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Mikhail Gorbachev: 'It All Looks As If the World Is Preparing for War'

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posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: markosity1973

originally posted by: hiddenNZ
a reply to: FamCore

We get on real good with China thanks to our "I think I'll retire and pass the pot" prime minister here in nz,we are basically the real south sea Chinese island,so as you said "if it happens it happens" we should be OK. Move to nz

And learn to speak Chinese because that SOB sold the economy to them too.

Nothing makes me angrier than thinking about what Keys did to my home country, seeing my brothers and sister struggle with insane mortgages because the Chinese elite think it's okay to just fly in and book a real estate agent for the day and buy every home they are shown. (It was happening before I left in 2006 and only got worse)

NZ should be a precautionary tale for the rest of the world, but nobody wants to listen.

Yeah I feel for you
Australia has the same problem, foreigners coming from all around, immigrating and buying property
We need a trump as well, specially for the sheep shaggers from across the ditch

I'll ignore your anti-kiwi bias lol.

But..... Our two nations need to band together before it is too late an stand together against the economic takeover that China is trying to stage. We are the only western nations in this corner of the world, and it looks like the USA aint gonna be any help for the next 4 - 8 years.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: Tranceopticalinclined
It's the south China sea that everyone should be the most concerned about.

I think the South China sea is just spark that will set off a cascade of events.

The KGB defector Anatoliy Golisyn said in his 1995 book “Perestroika Deception”:

All warfare is based on deception. Therefore, when capable, feign incapacity; when active, inactivity. When near, make it appear that you are far away; when far away, that you are near. Offer the enemy a bait to lure him; feign disorder and strike him… Keep him under strain and wear him down. When he is united, divide him. Attack where he is unprepared; sally out when he does not expect you. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme skill… if ignorant of both your enemy and yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril’. SUN TZU, ‘The Art of War’,


All dialectics work by creating and controlling conflicts(thesis-antithesis-synthesis) through MSM(Main Stream Media) and politicians. Gradually the globalists push society in their own direction without people understanding how and why it happened.

In “Perestroika deception” Golitsyn states:

Thesis: Stalinism [or Stalinist Communism].

Antithesis: Rejection of Stalinist Communism.

Synthesis: Converging, merging and marriage of Communist (socialist) substance (content) with democratic format, or ‘democratism’ [ = ‘convergence’].

This use of ‘democratic’ form is deceptive: it is the essence of the strategic manoeuvre which is intended to secure the final world victory of Communism. “ Here, in addition to Hegelian dialectics, the Communist strategists took Sun Tzu’s advice. Sun Tzu wrote: ‘I base my plans for victory on form, but this is not understood by the common man….”

Now watch this:

Anatoliy Golitsyn is more relevant now than he has ever been. I'd like to add a little bit about his book "Perestroika Deception" by sharing this review:

In 1984, former KGB Major Anatoliy Golitsyn published a remarkable book, New Lies for Old, alleging that in the near future the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, working in collaboration with sister parties worldwide, would feign its own demise for three main purposes: 1) deceiving Western governments as to communism’s long-range goal of overthrowing the “bourgeois” states, 2) attracting Western capital to revitalize the Soviet Union’s ailing command economy, and 3) removing any justification for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization anti-Soviet military posture.

Five years later, the ruling communist party in Poland invited “non”-communists into the government and, in 1990, the ruling communist party in East Germany “capitulated” by uniting with West Germany. The demise of the Soviet Bloc had supposedly begun.

His predictions vindicated, in March 1989, Golitsyn submitted a memorandum to the US Central Intelligence Agency, further outlining the Soviet deception strategy in concert with the leaders of Red China. This and other memos were published in his second book, The Perestroika Deception. An excerpt, with links to supporting documentation, follows:


Expanded Role of the Communist Party

During “perestroika,” the political role of the Communist Party in communist countries will increase, not decrease. The Party will continue to exercise overall supervision and control over the mixed economy through Party members among the managers and technocrats. The Party, operating “underground” and “working by other means,” will provide political guidance to the Congress of Peoples’ Deputies and other “reformed” and successor parliaments and to the new “political parties” and “grassroots democratic associations” through Party cells and individual Party members in the leaderships of these organizations. Guidance to Party members will be given through confidential briefings. Freed from day-to-day supervision over the economy, the Party will devote itself to guiding and implementing “perestroika” in the USSR and Eastern Europe and to implementing the strategy in the West. The Soviet Party apparatus will become a true general staff of world revolution to be carried out through the strategy of “perestroika.”

Stronger, Maturer Ideology

Despite the apparent renunciation of ideological orthodoxy, Communist ideology will grow stronger and more mature. As “perestroika” proceeds, ideology in the Communist countries will be reasserted. Each success for “perestroika” will reinforce the belief of Party members and young Communists in the correctness of their ideology and their cause. Communists will continue to analyze international relations and the situation in the capitalist countries in terms of class analysis. Their “humanism” will continue to see love and hate in class terms. Capitalists, home-grown and foreign, will be hated, never loved; and they will invariably be deceived and take for a ride.

The Party will continue with ideological education and training to prevent contamination by foreign ideologies. Attempts to reform and replace capitalism in the West will be accelerated, not through ideological propaganda, but through the strategy of “perestroika,” leading to “convergence.”

An Improved, Reorganized KGB

One can expect that the KGB will be converted into a new organization with a Western-style name. The reorganization will be presented as a reduction of the role of the service in Soviet society. But, because the KGB’s crucial role in promoting “perestroika” internally and abroad, the reorganization should not be seen as a downgrading. Just as Dzerzhinskiy’s hated Cheka was converted into the more powerful GPU, so will the successor organization to the KGB be more powerful than its predecessor.

The new service will work with kid gloves and more sophisticated methods. Internally, its resources will be devoted to the creation of controlled political plurality (“democratism”). It will create a pseudo-social democratic party and Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Muslim national parties: it will even set up Stalinist and anti-Semitic groups, to give a convincing impression of plurality. Naturally, the service will be behind these groups and parties—controlling and managing them in the interests of the strategy and its objectives. The service will use its intelligence and security assets, particularly its agents of influence in the newly created national fronts, political groups and parties, to carry out the strategy of “restructuring” attitudes and polices in the West.

The New Model Soviet Regime

The Soviets will proceed with “perestroika” on the following lines:

1) A mixed socialist-market economy comparable to the Swedish economy will be established with one crucial difference. Soviet “capitalists” will in fact be secret Party members and Party political tools. Their influence will be used in the interests of the strategy abroad. This is what Soviet maturity means.

2) The Party will create controlled plurality a semblance of social democracy in the USSR. It will not be difficult to do. Even the Stalinist regime in Poland had nominally “non-Communist” “independent” parties. In fact, they were puppet parties.

edit on 27-1-2017 by ThingsThatDontMakeSense because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:01 AM
3) As a mature body, the Soviet parliament will play an active role in the execution of the strategy abroad.

4) The new parliament will be closer to the Swedish model—again, with one difference. It will use its contacts with Western colleagues to influence them towards cooperation and “restructuring” in the West.

5) The Soviet Empire will not crumble as a result of nationalist unrest. The Party will create a stronger federation which will be in full control of foreign policy, defence and security but which will provide autonomy to the national Republics to run their own local affairs.

6) As the Party proceeds with successful “perestroika” in the USSR, both Russians and non-Russians will be increasingly inclined to accept it and take part in the process. In the final analysis, their attitude will depend on Western support for Soviet “perestroika” and the improvement in their way of life.

7) Successful Soviet “perestroika” will result in a Soviet regime of pseudo-social democracy with a human face.

8 ) At this juncture, the Party and the successor to the KGB will do their utmost to exploit the image of their new model, their prestige and the contacts and influence of the new parliament, the national fronts, the political groups and parties and the Soviet capitalists, to carry out the intended strategy of “restructuring” in the West.

“Restructuring” in Eastern Europe and China

A consistent effort will be made to expand and deepen “restructuring” in Eastern Europe and China. The new models will be like Soviet “perestroika” in essence but will reflect the specific national and historical features of each country.

For instance, in Poland the model will include Communist power-sharing with Solidarity and the Catholic hierarchy. In Czechoslovakia, the model will include the experience of 1968; in Hungary the rehabilitation of the revolt of 1956; in East Germany, the desire for reunion with West Germany; and in China, it will reflect the Asian character of socialism, the desire for reunion with Taiwan (One China Policy) and the present close relations with the United States. Polish and East German “restructuring” should be particularly closely watched because of their relevance to the “restructuring” of Western Europe.

“Restructuring” in Western Europe

“Perestroika” in the USSR and Eastern Europe will be accompanied by a determined Soviet political and diplomatic offensive to introduce “restructuring” in Western Europe. Gorbachev and East European leaders will try to develop the present détente into close economic, military, political, cultural and scientific cooperation to create “one Europe” without NATO and the Warsaw Pact. A particular effort will be made to develop close relations and cooperation with East European social democrats and the Labour Party in Britain—exploiting the new Soviet pseudo-social democratic, mixed economy image. Attracted by this image and convinced of its authenticity, the social democrats may well respond to this courting.

East Germany will play a crucial role in the “restructuring” of Western Europe and of West Germany in particular. The appointment of Valentin Falin, a leading Soviet expert on Germany, as head of the Central Committee’s Department of International Relations, indicates that the Soviets are preparing and counting on an East Germany initiative. Such an initiative will probably be supported by a Polish demarche such as revival of Rapacki plan for a nuclear-free zone in Central Europe. This time, one can expect the Soviets to remove the Berlin Wall. There is no doubt that their strategists realize that they will be unable to proceed with the strategy of “restructuring” in Europe without removal of the Berlin Wall—just as they were unable to proceed without a Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. Through removal of the Berlin Wall, the Soviets may be able to strike a new, Rapallo-style deal with the West Germans, particularly with a Social Democratic government, entailing their departure from NATO and acceptance of neutrality.

Given that Soviet “perestroika” incorporates by design many Euro-Communist positions (criticism of Soviet repressive practices, condemnation of the intervention in Czechoslovakia in 1968, broadening Soviet democracy), Euro-Communist parties will join and support the movement for “restructuring” in Europe which will give them new opportunities for revitalizing themselves. They will attempt to establish unity of action with social democrats to bring about “restructuring” in their own countries. Dubcek’s re-emergence from obscurity and his recent visit to Italy at the invitation of the Italian Communist Party supports the notion that the Euro-Communists will seek to exploit Soviet and East European “perestroika” to regain political influence in their own countries. Support for Soviet and East European “perestroika” by the Italian and French governments renders the socialist parties of these countries vulnerable to approaches from the Communists.

“Restructuring” in the Third World

An active Soviet and East European offensive to carry out “restructuring” in the Third World can be expected. The present Soviet readiness to contemplate and even encourage the settlement of armed conflicts by their proxies does not mean the abandonment of their objective of Communist penetration of the region concerned. It represents no more than change of tactics. The strategy of “restructuring” broadens Soviet opportunities for gaining influence through the achievement of political solutions. The reformed regimes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe will engage with the West European social democratic parties and the Socialist International in introducing and carrying out “restructuring” in the Third World and particularly in Latin America. Exploiting the debt problem and the example of Soviet “perestroika,” they will seek unity of action with labour, religious, student, human rights and ecological movements. The impact of Soviet “perestroika” on these countries may be expected to grow. The Mexican press is already drawing parallels between Soviet “perestroika” and political change in Mexico described as “Salinastroika.” The former Mexican communist leader made the same comparison. Fuentes, the left-wing Mexican novelist, wrote recently that Salinas must become a Mexican Gorbachev if he wishes to change the state of affairs in Mexico. Another example is the recent offer of the Salvadorean guerrilla leaders to disarm themselves if the Salvadorean army is restructured.

These examples indicate the beginning of a trend towards “restructuring” in Latin America. The trend will accelerate if the United States begins to help it without taking into account the Soviet strategic design that lies behind it.

Kind of hard to imagine this was all described in 1995 by a KGB defector.

For people who think, "Oh that's rubbish, China and Russia have been modernizing and are much more capitalistic and democratic these days."

That's the whole point of the strategy. It's a deception.

• Guardian Mar 17th 2016 article titled: Democracy is a joke, says China – just look at Donald Trump
edit on 27-1-2017 by ThingsThatDontMakeSense because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: ThingsThatDontMakeSense

And you might wanna grow a sense of humor.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: JesusXst

Sorry I don't laugh much about war, especially the prospect of nuclear war.

You do you, I'll do me.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:08 AM
a reply to: ThingsThatDontMakeSense

even snowflakes have to melt sometime.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:09 AM

originally posted by: JesusXst
a reply to: ThingsThatDontMakeSense

even snowflakes have to melt sometime.

Whatever the hell that means.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: ThingsThatDontMakeSense
a reply to: JesusXst

Sorry I don't laugh much about war, especially the prospect of nuclear war.

The war drums have been beating all of my life. If we all get nuked, I just hope China goes first and that I die well.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: ThingsThatDontMakeSense

Bless you too.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:12 AM
looks like I tuned in right when things are getting interesting

Jesus Christ, I'd like you to meet Things That Don't Make Sense. Or have you two met before?

On topic: Nuclear war would NOT be ideal. I also wonder why so many people say "Nucular" conversationally instead of "Nuclear".. that really grinds my gears!

edit on 27-1-2017 by FamCore because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973

originally posted by: Raggedyman

originally posted by: markosity1973

originally posted by: hiddenNZ
a reply to: FamCore

We get on real good with China thanks to our "I think I'll retire and pass the pot" prime minister here in nz,we are basically the real south sea Chinese island,so as you said "if it happens it happens" we should be OK. Move to nz

And learn to speak Chinese because that SOB sold the economy to them too.

Nothing makes me angrier than thinking about what Keys did to my home country, seeing my brothers and sister struggle with insane mortgages because the Chinese elite think it's okay to just fly in and book a real estate agent for the day and buy every home they are shown. (It was happening before I left in 2006 and only got worse)

NZ should be a precautionary tale for the rest of the world, but nobody wants to listen.

Yeah I feel for you
Australia has the same problem, foreigners coming from all around, immigrating and buying property
We need a trump as well, specially for the sheep shaggers from across the ditch

I'll ignore your anti-kiwi bias lol.

But..... Our two nations need to band together before it is too late an stand together against the economic takeover that China is trying to stage. We are the only western nations in this corner of the world, and it looks like the USA aint gonna be any help for the next 4 - 8 years.

First it was Italians in my generation, then the Asian invasion, the constant stream of pohms and kiwis and nw middle eastern and north and South Africans
Screw this I am going to live in New Zealand and eat sezcheuan chicken and dim sims

When I was a kid, the population of my city was 800 thousand, now it's over 2 million, that's a big change
I like Chinese food

We can't stop China's economic takeover, don't stress what you can't stop.
I will vote Pauline Hamson

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: FamCore

That was perfect

I agree, the Nuclear option isn't an option. And now that the narcissistic nutcase is out, the World has hope again.

I can't speak for China but, I'm sure they don't want the nuclear option either.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:16 AM

originally posted by: FamCore
Jesus Christ, I'd like you to meet Things That Don't Make Sense. Or have you two met before?

LOL, that's brilliant. Seems you know how to lighten the mood.

Nuclear war would NOT be ideal. I also wonder why so many people say "Nucular" conversationally instead of "Nuclear".. that really grinds my gears!

Twitter fingers? I can't stand sms messages that come out looking like garbled nonsense with every other word misspelled.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

Screw this I am going to live in New Zealand and eat sezcheuan chicken and dim sims

Real estate tip - you can't afford Auckland or Tauranga. Christchurch is bordering on being a third world city, trying to rebuild but the Chinese keep promising money and then never delivering. Not to mention all the earthquakes, that have not stopped since 2011.

Wellington is God awful, which leaves smaller towns where unemployment is at it's worst. Wages are terrible if you do manage to find a job and everything costs more.

Have fun with the migration.

PS You wont actually have to apply for citizenship over there. We kiwis actually don't mind you aussies and just give you a passport after a few years. True story.
edit on 27-1-2017 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: vonclod\

They actually make as good a neighbour as anyone else, But since you can get a million dollar loan from a Chinese Bank in China, as long as you have Citizen ship in a foreign country at about 1per cent interest rate. Then rent it out at about 6 per cent, its a thing anyone would do. But when the bubble bursts that's going to eat up a lot of the Chinese banks money. A good few of the Chinese borrow the cash to buy a house and then disappear, because they haven't got extradition treatise, in the country they have residence in . So it looks like a lot of Chinese want out, like Arabs for a chance at a better life, so if what we've got, is a better life than what they have got, it must be more miserable over there.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: markosity1973

On the other hand you would have to actually sew your mouth shut in New Zealand to starve, even the laybys have chicken wandering around, theirs free food everywhere if you can be stuffed.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:12 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: vonclod

They actually make as good a neighbour as anyone else, But since you can get a million dollar loan from a Chinese Bank in China, as long as you have Citizen ship in a foreign country at about 1per cent interest rate. Then rent it out at about 6 per cent, its a thing anyone would do. But when the bubble bursts that's going to eat up a lot of the Chinese banks money. A good few of the Chinese borrow the cash to buy a house and then disappear, because they haven't got extradition treatise, in the country they have residence in . So it looks like a lot of Chinese want out, like Arabs for a chance at a better life, so if what we've got, is a better life than what they have got, it must be more miserable over there.

That is incredibly interesting. This would certainly explain the build-up in virtual currency markets in China and why China is so fearful of allowing it to exist in a deregulated state. The surge in volume always seem to come in sudden waves. Obviously if a person just borrowed money for a house that could certainly move the market a couple of pips. This might explain why the BTC markets don't follow the classical pump and dump scheme because most Chinese are using it as a vehicle to get the money out and then slowly dipping into those funds to pay for their new lifestyle abroad.

edit on 27-1-2017 by ThingsThatDontMakeSense because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:39 AM
I am still surprised there is no battle over Antarctica....that place is so full of conspiracy right now.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: ThingsThatDontMakeSense

I wouldn't be surprised, if it was making the Chinese Banks spooky, because it would be a lot of the Communist Chinese officials that are buying in a foreign market as well. A good proportion of the Auckland houses are actually called Ghost houses as they are empty. But not all, a lot of the Chinese have the wife and kids installed going to good schools and assimilating into the new culture while the Hubby works back in China. So if its the Chinese officials in the Communist regime doing it, its probably endemic in the party as a kind of insurance if the bubble bursts, and wont change anytime soon.

edit on 27-1-2017 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: ThingsThatDontMakeSense

LMAO Gorbachev has been talking about the coming world war for years now.

It is almost as if he would be wishing for it to happen.

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