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A starseeds goal in life as a human

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posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 03:28 PM
I will start this thread off with a story of my personal experiences. That is all I have to offer. Providing others views wouldn't do this thread any justice.

Even as a child I was deemed different, I was able to speak but chose not to. I found comfort in just observing others, and keeping my distance from evil beings. By age 4 I proclaimed myself a starseed, but didn't have the vocabulary to explain myself in a fashion that would open anyone's eyes to what that was.

In elementary school I had a fascination with the stars, and as others have pointed out, I also seemed drawn to Orion's belt, and felt comfort in seeing it.

It just so happens I was born on the winter solstice equinox in 79, and Orion's belt would have been directly over head at birth. Perhaps this has something to do with the fascination.

October 29 2016
I remember this date, me and my current girlfriend were in a deep discussion that night, about the current nightmare of dictatorship we live in here in America. We were both up until around 11 pm.
The next day my neighbor across the street from us said an odd orb was hovering over our house. I asked at what time and where? She said it was there for at least 3 hours, for she had seen it on multiple occasions as she came and went from her front porch. Then she pointed to an area at the side of our house, just above the roof. That was right outside our bedroom window, basically above my head as me and my girlfriend were talking.

I've seen many UFO's, orbs, and undisclosed man made craft's. I don't believe all of them to be human operated.

I haven't had alot of witnesses of these accounts, but in my teens I had a girlfriend, and we were laying around her yard one night, looking into the stars above. A star shot across the sky, slowed down and made a sharp turn. I ask her what she thought that was? She said a shooting star, make a wish, I did. I said, are you mentally ill? It changed direction, what does that say to you? She said, I don't know. I said, it is a UFO, shooting stars, or meteors don't change course.

Our job as starseeds

We are here to open your eyes to life outside your planet, that is our goal. I believe we've been doing a great job. You can't just flip a switch and hope everyone gets along. What other reason would an alien being take human form? The goal is to help you become aware, and comfortable with beings so vastly different than you. Humans have a very hard time socializing with their own over very small differences in appearance, and individual beliefs.
To just hop onto the planet and begin socializing would be a disaster.

The time is approaching fast, and so much more has to be done. People are waking up slowly to the fact that they are not alone, but it needs to speed up.
You have been given so much information, but it seems so many are still stuck in disbelief.

Beings from other worlds are in your books of worship, all over your temples all around the world, spoken about on a daily basis on your television.

These beings don't want to come here in the midst of war with weapons pointed at them. Not that they can't defend themselves, but prefer not to have to.

If you consider yourselves starseeds, or you are awake to the fact that you are not alone in this universe, or on this planet. You should be waking everyone you know. That is the goal.

They are not after your precious gold, diamonds, or cattle. They have an abundance of those things in other places, if they were to even need such a thing.

The human mind has developed to the point that humans should be able to put away their differences, and social issues, and see a better future with those of a greater understanding of the big picture. Instead you seem to insist on creating more difficulty for yourself and others around you. Xbox, and PlayStation war games for children is a great example of that.

Look at what it would take just to get a single continent prepared for a peaceful encounter. At the moment, it's impossible. Unless you include Antarctica, lol, if you do, then it wouldn't be you conversing with these beings. I'm not drawing any lines to the Antarctica news of the last few months. I'm only stating that it's less armed, and less populated by disbelief. If a meeting had to take place on earth, that would be one of the few places they would agree on.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Underfire2

Well said! Simplicity's will continue to be forced into alien forum... sadly.

Best Wishes!!!

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: Underfire2

I ask her what she thought that was? She said a shooting star, make a wish, I did. I said, are you mentally ill? It changed direction, what does that say to you? She said, I don't know. I said, it is a UFO, shooting stars, or meteors don't change course.

I always assumed Starseeds were an altruistic group that rise above the demeaning nature of us regular humans...

Hopefully she bailed on you after that.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 03:44 PM
Everyone alive on this planet is here for very individual experiences. That's the big "secret." Aliens wish to push conformity: everyone has to lay down their arms, live in peace, etc. Why do they want that? If we are so disgusting in their eyes, why don't they stay away? They want something from us, and saying, "we will make ourselves known once ALL humans are X, Y, and Z," just sounds so bogus. The reason why you can't change certain people is because they are not here for your purposes, or the purposes of the aliens. Humans have a deep need for war and that is why there are so many violent video games out there. It is an outlet that works well in modern society. Anyway, not everyone is going to "wake up" simply because "waking up" is not the experience they are here for. Nobody needs to deny them their desired experience, especially not extraterrestrials who don't understand them and probably are pursuing an agenda.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: BestinShow

No, she didn't. I wasn't mean in the way I said it. It was done with a humorous giggle, and she giggled as well.

Perhaps that should have been included.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 03:58 PM
Everyone alive on this planet is here for very individual experiences. That's the big "secret." Aliens wish to push conformity: everyone has to lay down their arms, live in peace, etc. Why do they want that? If we are so disgusting in their eyes, why don't they stay away? They want something from us, and saying, "we will make ourselves known once ALL humans are X, Y, and Z," just sounds so bogus. The reason why you can't change certain people is because they are not here for your purposes, or the purposes of the aliens. Humans have a deep need for war and that is why there are so many violent video games out there. It is an outlet that works well in modern society. Anyway, not everyone is going to "wake up" simply because "waking up" is not the experience they are here for. Nobody needs to deny them their desired experience, especially not extraterrestrials who don't understand them and probably are pursuing an agenda.

Exactly! You're a war like being. The problem is, you're developing devices that would give you the ability to travel outside your planet, with plans of bringing war to other areas of the galaxy.

Stay here and kill each other, you're not welcome up there with that.
edit on 29-1-2017 by Underfire2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:06 PM
What ever happened to the prime directive ever being used with advanced species more intelligent than us humans? Why do other advances species interfere on our planet as if you own us although you would know more about the universe than us humans.

Why would an advanced species choose this planet to try to mold humanity in its own image when they have an infinite list of planets with life that could possibly be better than here. Why Earth?

Point being. Interstellar beings need to stop interfering with lesser species affairs and let us humans make our own fate, whether it be good or bad.

The prime directive should be upheld and all attempts to alter or change humanity's ways should be left up to the people of Earth. If we succeed or fail. It is by our decision.

edit on 29-1-2017 by 4N0M4LY because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:15 PM
I was with you for awhile there, until you changed course mid-stream and said, "Our job as starseeds" without any preamble at all. How did you get from looking at the stars with your girlfriend to suddenly---starseeds. Do you have any solid evidence that you are any different than anyone else? It sounds very delusional.

originally posted by: 4N0M4LY
What ever happened to the prime directive ever being used with advanced species more intelligent than us humans? Why do other advances species interfere on our planet as if you own us although you would know more about the universe than us humans.

You mean other from the fact that the "Prime Directive" comes from science fiction stories? Star Trek is great and all, but it's still fiction.
edit on 1/29/2017 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: 4N0M4LY

Basically the same as the answer above.

If you would stay on earth with your problems and weapons, the interference in your affairs wouldn't take place.

I know it's not you personally, but the PTB have these things, and have for a long while.

So I guess I could ask you the same question, and add to it.

Why do humans find the need to travel outside your planet and shoot at anything that moves?

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Well, considering all these "starseeds" are no different from us regular folks, you know, no blood tests, DNA, brain mapping or anything else you could think of would distinguish them apart, you just have to take OP's word that they're special.
They're all special.
I really wish we had an eyeroll emoticon. A big one.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Although you consider it science fiction, I know for a fact there is an advanced interstellar race that adopts a form or another of non-interference with lesser technologically advanced beings for the fear of altering their course of development.
edit on 29-1-2017 by 4N0M4LY because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: Underfire2

Our job as starseeds

We are here to open your eyes to life outside your planet, that is our goal. I believe we've been doing a great job. You can't just flip a switch and hope everyone gets along. What other reason would an alien being take human form? The goal is to help you become aware, and comfortable with beings so vastly different than you. Humans have a very hard time socializing with their own over very small differences in appearance, and individual beliefs.
To just hop onto the planet and begin socializing would be a disaster.

So, you consider yourself superior and not human?

How exactly do you know that?

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: schuyler

I made the statement as a child and stuck with it. Not conforming to a religious belief in the same fashion as others, even while forced on me at a young age.
I knew what I was doing, and looking for far too early. Physical proof is an impossibility, I was born in the same environment you were with the same tools.

I don't carry a cell phone, or a camera. So proof of what I've seen isn't possible without other witnesses. All I have to offer is memory.
edit on 29-1-2017 by Underfire2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: Underfire2
a reply to: 4N0M4LY

Basically the same as the answer above.

If you would stay on earth with your problems and weapons, the interference in your affairs wouldn't take place.

I know it's not you personally, but the PTB have these things, and have for a long while.

So I guess I could ask you the same question, and add to it.

Why do humans find the need to travel outside your planet and shoot at anything that moves?

Humanity has the right to develop as far as their minds will allow. However humanity will not stay on Earth and weapons of war will be brought with them, it is inevitable. They will learn the rules of the universe and what they can and cannot do by their own hands or the ones that seeks to deny them progression until they realize their faults.

Humans by nature are peaceful and violent, you cannot accept one side without acknowledging the other. It is just not humanity that seeks to travel amongst the stars, it is the progression all species in this galaxy must take to survive extinction. As far as the shooting anything that moves you are inquiring about - Fear of the unknown - weapons/fear is a combination that will never end well.

Like I said - Humanity will learn the hard lessons ahead in time. They will adapt or they will suffer.
edit on 29-1-2017 by 4N0M4LY because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: Underfire2

We are here to open your eyes to life outside your planet, that is our goal. I believe we've been doing a great job.

Yes, you and Hollywood. Do they work for you?

Beings from other worlds are in your books of worship, all over your temples all around the world, spoken about on a daily basis on your television.

All your base are belong to us......

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: 4N0M4LY

To continue as you are, and in the way you are, is inviting your extinction from hands outside your planet.

Continued assault on beings unlike you in the name of fear from a craft that never made a threatening gesture is unacceptable.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: Underfire2
It just so happens I was born on the winter solstice equinox in 79...

I would think if you were fascinated by astronomy that you would know that the solstices and equinoxes are two different astrological events.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: Underfire2

You keep refering to "your". Are you not human?

If you are not human then what brand of alien are you?

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:43 PM
I am called a son of God, not because I am good or anything like that, just because I accept Christ
See unlike your creepy aliens, God loves us and accepts us warts and all.
He has given us free will to make our own choices, He Wont impose Himself on us, force or demand, God operates out of love
Yes, like your aliens, God does want is to love each other, though He won't force that on us
God allows us to choose our own destiny

Also, finally, secrets, secrets
I have learned people, aliens, whatever, who have secrets, who hide themselves are being dishounest, have something to hide, have another agenda, are not who they claim to be.
These gods of yours, they hide for a reason, they lie

As a special person, a son of God, a title that is not special, not a crown, more a rag that a person wears in this world, I have a message as well.
Choose wisely
Do you think following things that hide from humanity is wise?

If we don't lay down our arms, what then, Armageddon?

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: Underfire2
a reply to: 4N0M4LY

To continue as you are, and in the way you are, is inviting your extinction from hands outside your planet.

Continued assault on beings unlike you in the name of fear from a craft that never made a threatening gesture is unacceptable.

Perhaps a message should be presented for all of humanity to visualize is warranted. Earth must come to terms of what kind of universe we currently live in. Keeping the entire planet of Earth ignorant of what is beyond our solar system is unacceptable either. For better or worse humanity must know the truth since the space exploration age is near and its people make its first major milestone to its nearest neighbor (Mars).

A message for all the world to visualize and hear is needed and it must be done.

This is to avoid any future fatal confrontations or misunderstandings with beings different from us.

Also flying unidentified craft to our planet without making yourselves known to us is unnacceptable.
edit on 29-1-2017 by 4N0M4LY because: (no reason given)

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