories about ufos n stuff I guess. Just a guy.

edit on 24-2-2017 by mericks74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: dkf89

different people look at the same tail in different ways

this - intriged me :

. But on this night they had the traffic to all main roads shut down as well as the bridges leading into Phenix City, AL blocked. So I drove across a train trestle that spans the Chattahoochee River, but the car broke sideways about halfway across and I almost went over the side. As I was sitting there trying to decide what to do an officer climbed up from a river patrol boat and attempted to rock the car off the bridge from where he was positioned up under it. This was a blatant attempt on my life by an officer of the law, whether it was federal or state I am unsure of, but and officer nonetheless. I then attempted to flee into Phenix City, AL where I was quickly apprehended

so i went to google

there are 2 rail viaducts crossing the Chattahoochee River

both can be found on this map link

the above annecdote seems implausible - to put it bluntly

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: Tranceopticalinclined

It makes you wonder, I mean look at the whole gate stuff, maybe that guy was off his rocker or maybe not, but we saw lots of arrests take place after that went down, I highly doubt that was coincidence.


I don't want to detail the thread, but what you mentioned here sounds interesting, yet I have no clue what you're referring to. Maybe it should be obvious and I'm just out of the loop, but can you provide some background or a link to what you're referring to?

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 07:18 AM
After his arrest he had multiple rights violated.
"Upon coming back from court the next day I asked to go to medical because I felt dehydrated. While in medical an officer asked me why I had drove across the train bridge. I stated to him that I was being chased by the Federal Government. But being that the local news told of none of this, he assumed I was high and ordered a drug screen. Now I emphatically state for the record, that I do not use drugs, and even refuse to take much needed pain medicine for my arm, which was almost blown off by a shotgun all those years ago, for fear of going through addiction. Nor have I hallucinated any parts of this story due to mental defect. But this officer chose to believe what he was told, or in this case not told by the news media, and this self-initiated medical visit quickly turned into a witch-hunt for urine. Now keep in mind that I was dehydrated, so urination was a bit of a problem at the time, which further infuriated the jails staff. I am then denied my dinner meal and told that I can have my food in exchange for providing a urine sample. Five hours after the rest of the jail had been fed I finally received some semblance of a meal after reminding them repeatedly of my rights. Jail staff then threatened to forcibly restrain me and take a blood sample instead. I informed them that I would like to speak to my lawyer and have him present. I was then told that no court order was needed and my lawyer was denied to me. At this point the bottled water they were providing was taken away from me and a large cup of water was placed before me. Upon drinking half of this cup I realized that it was spiked by some form of psychotropic medication, for I am highly sensitive to these types of medications and will not take them for that reason. After this I refused to drink anymore water given to me by medical. By this time I had been handcuffed to a bench in medical for 12 hours. I stood up to stretch my back and was quickly pepper-sprayed and had the hand that was cuffed to the bench fractured, in which I received no medical attention for. From here I was thrown into a suicide watch cell for four more days that had no running water, and made to sleep upon a bare concrete floor."

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 07:18 AM
If anyone has ties to media outlets, law firms, or organizations willing to stand for a just cause, message his address above.

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 07:18 AM
Here is a list of most of the things they did.
He was followed wherever he went with no less than 20 vehicles on him at all times, also with aerial survaillance at times by helicopter.
Following him from state to state with apps such as facebook and others being logged in from cities with FBI stations and offices.
They followed him to gas stations and restaurants with agents pretending to get gas, even handing ammo out to another agent and never showing a badge with him learning their faces over a period of months.
Many vehicles arriving after him at an empty parking lot at night and 10 or so agents following behind his friend into a restaurant.
A few cab vehicles with the company name of RECON following him, an odd name for a cab company since, recon means reconnaissance, which translates to information gathering.
Agents in vehicles blocking his exit from restaurant parking lots.
Agents getting out of their vehicles in the restaraunt parking lots, and closing in on the vehicle he was in, but backing off after him sticking his hand in his hand bag.
Using an EMP device to shut down his car engine, and also his laptop and phone.
Driving by where he was staying at night with no headlights on.
Agents on both sides of a parking lot with blacks between them shouting racial slurs and white supremecist, to try to provoke a response from him, after that failed the agents followed him on foot, so he decided to stay to well lit video surveillanced areas incase they did anything to him, he got away that night.
He went shopping at two stores one day, when he went into the first store there was a man standing at the entrance, he followed him in and told the manager or someone that worked there that he was a shoplifter so they stopped and searched him on the way out, he then went to the second store the same thing happened they closed the doors and searched him.
People on their payroll saying things at him as he drove by such as "look there he is"
Seeing the same woman in two different cities and two different states passing him in a walmart parking lot and she said something to him both times although I forgot what it was, his dog also growled at her, when he usually doesn't do that to people.
Turning certain friends and neighbors against him while he was gone, I also read online of them showing people you know fake documents with fake information in it.
During the last 5 nights before his arrest blocking the main roads off in the city.
The last night blocking all of them off while vechicles followed behind him, sticking an EMP device outside of the window to try to kill his car engine, he prevented the car from dying by revving the engine.
These vehicles followed behind him while flicking their lights on and off and passing him.
He didn't know how to escape so he tried crossing a railroad bridge over the river being the only escape, they may have wanted him to do this, because his car jumped and almost fell over the bridge, he said the car shouldn't have done that, and possibly an agent that was already under the bridge waiting that had climbed up from a river boat was there, and could have possibly stuck something through the tracks to make the car jump over, so when the car didn't go completely over, he was already there under the bridge and then proceeded to try to rock his vehicle off into the water 70 feet below with him in it, he got out and walked to the other side where he was beaten with a batton, pepper-sprayed then had multiple rights violated after being jailed.

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 07:29 AM
may i ask - why are you now reffering to yourself in the 3rd person ?

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 07:37 AM
Can you not read the first sentence of my first post, it is my brother I am talking about.

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