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A starseeds goal in life as a human

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posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: 4N0M4LY

Could you explain why they would be "afraid" of altering development?

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13
I know what I AM... Do you know what you are seems to be the question your avoiding asking yourself. Unfortunately I cannot answer that for you for it is you who must look within.

Of course. You deflect with bullsh*t. As I said earlier :

Not once on any thread of ATS have any of you people ever imparted anything 'ground breaking' which is not common sense or just hyperbole or ridiculous ambiguity wrapped in rhetoric to make yourselves sound important.

You prove the point perfectly.

I know what I am. I am not 'better' than you or anyone else. I am not enlightened or spiritually superior. I'm just a human being. A mammal. Born on this planet after millions of years of evolution and will exist in a fraction of a fraction of cosmic time, returning to the earth eventually as constituent parts, only to be reused again and again and again.

I have no make believe illusions of what I am or who I am. When I asked you a simple question, you deflected and put the question back to me. I can only assume by your avoidance to answer is you are too embarrassed to say you believe yourself to be something more than you actually are. When you're not. You're just like me and everyone else -- a scared human being who has no idea what happens when this physical body dies.

The only difference is I don't pretend like you do.
edit on 1-2-2017 by noonebutme because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-2-2017 by noonebutme because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: noonebutme

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13
I know what I AM... Do you know what you are seems to be the question your avoiding asking yourself. Unfortunately I cannot answer that for you for it is you who must look within.

Of course. You deflect with bullsh*t. As I said earlier :

Not once on any thread of ATS have any of you people ever imparted anything 'ground breaking' which is not common sense or just hyperbole or ridiculous ambiguity wrapped in rhetoric to make yourselves sound important.

You prove the point perfectly.

I know what I am. I am not 'better' than you or anyone else. I am not enlightened or spiritually superior. I'm just a human being. A mammal. Born on this planet after millions of years of evolution and will exist in a fraction of a fraction of cosmic time, returning to the earth eventually as constituent parts, only to be reused again and again and again.

I have no make believe illusions of what I am or who I am. When I asked you a simple question, you deflected and put the question back to me. I can only assume by your avoidance to answer is you are too embarrassed to say you believe yourself to be something more than you actually are. When you're not. You're just like me and everyone else -- a scared human being who has no idea what happens when this physical body dies.

The only difference is I don't pretend like you do.

Your wasting your time arguing with me about who you assume I AM and who you don't know you are.
I wont entertain, you have already proven your intentions in threads like these already with your emotional post...

If there is something you are sincere about learning 1 will do my best to guide, but the back and forth responses to your emotional post as you wait for me to log off and attempt your miniature attack are again a waste of time. You have proven what your stance is in this Op. Be well

posted on Feb, 1 2017 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: Underfire2

People don't like having people calling themselves starseeds..

But I think you already know that.

The typical reaction is somewhere along these lines: "Oh so you think you're special?" "You think you're better than us?"

We have a social phenomena called jantelagen in Scandinavia.. It's essentially a public shaming mechanism stating: "Don't think you're special! Don't think you're better than us!"

People have a hard time accepting the notion of spiritual evolution.. because it means some people are simply 'older' and wiser. And it means a person will have to work on themselves to make evolutionary progress, all the way from being a plant to a god. Instead of just accepting whatever God into their heart and be rewarded with an eternity in heaven - the fantasies of children: some God outside of us will take care of all our problems.

People are obsessed with a false notion of equality, they would probably find this whole idea horrible. Some people simply being older.

I don't know. Am I making all of this up? Every time I've seen a person call themselves a starchild or something of the sort people react venomously. It's the barbarian monkeys of this planet.. it is what it is.

And very soon most of them will die as billions perish.. and we will rejoice because our time to punish the heathens will have come. And their dying screams will feed us as we feast. This much dark energy haven't been released for thousands and thousands of years.. Truly these end times are heaven to us heavenly vampires. A banquet of horrified souls all ripe for the taking. And who could stop us?

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13
Your wasting your time arguing with me about who you assume I AM and who you don't know you are.

Do you speak English? I didn't assume. I asked you a question - a question to answer. You neglected to answer. You chose to deflect and re-direct to me.

If there is something you are sincere about learning 1 will do my best to guide,

Spare me your pretentiousness. You're a human being. No more, no less.

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: noonebutme
Spare me your pretentiousness. You're a human being. No more, no less.

Actually 1 is a Spirit experiencing EXISTENCE in this current form of a human to clear your accusation attempts.

Just because you feel your beliefs are objective to your perceptions does not qualify as truth to anyone.
Your behavior in this thread still is deflecting from the fact that you have personal issues with processing the unknown internally and 1 still recommends that you take some time to look within. For the more you keep posting about me distracting the thread about Star Seeds you are serving the ignorant with you satire.

Your beliefs are yours mines are mine no matter how much you keep trying to force that aggressive nomenclature on me about how you assume to know so much about 1.

To respect the thread multiple times the request is basically stay on topic and all you can do is act like you are not capable of utilizing your 10% mental capacity and communicate as a mature adult. Instead you keep attempting to throw these toddler like attacks to prove some strange point as if I don't sense your game...
But if that makes sense to you very well but it does not make any sense to me.

This thread is about Star seeds helping humanity and all your intelligence can do is spew your dialect as if its universally objectively accepted and you keep catching emotions because 1 keeps denying your ignorance, funny. So I will let you take a few hours to postulate what you can come up with to say next, but I'm not commenting unless its on topic.
But as of now I call it like I see it since your thread content is not even able to concentrate on the topic, as typical trolling by someone emotional who feels more special then others because you feel your beliefs are objective truth? and unfortunately if you cannot concentrate I cannot concentrate for you.

1 apologizes to the OP for interfering within the thread data-
noonebutme carry on

edit on 2/2/17 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 12:37 PM
Ok so let's try taking a different approach. I am one of these people who when younger thought I had some special thing about me. Indigo, starseed, blueray, crystal...any of them. The problem came down to the fact that I needed to feel special because deep down I had something in me that was missing and frankly it seems that way from everyone who goes through this.

So let's look at the OP.

In elementary school I had a fascination with the stars,

I can't even describe the amount of kids I know who are fascinated with stars.

Even as a child I was deemed different, I was able to speak but chose not to

This is literally every shy kid in existence.

It just so happens I was born on the winter solstice equinox in 79, and Orion's belt would have been directly over head at birth.

You and thousands and thousands of others

We are here to open your eyes to life outside your planet, that is our goal.

Generally we call them philosophers or philosophically-minded. People can and have been quite deep and different thinkers without being a starseed.

So let me ask a couple of things. Every one of these threads is always a slew of extreme humblebrags. If you are lying, then it really makes sense because you may be in damage control mode or wanting people to buy in.

But let's pretend a moment that you are truly a starseed. I have two questions. First, why the talking down to us? Don't sit and tell us you aren't and then turn around and talk about how we won't change and how our weapons are always ready and how we want to shoot everything that moves or that you aren't violent or mean like those around me." This entire thread has included in roundabout, and some direct terms that we humans are in need of change. No know who else notices we need change other than starseeds? You know who else has done a great job of opening our eyes other than starseeds? OTHER HUMANS.

But more importantly, if we continue to assume you are legit and are so enlightened and advanced, why are you falling prey to pokes and prods while constantly telling us how above responses you are?

Heck....I have a third question now.

Other than one or two other posters who buy into this, the rest completely disagree and think you are lying. Again, assuming it is true, why would such an advanced being run into such incredible resistance that seems unable to change, and keep at it?

Advanced and enlightened humans know that some battles will not be won and thus are not worth fighting. Because to fight the unwinnable battles means to take energy away from your cause of fighting the winnable battles.

Dr. King helped change and shape the face of racism in the actual system. He knew he was not going to be able to make a racist not be a racist and to try would have sapped his energy. Instead, he went after a winnable fight to make his mark and help alter humanity.

He also didn't need to talk down to others to do so...

posted on Feb, 2 2017 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13
This thread is about Star seeds helping humanity

And as there is no evidence of this, it's not valid.

Now, had the OP asked about a "Good person's goal in life" whereby they want to help others, make society a better place and generally lead a philanthropic life - brilliant.

But I question, which I am allowed to do, the validity of these made up things called star seeds.

And, rather than answer my question, you yet again dodge it. I'll ask you again, while keeping it in frame of the thread.

Do you believe you are 'other' than a human being? Do you believe you are a so called Star Seed?

If so, then what are your personal goals, as a star seed, in this human life?

posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: Underfire2

Hello! This is my second post, the first being the one I made at the Introductions thread. I read this thread today, and I want to offer my viewpoint on the topics that have been covered here.

I am also a starseed. But in contrast to the OP, I have discovered this fact about myself only a few years ago, and I am in my 40's right now.

It seems that there is this mistaken idea that starseeds tend to think that they are "superior" to Earth humans who are not starseeds. Or from another perspective, that people who aren't starseeds think they are viewed as "inferior."

Well, all humans here, starseeds or not, have a Soul. And all Souls are created equal, and remain equal throughout their journey back to their Origin, or what some people call the Source. So there aren't Souls who are "more important" than others. We are all the same, each Soul being a part of the Light and each Soul being the Light Itself.

Each and every soul is unique and infinitely valuable. No soul is above or below any other.

What is different among Souls is their degree of evolution. This evolution represents how far advanced each one is on their way to rejoining the Origin or Source. But being on the beginning of the journey, in the middle of it, or at the very end, doesn't make any soul more or less important.

A newly-created soul who is beginning its journey will not have the same degree of evolution as one who has already experienced a thousand lifetimes, for example. Earth is full of souls who are beginning their evolution, since this planet is in the Third Dimension of existence, the lowest dimension where a soul can incarnate. As souls progress they can access higher dimensions, where new and more "powerful" possibilities are open for them to experience existence.

Starseeds come from places of such higher dimensions. That is why most have abilities that are considered "paranormal", like being able to have visions foretelling events in the future, feeling the energy that certain things generate, etc. Each starseed incarnated here on Earth for a specific mission that he or she wanted to accomplish. These missions often involve aid in different kinds. Some have already figured out what that mission is, and for example, are writing books on spiritual topics, or are applying alternative healing techniques. Some, like myself, don't know precisely what our mission is, but are actively preparing for it by educating ourselves, networking, participating in certain events, trying out different things, etc. And some others have still to know what to do. It's OK, we will all know what our mission is. The important thing is to raise our level of consciousness. And tools like meditation, among others, can help with this.

People who aren't starseeds CAN benefit tremendously by raising their awareness too, by becoming more conscious. Sadly, it's true that the system implanted here on Earth is brutal, and discourages becoming more aware. The system promotes disunity, pain, brain-washing, distraction, etc. But still, the benefits of making the effort to raise our consciousness are immense. I can attest that after a couple of years of making such effort, my life is so much better. I have more physical, emotional, mental health. My relationships to others are great. My life has become more comfortable and happier all-around. And the effort has become easier too the longer I undertake it.

To the OP, I would advise him to focus on the positive side of having incarnated here. You are fulfilling your soul's desire, because your soul WANTS to experience life here. As a starseed, you have a worthy mission that you will accomplish one day. And you can focus on everything good and beautiful you have in your life right now. Look around you! You mention you have a young son, well, that is truly a blessing! You get to be a guide, teacher, mentor to another soul (he may be a starseed also). Nature on this planet is incredibly amazing! Enjoy it! There is so much beauty to see, if you choose to. One very important thing is for you to have a positive outlook on life. When you existed in a higher dimension, you very well knew and practiced one of the most important Laws in the Universe: The Law of Attraction. If you generate positive energy, positive energy will come to you, in the form of opportunities, good relationships, comfort, etc. If you generate negative energy, undesirable things will come to you. It's the way the Universe ensures that you learn your lessons anyway. Ultimately the Universe always wants you to become the best version of yourself, for which you will be grateful.

So take heart! And don't get discouraged by the vast majority of people misunderstanding you or having a negative response. They are not meant to understand yet, their degree of evolution is different and they are in another part of their journey. We always have to respect that and be happy for who we are.

So to everyone reading this, my brothers and sisters, I wish you the very best in your amazing travel through existence! It might not be easy at times, but there is so much greatness and wonder in it!

edit on 23-3-2017 by Najer because: forgot to point it out

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