Of course you immediately blame an illegal immigrant. Nothing bigoted about that. My guess, this man didn't hang around or know many illegal
immigrants. Nope, you're usually killed by someone close to you and in this case it sounds like his trashy wife is guilty as hell.
There is a reason they associate with the American branches of the Neo-nazi's.
They aren't near the power politically they once were. There was a time when a southern politician couldn't get anywhere without the support of or
membership in the Klan.
Mostly their time has passed, but there are still, most unfortunately, hold outs.
The map in interactive, and shows locations of known hate groups. Not just KKK, but the entire gamut of ethnic hate. It's disturbing--read their
literature, and it becomes even more disturbing.
Of course, for the most part they'll neglect to mention how they'll go 'bout that advocacy. They'll carefully avoid mentioning killing, or otherwise
removing by force, non-white Christians.