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Mexican Official Threatens to Unleash Cartels, Flood U.S. With Drugs and Narcotics

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posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

Personally i think Trump should just stick with his wall. Makeing mexico pay for it is too far. It is the USA border so the USA should pay for it.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

The Mexican spokesman's statement is a little puzzling.

Hes saying that at the moment, Mexican authorities cooperate with the US in trying to stop drug shipments from reaching the US border.

But doesnt Mexico have its own anti-drug laws? Its not as though drugs are legal in Mexico, are they?

In other words, if they apprehend a drug shipment, theyre going to confiscate the shipment and arrest the people regardless.

Its not as though theyre going to ask the perpetrators, "Are these drugs headed for the US? Yes? Ok, please continue"...

In that case, wouldnt every drug smuggler simply tell the Mexican authorities that hes on his way to America? lol

edit on 30-1-2017 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

If there is no denying that drugs are a primary import from Mexico, then who is bringing it over is a bit less important than it is to get it to stop.

2 reasons... if Mexico government has a problem with handling or influence of cartels, it is not the duty of the U.S. to segregate the due responsibility of it happening. For all the U.S. knows, the Mexican President could be part of the cartels.

That leads to reason 2... if the cartels are accruing finances through drug activity, then the Mexican government should allow the U.S. to revoke El Chapo assets if a civil conviction is reached. That way, the Mexican government is off the hook for the bill of the wall, and the rightful debtors to the wall fund it.

If the Mexican President fails to meet in the middle on those terms, then the level of suspicion rises as to cartel/presidential cohesiveness.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 07:57 AM
The unbelievable story of the moles, rabbits and scorpions-

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13
A rabbit likes to dig near the moles home
The mole and rabbit families ACT like they are enemy but have mutual financial connections
The mole says make sure no scorpions access your dig sites
Rabbit says ok we will keep eye out mole for the scorpions dirty stings
So the rabbits and moles coexist keeping the scorpion out
Next thing the moles changed interest says we are building over your dig sites rabbits!
The rabbits are upset and disturbed to the point the consider leasing dig sites to scorpions since the moles want to act out?
Now the rabbits moles feuding and scorpions leasing dig sites straight to mole world
And then...

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

No, I don't want to pay for a wall... I did not make any money from drugs coming into this country... I only have family and friends suffering from addiction... which is a cost to society.

The cartels should pay for the wall... they are the ones stashing cash in warehouses due to the black market U.S. created. I am willing to let the military go get the money from the cartels to be honest...

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Did you miss my post that shows how much US foreign aid goes towards Mexico's military and anti-narcotics efforts? If the US stops sending that money and/or hurts the Mexican economy by adding tariffs on Mexican goods, how do you expect the former joint US-Mexican anti-narcotics programs to keep getting funded?

Let me put it another way. We'd be harming their economy with a trade war while cutting some or all foreign aid to them. The trade war would devastate their govt's funds, while the cuts to foreign aid would further reduce the funds they'd have to fight our War on Drugs. But then we'd still expect them to self-fund those same programs that help our War on Drugs down there? Why would they do that? Especially when we can't/won't stop our own citizens from enabling those same cartels by constantly buying their drug products?

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Good call. If there was any doubt that the cartels have their hands up the spine of the Mexican government, that can be put to rest. Nietos 12% approval rating also coincides with the people of Mexico having the same ideas.

Border states and towns, be safe.

So its been confirmed this whole setup has been in the planing for Trump to execute?
I did noti e Castaneda means "Castle of the Chestnuts.".

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: FelisOrion
Ah, oh ungrateful America. Soon you will see.

You truly are one of the biggest haters of America on this board.

edit on America/ChicagovAmerica/ChicagoMon, 30 Jan 2017 08:44:20 -06001720171America/Chicago by everyone because: typo

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: ttobban

I note that you refuse to accept the intelligence communities role in the trafficking of drugs, people and guns into and out of Mexico, across the very border this wall is supposed to protect?

Wall or no wall, it will make next to zero nett difference. Unless there is a lid to stop the planes coming in, to stop drugs being fired out of cannons, slingshots, or delivered by drones, unless the wall goes down a hundred feet beneath the surface of the Earth, to prevent tunnels being dug, and unless the sea either side of the US/Mexico border is so heavily policed that even the fish get stopped and searched, then the drugs will still come across, in huge volume, and there will STILL be nothing anyone can do about that. Its not even going to make the vast majority of illegal immigration tail off, since most illegal immigration is to do with overstaying tourist or business visas... but whatever!

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:08 AM
I can't see where the ex-Official in this video says what is claimed. He said that Mexico might stop cooperating with the US Govt in the effort to stop the flow of drugs through Mexico en route to the USA. That is very different from Mexico actively trying to 'unleash cartels' or 'flood the US with drugs'.

There is a lot of misreporting and partisan interpretation about Trump that I find ridiculous, so by the same token I find these claims about what this ex Mexican official said to be in the same boat.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: ttobban

I think with all the education about which drugs are addicting and harmful, addiction is a choice and personal responsibility. The cartels exist because of the addicts and the federal government can't fix that.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:12 AM
So they want another Mex/American war..

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I do fully agree with U.S. involvement with the madness... only a fool would think the U.S. is innocent here.

The point is... what's done is done... time to draw a line in the sand.

Why peg each government against each other? Just revoke the cartel finances... both governments move on with life.

And, to add... I have Mexican friends in the U.S. illegally. They cross back and forth freely... often visiting family members at holiday. While I agree with the thought on flight... its the line in the sand that is needed more then the correct ouutcome.
edit on 30-1-2017 by ttobban because: added comments...

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: ttobban

You make an enormous amount of sense if it could be orchestrated. However, I don't think we could send our military into another country without a declaration of war. It could be that in retaliation, they would offer their tunnels to ISIS.
(Or something.)

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: ttobban

Or stop buying their stupid drugs. If a person is caught with drugs that came from Mexico, his penalties are more severe.
Or legalize marijuana, and stop the madness.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Actually, he's saying the exact opposite if people actually listen to the clip. He's pointing out the truth, which is that the vast majority of drugs that flow through Mexico are headed for the US. And people here may not know this but a lot of the US's foreign aid to Mexico is for fighting the cartels and flow of drugs into the country. In fact, here's a simple list showing how our aid to Mexico was allocated in 2012 (HERE):


Child Survival and Health: -$12,200
Department of Defense Security Assistance: $39,854
Development Assistance: $17.9 million
Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance: $40.8 million
Global Health and Child Survival: $3.89 million
Narcotics Control: $27.6 million
Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related: $7.07 million
Other Active Grant Programs: $15.4 million
Other State Assistance: $2.7 million
Other USAID Assistance: $2,764
Other USDA Assistance: $372,914
Peace Corps: $2 million


Military Assistance, Total: $91.7 million

So any wedge between the 2 countries would obviously influence things like this, seeing as the US wouldn't send the money to help Mexico fight the cartels and Mexico would have no incentive to fight the cartels to help the US war on drugs. Remember, Mexico's been fighting a brutal war against the cartels since 2006-ish.

Also, since when did Americans not like drugs from Mexico? I don't use recreational drugs of any kind. But the last time I checked, cartels, gangs, local dealers, and organized crime families sell so many drugs here simply because Americans keep demanding them! And how many people actually check to see where your recreational drugs were grown/manufactured or imported from? If anything, a flood of those products into the American market would cause the prices to collapse, which I doubt many drug users here would object to.

Yes, he was stating the truth and I find it hard to believe that anyone doesn't object to it and are actually cheering it on. The man is threatening our country by sending more drug and gang violence? Do people really hate everything Trump does that blindly ? They show absolutely no understanding or knowledge on what type of criminality illegally crosses the border, including human trafficking. They have no clue what kind of violence those cartel perform on the Mexican people and in the US as well. Drugs such as heroine ruin lives and he's bragging about sending more for our youth to kill themselves with. The United states has it's sovereign right to protect its borders and its people with existing laws.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: MOMof3

I agree that you can't fix addicts. While it will never stop, to let it continue is pretty much choosing suicide over life. We have to lead by example... how do we expect kids to stay off drugs when TV tells them to ask their doctor what is right for them?

The U.S. has a 'poison the mind' mentality... that means, the federal government is as much a culprit in this as the cartels. The federal government/cartel marriage needs a violent divorce... plain and simple. How that plays out afterwards is to let the chips fall where they will, but something serious needs to be done.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

I fully agree that war is not the answer... I merely say that because I want it to stop above all.

There is BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars in cash in cartel hands. Why is it never talked about as being used to fund the band-aids going forward?

I personally don't care for a wall... I just want the ridiculousness to stop.

We are even talking about throwing in the towel because addicts will always exist... so sad. People in our country fought and dies to vote, and we can't even get our citizens up to fight for the lives of our children.

Forgive me if I am finger pointing... no ill will intended. But, this is coming from someone who just buried their best friend last month (heroin) and just seen a nephew off to rehab (found OD'd with a needle in arm). When it's at your door step... I hope you all step up and fight for what is right for our children.

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: ttobban

Oh my goodness...


The people who run these cartels, the people who control the intelligence community, the military industrial complex and so on, are not accountable to the government, to the people, or to anything other than the number of dollars they have at their disposal and the power that can buy them, either on the open market or behind closed doors!

For Christs sake, this has been going on for decades, and unless someone is prepared to lift the skirts of the intelligence infrastructure, publicly name the players, their dirty deeds, the moments when the MIC overruled or undermined the President of the US over the last seventy plus years, the times where it acted for the private interests which own it, over and above the needs of the people and the government itself, unless this is something that people are prepared to do, at great risk to their own life, the drugs will continue to flow, the terror threats will never cease.

There will never be a time where a beast as huge as the MIC does not demand even greater investment, growth at the expense of all else, an unlimited and unceasing flow of money and power, to shady persons such as those who own the Federal Reserve Bank (a private bank, not a part of the Federal government), for example, whose names we are not permitted to know, whose reach can only be seen in figures and interest rates, but has ripples every bit as savage as a nuclear tsunami.

The MIC make money everywhere, so its not just a supply and demand issue, its not just about the US having "a role" in this situation. This is a situation that the deep state created and will not terminate, because it is lucrative as can be. ALL that needs to happen, is that people need to stop permitting themselves to buy the latest excuse to turn the issue into a political football, and accept that short of revolution, nothing will change, because it is the government itself which causes all the fundamental problems experienced by the people of the US, and NOTHING ELSE!

posted on Jan, 30 2017 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: mkultra11

Yes, he was stating the truth and I find it hard to believe that anyone doesn't object to it and are actually cheering it on. The man is threatening our country by sending more drug and gang violence? Do people really hate everything Trump does that blindly ? They show absolutely no understanding or knowledge on what type of criminality illegally crosses the border, including human trafficking. They have no clue what kind of violence those cartel perform on the Mexican people and in the US as well. Drugs such as heroine ruin lives and he's bragging about sending more for our youth to kill themselves with. The United states has it's sovereign right to protect its borders and its people with existing laws.

Get a grip on yourself. lol. He said the countries have always been friendly, and Mexico has tried to cooperate with us by trying to keep the cartels out of the U.S. If we are going to treat Mexico like so much garbage, with complete disregard for their economy or dignity, then they just might stop cooperating.

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