posted on Feb, 23 2017 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to:
I have no idea what to do ... add a morally oriented driver into the system? There are limited resources involved, and seemingly unlimited diseases
and afflictions ... and when you stomp out one disease or affliction, those people just live longer enough to get the next one.
So morality, how does that come back?
I mean, when religion controlled healthcare, was that even better? Was it worse?
I just say that ... like making sausage, the production of healthcare services will always be messy, and emotional because people get hurt/can't be
saved/die ... everyone eventually. You cannot win.
About the cost: it is an endeavor that about anyone would pay whatever then can pay to have to stay alive/healthy, but that in the end, nobody ever
What to do ?
We are doomed hah ... and I don't see any way to make it better. Sorry for that!
Just we must try to prevent it from getting worse again here in the US, like the so-called (and I HATE the arrogant term) 'Third World'.
If we keep going like this though, we are going there. Maybe we need to go there? I wish it was different.
Sorry to babble on so long. The issue is slightly heartfelt though.