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Leaked Executive Order Reveals Trump Crackdown On Immigrant Welfare

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posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Thank you, thank you,, while the US does have a moral duty, to take immigrants and allow them to become citizens, we do need to address the needs of those that are already here and are Americans.

In the Desperation of the Democrats to look like they care, they are pandering to the wrong side, they are alienating the America citizens over immigrants, while, we do have Americans that are in more need already in our nation

Sadly their mistake is going to be their doom.

Those People, struggling with unemployment low wages and poverty, will remember next election day Schumer plastic face all over the news favoring immigrants.

That one was priceless.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Hi infolurker,

It appears that the author, Mr. Tyler Durden, drank the political correctness coolaid.

They are not immigrants. They're border jumpers and illegal aliens.
And, they're criminals for breaking the law.

Washington Post is a seething cesspool of liberalism.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
Go a step further, all those on welfare should be drug tested.. not just in the US but Aus, NZ, UK..

Fail 3 times, boom no welfare until you do pass 3 times.

I'll say it again, I wish my country had a leader with balls like Trump.. He'll take a hell of a lot of flack for this as per everything else, but at the root of it.. he's a patriot and is doing what is best for the United States

To me welfare should be something that a government provides to its citizens that need help. However, it should be viewed as a temporary measure, not a lifestyle.

Many people claim that very few people abuse the system, and while I find that to be unlikely, i hopeits true.

But if is the case, then no one wold have a problem with my suggestion. I feel that to obtain welfare (I don't mean unemployment benefits or food stamps) a person should have to provide substantial proof that they are seeking employment. If they can't get a job, the government should offer job training programs that the person collecting would have to show up to and sign in to collect their check each week.

If the person claims they can not do that, then they should have to show up to a faility every day for 8 hours a day and read or just sit there. After there eight hours, they could check out and get their money for the day. I am sure we would find that the truly needy people would welcome the opportunity to get job training and placement, and the ones who weren't so needy would soon drop out when they couldn't just have fun every day, and would have to show up for 8 hours to collect their money.

Obviously there would be logistical issues to work out, but I think its a start.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: MysticPearl
When my now wife went thru the legal process, renewing her green card, court/attorney fees reaching many thousands, on top of her holding a job and paying taxes her entire time here, she didn't received a single penny from the government.

I applaud this.

Then again, the left doesn't seem to care about the plight of people like my wife and where they come from, because she isn't Mexican or a refugee. And interestingly, that actual has a more racist/xenophobic undertone than anything coming from the right. The left actually gives preference and handouts to immigrants based on where they comes from. The left doesn't give two #'s about the plight of legal immigrants coming here from Russia or China or Indonesia or Poland or Ukraine, etc, but puts almost their entire focus towards Mexicans and Middle Easterners.

And that is exclusive, not inclusive. In action, they severely limit any legal immigration from numerous countries which don't offer political upside while giving heavy favoritism to those south of our border. Our immigration system actually heavily favors Mexicans, words you'll never hear on tv though.

Not my wife but her sister only made it here by winning the green card lottery. Why? Because America doesn't accept many legal immigrants from her country. And they aren't close enough to walk across the border. Imagine if we accepted so few Mexicans that many had to hope to win the green card lottery. Left would be in an uproar over...."racism". Yet the left employs and has employed those same strategies for years.

So my wife had to go thru all the hoops, pay thousands, hire multiple attorneys, numerous court appearances, all while holding a job and needing to speak English fluently to hold that job yet she sits here and sees all this talk about "give illegals more and more". She was left out of that conversation. Her country and many others are left out of that conversation. Hence my green card holding immigrant wife is an emphatic Trump supporter who also supported the travel ban. Another thing you'll never hear on the MSM.

Wow. You paid an attorney thousands to file for a green card? Why? My wife and I sat for 2 hours at the Internet, filled out all the necessary documents , jumped through all the hoops and applied ourselves. We didn't spend more than 2k.

My wife isn't from Mexico - but I just as the left ignores her, so does the right. Particularly when they only care about the illegals to the south of the border. The right went crazy when Trump said he's going to build a wall. What the hell is that going to do to stop illegals from my wife's home country? They are all over the place, but most American's probably don't notice until they open their mouth to speak.

My wife absolutely hates Trump.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: MysticPearl
When my now wife went thru the legal process, renewing her green card, court/attorney fees reaching many thousands, on top of her holding a job and paying taxes her entire time here, she didn't received a single penny from the government.

I applaud this.

Then again, the left doesn't seem to care about the plight of people like my wife and where they come from, because she isn't Mexican or a refugee. And interestingly, that actual has a more racist/xenophobic undertone than anything coming from the right. The left actually gives preference and handouts to immigrants based on where they comes from. The left doesn't give two #'s about the plight of legal immigrants coming here from Russia or China or Indonesia or Poland or Ukraine, etc, but puts almost their entire focus towards Mexicans and Middle Easterners.

And that is exclusive, not inclusive. In action, they severely limit any legal immigration from numerous countries which don't offer political upside while giving heavy favoritism to those south of our border. Our immigration system actually heavily favors Mexicans, words you'll never hear on tv though.

Not my wife but her sister only made it here by winning the green card lottery. Why? Because America doesn't accept many legal immigrants from her country. And they aren't close enough to walk across the border. Imagine if we accepted so few Mexicans that many had to hope to win the green card lottery. Left would be in an uproar over...."racism". Yet the left employs and has employed those same strategies for years.

So my wife had to go thru all the hoops, pay thousands, hire multiple attorneys, numerous court appearances, all while holding a job and needing to speak English fluently to hold that job yet she sits here and sees all this talk about "give illegals more and more". She was left out of that conversation. Her country and many others are left out of that conversation. Hence my green card holding immigrant wife is an emphatic Trump supporter who also supported the travel ban. Another thing you'll never hear on the MSM.

Wow. You paid an attorney thousands to file for a green card? Why? My wife and I sat for 2 hours at the Internet, filled out all the necessary documents , jumped through all the hoops and applied ourselves. We didn't spend more than 2k.

My wife isn't from Mexico - but I just as the left ignores her, so does the right. Particularly when they only care about the illegals to the south of the border. The right went crazy when Trump said he's going to build a wall. What the hell is that going to do to stop illegals from my wife's home country? They are all over the place, but most American's probably don't notice until they open their mouth to speak.

My wife absolutely hates Trump.

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
Go a step further, all those on welfare should be drug tested.. not just in the US but Aus, NZ, UK..

Fail 3 times, boom no welfare until you do pass 3 times.

I'll say it again, I wish my country had a leader with balls like Trump.. He'll take a hell of a lot of flack for this as per everything else, but at the root of it.. he's a patriot and is doing what is best for the United States

To me welfare should be something that a government provides to its citizens that need help. However, it should be viewed as a temporary measure, not a lifestyle.

I'm worse then you.

"That Which is Not Earned Has No Value" - - - I do not support cash handouts at all.

I prefer food banks that also include household essentials, where they also offer banking, and bill paying services. Your problem to get there (unless disabled). If its too much effort to drag your kids along, don't have any more (I also support free government abortions).

I support a layered government housing program. You start at the bottom and can work your way up. And each has mandatory requirements for keeping the facility up. You don't participate in your unit - - you're out.

Remember that next time anyone wants to call me Liberal.

edit on 31-1-2017 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2017 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: Tsubaki

I am no going to question where you got your green card in the internet, but I worked for an immigration lawyer when I arrived here in the south and, it was 5 thousand dollars to get you through the process.

Actually a fake ID in some areas like SS, drivers license and birth certificate would go as high as 3 thousand, this is something I learned from those that I worked with in the county that were migrant workers.

I guess now we can get anything in the net, this days.

edit on 31-1-2017 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: Tsubaki

No, we didn't pay thousands to apply for a green card. That's a minimal fee.

We paid thousands because her green card renewal kept getting shot down and we had to hire a team of lawyers to get that overturned.

There's this idea if you have a green card you'll get automatic renewal. Not so. Some countries are heavily favored over others. For example, most Mexican immigrants who get green cards get a 10 yr card. My wife and others from similar countries get 2 yr green cards. She didn't get the 10 yr green card until our lawyers won on the floor of the superior court after multiple rejections.

edit on 1-2-2017 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: MysticPearl
a reply to: Tsubaki

No, we didn't pay thousands to apply for a green card. That's a minimal fee.

We paid thousands because her green card renewal kept getting shot down and we had to hire a team of lawyers to get that overturned.

There's this idea if you have a green card you'll get automatic renewal. Not so. Some countries are heavily favored over others. For example, most Mexican immigrants who get green cards get a 10 yr card. My wife and others from similar countries get 2 yr green cards. She didn't get the 10 yr green card until our lawyers won on the floor of the superior court after multiple rejections.

Which is why Democrats have been calling for immigration reform. The right doesnt want it because they see it as a wedge issue for their voters.

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: Tsubaki

originally posted by: MysticPearl
When my now wife went thru the legal process, renewing her green card, court/attorney fees reaching many thousands, on top of her holding a job and paying taxes her entire time here, she didn't received a single penny from the government.

I applaud this.

Then again, the left doesn't seem to care about the plight of people like my wife and where they come from, because she isn't Mexican or a refugee. And interestingly, that actual has a more racist/xenophobic undertone than anything coming from the right. The left actually gives preference and handouts to immigrants based on where they comes from. The left doesn't give two #'s about the plight of legal immigrants coming here from Russia or China or Indonesia or Poland or Ukraine, etc, but puts almost their entire focus towards Mexicans and Middle Easterners.

And that is exclusive, not inclusive. In action, they severely limit any legal immigration from numerous countries which don't offer political upside while giving heavy favoritism to those south of our border. Our immigration system actually heavily favors Mexicans, words you'll never hear on tv though.

Not my wife but her sister only made it here by winning the green card lottery. Why? Because America doesn't accept many legal immigrants from her country. And they aren't close enough to walk across the border. Imagine if we accepted so few Mexicans that many had to hope to win the green card lottery. Left would be in an uproar over...."racism". Yet the left employs and has employed those same strategies for years.

So my wife had to go thru all the hoops, pay thousands, hire multiple attorneys, numerous court appearances, all while holding a job and needing to speak English fluently to hold that job yet she sits here and sees all this talk about "give illegals more and more". She was left out of that conversation. Her country and many others are left out of that conversation. Hence my green card holding immigrant wife is an emphatic Trump supporter who also supported the travel ban. Another thing you'll never hear on the MSM.

Wow. You paid an attorney thousands to file for a green card? Why? My wife and I sat for 2 hours at the Internet, filled out all the necessary documents , jumped through all the hoops and applied ourselves. We didn't spend more than 2k.

My wife isn't from Mexico - but I just as the left ignores her, so does the right. Particularly when they only care about the illegals to the south of the border. The right went crazy when Trump said he's going to build a wall. What the hell is that going to do to stop illegals from my wife's home country? They are all over the place, but most American's probably don't notice until they open their mouth to speak.

My wife absolutely hates Trump.

I just looked for my wife, the I-130 is $535 to file.

She doesn't like Trump either, lol.

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I have actually witnessed illegal immigrants (whose children were not immunized), living in homeless shelters, applying for housing, receiving welfare, not forced to look for work like the poor real victims of domestic violence were required to look for work on a daily basis, eating Chinese food with all the food stamps and cash assistance they got, some came from Haiti and had husbands back in their country, and they would western union money back to them. On top of that, the two I had the misfortune of driving around, were also mean to the other girls there, lazy, and abusive to their children. People tried to report it, and they were chastised for it.

While I realize not all illegal immigrants are like this, I have seen it, and it was a disgusting waste of taxpayer money!

Thank god we have Trump!
edit on 1-2-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-2-2017 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

at this point in history any person or group in power would be foolish to not taken full advantage of everything we know about how humans work and how to influence them.

and i agree with you. I believe Trump is a great deal smarter and more clever than most people realize. I was even surprised several times during his run thinking "oh certainly its over after he said/did this" and i even told people to get off the trump train before it crashed lol.

As it is we have seen him play the troll the media like a boss and i would imagine Bannon and others are even more highly skilled than he is at working the psychology angle.

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 08:48 AM
Oh heck yes!

Start with that one single address in Atlanta that the idiot IRS sent thousands of tax refunds too.

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: MysticPearl
a reply to: Annee

Why does our "land neighbor" get such preference? You're using preference insincerely here. Is there a 1% preference, 3%, 5%, more?

Mexicans were the original natives of CA (except for the indigenous).

They built CA. They used to be able to go back and forth across the border.

They have family here.

You want it to be like North and South Korea - - where families haven't seen each other in 15 years?

Of course there's reason for them to have preference.

yeah thats not really so true. the natives slaughtered anyone who tried to move up from central america for the most part for thousands of years. it was the spanish who built up california in the beginning of this country.
not sure why u bring up north and south korea considering we arent stopping anyone from going back home. if they dont want to be seperated from their families then theres ways of doing it legally so u dont have to worry about that. on top of that most of the illegal aliens from mexico send a ton of money back home and retire there after working in the US for years. so some of the money they earn doesnt make its way back into the economy like it does with legal citizens. on top of that u have them paying up to $10000 to coyotes to smuggle them over the border who are employed by the drug cartels. massive abuse is taking place during that crossing into the us from mexico aswell. women are raped, men are forced to carry drugs with a threat held against their family if they dont, etc etc and it all ends up benefiting the cartels.

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Leaked Executive Order Reveals Trump Crackdown On Immigrant Welfare

That's good news. Maybe now we can really start to take care of out own country when this keeps up.

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: MysticPearl
a reply to: Annee

Why does our "land neighbor" get such preference? You're using preference insincerely here. Is there a 1% preference, 3%, 5%, more?

Mexicans were the original natives of CA (except for the indigenous).

They built CA. They used to be able to go back and forth across the border.

Until they sold it.

edit on America/ChicagovAmerica/ChicagoWed, 01 Feb 2017 12:17:01 -06001720172America/Chicago by everyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

IMO drug testing was a failure of tax payer money according to the few states that did it.

We need to drug test all federal and state and local representatives, sure that would have a different picture.. surprise drug test when the chambers are in session...just like the real world.

CIA, FBI, ATF, NSA,EDA, etc 3 letter agencies.. Got a government contract same thing. ..

Failure your fired, sorry Mr/Mrs Congressperson that been office for 20 years... you need to held to the same standards you impose on the citizens.. here pee in this cup.

Then suddenly we would have drugs not considered drugs anymore and no more piss


posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: Firepoker

Yeah it would truly be like that if they were to do surprise drug tests on those people. That would be hilarious to see actually.

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: jjkenobi

I am from GA, let me tell you, those one that made the news did because they got caught, is thousands more that never get punished.

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