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Trumps Deportation Force needs to go after ALL illegals and Undocumented not just violent criminals

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posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

Could we agree the repeat felons go first.

3 million felons is going to take a while.

Where are the repeat felons now? In jail costing American taxpayers $$$?

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: Liquesence
a reply to: Stevemagegod

You're still whining about Hillary? HAHAHAHAAH. Grow up.

Explain to me why Hillary has any relevance in this argument?

False equivalence much, or you just don't have any other argument or weight?

The left has been whining about G.W bush for 8 years. Hillary got kicked out just a month ago so tone it down a bit.

Bush? Hillary?

Neither Bush nor Hillary are president.

Why don't you bring something relevant to your argument instead of has-been, irrelevant arguments, instead of crying about what happened with other presidents.

edit on 21-2-2017 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: Naturallywired

originally posted by: Liquesence

originally posted by: Naturallywired

originally posted by: Liquesence

originally posted by: Naturallywired
Hell YES!
Deport all of them, please and fast! I want a job again.

Then get one instead of whining about "illegals" who took yer job.

If you really wanted a job you'd get one.
No thanks. And FU supporting immigrant crimes and socialist scum thoughts.

Or you could just...ya know, get a job instead of blaming "illegals" for your laziness.

I have a job. I deport scum. Ha ha ha ha HA! I know what in your your throat right now right? "GULP"!

Then why did you say

Deport all of them, please and fast! I want a job again.

Just grandstanding, or just BSing for the attention? Either you're a liar or a troll, which is it?

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:24 PM
Selective enforcement always creates division.

This is the problem.

Laws should apply to everyone equally, it doesn't matter how you feel or what you believe.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:29 PM
The thing is, if you give an inch they will take a mile. If you treat them "without" compassion fewer will be likely to come over. Bleeding heart idealism and "innocent illegals only deserve a chance" thinking is a horrible fallacy. Here read up on what South Africa experienced after they got rid of apartheid.

Why you don't want to live in South Africa

They may say they want a good life and peace but if they become fully entrenched you won't get the same consideration you want to bestow on them. Mass emigration is just a bad idea. What will happen is they will bring the very same society and government they claim to want to escape. Look around at what is happening in the world and take the rose colored glasses off for a bit.

originally posted by: ausername
For decades the left and right have fought over immigration issues and reform, amnesty etc. Meanwhile states and agencies made it easy for people to come in and stay (illegally) You really can't blame a lot of these people for seeking to escape horrible lives in extreme poverty with high crime a murder. In many places murder rates seemed near genocidal at times. Who wouldn't want to get away from that if they could, just by crossing a border?

Policies and inaction for reforms to deal with the immigration issues are how we got here.

A lot of really bad people came here too, in many cases from countries that would rather dump them here than to deal with the expense of imprisoning them. They have to go. Top priority.

The families that are here illegally must be dealt with, and with compassion and at least have an opportunity to apply for citizenship, or given a path to citizenship.

Anything less will be inhuman, disgraceful and shameful for our country.


edit on 21-2-2017 by Apollumi because: trying to correct wording

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:34 PM
And before the sjw's call me intolerant or racist or whatever, some of my family came here from Mexico legally. It was a process, but it's wasn't difficult.

edit on 2017-02-21T20:40:19-06:002201721America/Chicago2 by c2oden because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: c2oden
Selective enforcement always creates division.

This is the problem.

Laws should apply to everyone equally, it doesn't matter how you feel or what you believe.

Exactly you can't choose what Laws on the Books you want to follow and what Laws you tell Police to look the other way.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: Stevemagegod

What is that, in the ball park of 11 million people? Sounds like you want him to declare Martial Law because he'll have to use the military due to the sheer numbers and he'll have to keep these people in some kind of camp until they're sent away.

I thought Trump supporters were against Marshall Law and FEMA camps?

Hey Last time I checked 11 million people is an invasion force. And here I thought the Left was all about Love Trumps Hate but doesn't do a thing against Obama deporting 2 million people.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: ausername
For decades the left and right have fought over immigration issues and reform, amnesty etc. Meanwhile states and agencies made it easy for people to come in and stay (illegally) You really can't blame a lot of these people for seeking to escape horrible lives in extreme poverty with high crime a murder. In many places murder rates seemed near genocidal at times. Who wouldn't want to get away from that if they could, just by crossing a border?

Policies and inaction for reforms to deal with the immigration issues are how we got here.

A lot of really bad people came here too, in many cases from countries that would rather dump them here than to deal with the expense of imprisoning them. They have to go. Top priority.

The families that are here illegally must be dealt with, and with compassion and at least have an opportunity to apply for citizenship, or given a path to citizenship.

Anything less will be inhuman, disgraceful and shameful for our country.


I wholeheartedly agree with this post. The legal route should be the only way to get into the US. Let ICE do there job. I bet Mexico will fight this with tooth and nails and call it racist though.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: Perfectenemy

originally posted by: ausername
For decades the left and right have fought over immigration issues and reform, amnesty etc. Meanwhile states and agencies made it easy for people to come in and stay (illegally) You really can't blame a lot of these people for seeking to escape horrible lives in extreme poverty with high crime a murder. In many places murder rates seemed near genocidal at times. Who wouldn't want to get away from that if they could, just by crossing a border?

Policies and inaction for reforms to deal with the immigration issues are how we got here.

A lot of really bad people came here too, in many cases from countries that would rather dump them here than to deal with the expense of imprisoning them. They have to go. Top priority.

The families that are here illegally must be dealt with, and with compassion and at least have an opportunity to apply for citizenship, or given a path to citizenship.

Anything less will be inhuman, disgraceful and shameful for our country.


I wholeheartedly agree with this post. The legal route should be the only way to get into the US. Let ICE do there job. I bet Mexico will fight this with tooth and nails and call it racist though.

If they let Ice do there job in the 1st place the way the Laws were meant to be followed we wouldn't be in this mess right now. But seriously though Trump only deported 165 people and hes being called Hitler, or a Fascist which is friggen Hilarious.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: Swills
I thought Trump supporters were against Marshall Law and FEMA camps?

I can't speak for everyone, but I am not opposed to a life sentence of hard labor ... bread and water ... no work/no bread.

You'd see how fast people would flee the country.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: Liquesence
a reply to: Stevemagegod

You're still whining about Hillary? HAHAHAHAAH. Grow up.

Explain to me why Hillary has any relevance in this argument?

False equivalence much, or you just don't have any other argument or weight?

Hey I'm just giving you Alt-Left Facts instead of my usual Alt-Right Facts. But I guess if you don't like hearing the truth from Hillary on how bad the situation really is then you have lost the common sense argument.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: Stevemagegod
Lets review what Hillary had to say about illegals in the 3rd Debate:

They have 4 million American citizen children.

Hmm so let me get this straight. They have 4 million anchor guilt trip babies who get all American benefits and rights while there parents are living here tax free, while receiving various Government benefits, and if Police come to deport they say but i have a American CHILD. Don't touch me.

As far as the government benefits go it seems that most are White Americans.

I mean just look at those numbers 40.2% and you would have to say those people should be deported or at least have their citizenship revoked. end-sarcasm.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: Liquesence

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: Liquesence
a reply to: Stevemagegod

You're still whining about Hillary? HAHAHAHAAH. Grow up.

Explain to me why Hillary has any relevance in this argument?

False equivalence much, or you just don't have any other argument or weight?

The left has been whining about G.W bush for 8 years. Hillary got kicked out just a month ago so tone it down a bit.

Bush? Hillary?

Neither Bush nor Hillary are president.

Why don't you bring something relevant to your argument instead of has-been, irrelevant arguments, instead of crying about what happened with other presidents.


So you agree that the left blaming and complaining about bush for 8 long years was pathetic. That is good to know and nice to see we found some common ground on that outside of the hypocrisy that is shown after just a mere month that is.

edit on America/ChicagovAmerica/ChicagoTue, 21 Feb 2017 21:32:07 -06001720172America/Chicago by everyone because: Typo

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: ThoughtIsMadness

originally posted by: Stevemagegod
Lets review what Hillary had to say about illegals in the 3rd Debate:

They have 4 million American citizen children.

Hmm so let me get this straight. They have 4 million anchor guilt trip babies who get all American benefits and rights while there parents are living here tax free, while receiving various Government benefits, and if Police come to deport they say but i have a American CHILD. Don't touch me.

As far as the government benefits go it seems that most are White Americans.

I mean just look at those numbers 40.2% and you would have to say those people should be deported or at least have their citizenship revoked. end-sarcasm.

Its a predominantly white country. Hope you don't mind to much.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: c2oden
And before the sjw's call me intolerant or racist or whatever, some of my family came here from Mexico legally. It was a process, but it's wasn't difficult.

Thank you and your family for respecting our laws.

I hope you find everything you ever dreamed of.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

originally posted by: c2oden
And before the sjw's call me intolerant or racist or whatever, some of my family came here from Mexico legally. It was a process, but it's wasn't difficult.

Thank you and your family for respecting our laws.

I hope you find everything you ever dreamed of.

But I said some did.
Some didn't.

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

Very well said

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:37 PM
It's complicated, but those that didn't do it the right way, didn't do it the right way for a reason.

To clarify, there are extended family members that come and go.
One has 3 DUI's, they send him back and comes right back.
I've never met him, and that is probably a good thing.
edit on 2017-02-21T21:54:25-06:002201721America/Chicago2 by c2oden because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2017 @ 09:40 PM
Silly Republicans always wanting to hurt the brown people as bad as the law will allow.

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