posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 12:47 PM
originally posted by: chaeone86
What is most frightening about where we are: if two seemingly intelligent people cannot agree on facts first, how will they ever build consensus in
the face of subjective disagreement? This is intellectually impossible. This is what scares me so fully recently.
Hopefully getting back on topic here, this is something you wrote to another poster.
I think the whole issue is that we're in a post fact world. This isn't something exclusive to Trump, though it's gotten worse since he entered the
narrative. People aren't turning to the media for the truth anymore, or to their FB friends, or to forums, or to whereever they get information.
People are turning to these outlets for confirmation. Confirmation doesn't challenge you, instead it's positive reinforcement that your own world
view is correct, regardless of the reality of the matter.
People no longer care about facts. They care about being told they're right, because being right confirms an innate grasp of the issues at hand.
There's very few these days who are willing to challenge their own preconceptions and accept that they might be wrong.
For decades now we've distilled facts into spin, and to use more recent terms, spin into alternative facts. Not just on one side, but on all sides.
Then, to make the process even worse, we present these alternative facts in an entertaining medium where people are more receptive to them. As if
that weren't enough, we then take these lies (err sorry... alternative facts) and distill rooting for them into a team sport, and with the way things
are going a blood sport before much longer.
If you apply the idea of following the money to this, and given the amount of money that flows into obfusicating things, I have to assume it's the
elite families who run the banks among other institutions that are behind it. They've successfully moved politics, finance, and practically every
other aspect of how the world actually functions, behind an iron curtain where the public has no input, and cannot comprehend how things work.