Greetings Altair
or so "they" say
[snipped] In order to carry out a discussion can we all please not mention anything and I mean anything which will likely see this thread closed due
to T&C violation
this is a really interesting subject and deserves our attention.
[snipped] brought this website to our attention
For those of you not able to or unwilling to click on the link , it takes you to a minimal looking website ,alot of the features are disabled such as
right click on links , on pages
the whole thing is a giant hoax , puzzle , ad campaign, government psyop , weird occult group , you name it , its probably one , so lets all do some
head banging not the thrash metal kind but lets rub our noggins together and solve some puzzles
plus it will take our minds of the current political state of affairs in the US.
many of the pages contain images which are alchemical in nature, in fact most of the content deals with occult alchemical terminology and symbolism, I
believe the answers to their puzzles lie within the site itself awaiting to be unlocked by those of us with the logical rational mind.
There are alot of symbols which are there for a reason , There are sections of the site that link of to other departments
SVV deal with recruitment and training , the DOC or department of convolution are also involved there are many sections all with codes and puzzles
one of their symbols has a chemical compound in it , it would be interesting to have this analysed
I will start posting images for those too scared to click on when I get home from work
I plan to download the full website if possible using
Lets see where this goes.
I have also just sent them a friendly email asking about the site and what they do , I have also asked my friends over at
to see if they have any idea about this group
so time will tell , remember curiosity killed the cat aka conspiracy theorist.
edit on 23-2-2017 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)
edit on Thu Feb 23 2017 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason