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Large Demonic Bird Man Frightens Woman In Texas

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posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: Gh0stwalker
I hate to be That Guy but this was posted just 4 months ago
Bird Man Encounters Texas

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: Gh0stwalker

I remember that story from a couple of years ago. I can't give it much credibility because of the fact that at 11pm at night there is no way to be seeing large black birds perched on a water tower and also noticing if they had bird faces or not. Admittedly, some local community have rather small water towers. I had such a system directly across the road from my house that was not more than 30-feet high. Still, you won't black creatures, birds or batman is going to be very difficult to see and even more difficult to identify details as she supposedly witnessed. As for the so-called supporting details, they are not relevant.

The late John Keel is did the entirel UFO community a disservice by his interjecting the concept of "The Mothman" into the genre.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 07:22 AM
It was a Crow Kachina!

The crow and raven are the Trickster throughout ancient societies

Careful white man.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: knowledgehunter0986
a reply to: Gh0stwalker

How creepy.. But shouldn't a whole magazine blow up the raven to smitherines? Unless he completely missed every bullet

He should have went in and got the 12 guage

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: Aliensun

Also, she seen a random crow in her yard so she shoos it away "because it might have rabies"? If I seen a random crow in my yard I wouldn't think twice about it.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 07:53 AM
birds CANNOT carry rabies btw

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: PlasticWizard

Do you have to be in Texas for this to work? I do this almost every night when it's time for my dog to come back for the evening.

No birdmen yet

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 09:39 AM
lots of great first hand stories on brenton's channel. legit research. yes he brings in a christian interpretation to cryptids but there is information in his videos that literally can not be found any where else. he's show pictures and videos of cryptids that are some of the best ive ever seen and really merit further investigation. but, it would literally be akin to a full time job. there are also some really tragic and sad stories on his channel as well. a whole spectrum of things. really worth checking out all of his videos. good stuff.
edit on 25-1-2017 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: Gh0stwalker

I remember that story from a couple of years ago. I can't give it much credibility because of the fact that at 11pm at night there is no way to be seeing large black birds perched on a water tower and also noticing if they had bird faces or not. Admittedly, some local community have rather small water towers. I had such a system directly across the road from my house that was not more than 30-feet high. Still, you won't black creatures, birds or batman is going to be very difficult to see and even more difficult to identify details as she supposedly witnessed. As for the so-called supporting details, they are not relevant.

The late John Keel is did the entirel UFO community a disservice by his interjecting the concept of "The Mothman" into the genre.

Presumably, the lady spotted the large black birds in the light provided by her car's headlamps as she drove towards the water tower. That makes this story entirely believable. Keel did not inject the Mothman into the topic of UFOs. He reported it as a distinct, separate phenomenon. You cannot blame him if other people decided to make this connection.

posted on Jan, 25 2017 @ 06:14 PM
Okay, I'm going to keep this brief for now as I'm going to save the full story for another thread.

I am not religious and do not follow any preset dogmas. I do believe there is a higher power, one from which all matter and life originates from. I am passionatly interested in the paranormal and all things strange. I have an ever curious nature and an apparent lack of fear. This has led me to dabble with some dark stuff...

Long story short. I have encountered what I believe to be demonic beings in my life. I have physically seen them. I have been touched and physically moved by them. I have communicated with them via conduits. They have even invaded my dreams as well as a family member of mine. It haunted me for over two years.

Demons, are absolutely real. However, they do not want to be known. That I am absolutely sure of. As the saying goes...

The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled Was Leading Humanity To Believe He Didn't Exist...

posted on Jan, 26 2017 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: Gh0stwalker

That's more than a little freaky!! That a raven attacked their dogs, right after this, is beyond bizarre! having seen something very large and odd myself, flying, in Texas, I am more inclined to give the benefit of the doubt in such cases!! Nothing like that, but still weird, and definitely NOT friendly!

It's interesting how many of these stories seem to have some sort of supernatural element to them. Other dimensional creatures?

posted on Jan, 26 2017 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Gh0stwalker

I've read that story before somewhere, I wish I could remember. I love that kind of tale. It reminds me of so many other kinds of stories about elves and fairies, bigfoot and UFOs too. I'm going to have to figure out where I read this and go back and read the whole book again. Thanks for posting this and doing such a good job summarizing it!
This is what I come here for, I'm just so glad to find a non-Trump related thread...

posted on Jan, 26 2017 @ 10:52 AM

Demons, are absolutely real. However, they do not want to be known. That I am absolutely sure of. As the saying goes... The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled Was Leading Humanity To Believe He Didn't Exist...
a reply to: Gh0stwalker

I agree with much of what you say here. I've had experiences many years ago that resulted from my messing around in things that I was too naive and young to realize you should be careful and prepare for before you mess with. What tormented me for years afterward I now am convinced was demonic, but for years I thought was mental illness. Well I wasn't exactly mentally well, but it didn't come from an illness.

posted on Jan, 26 2017 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Gh0stwalker

i completely agree with you and i've had similar experiences myself. i've experienced demonic oppression first hand and it was not pleasant.

you're completely right in saying that demons don't want to be recognized at such. they will take many forms, some are total out there. but, the main point is deception. hiding their true identity and allegiance.

when i was attacked they mimicked friends and family that had passed away. trying to convince me that i was hearing from them from beyond the grave. trying to influence my behavior subtly for the negative. they wanted to cause harm, reek havoc in my life and ultimately i believe wanted to get me to take my own life or get me into a situation that would result in serious harm or death. the whole time im sure, feeding off of the pain and suffering, fear etc that they were causing me. it took some time but after i had caught onto their sick game it stopped completely.

i was in a vulnerable position and they took serious advantage of it. oddly enough it was this experience that actually caused me to regain my faith in the existence of a higher power and it ultimately worked against them. since their existence proved to me that there were indeed dark and demonic forces out there without a shadow of a doubt i realized that there indeed must be an alternately good side as well. and positive prayer to a higher power has worked and continues to work as protection and i will never fall for the same trap again. ever.
edit on 26-1-2017 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2017 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

From my experiece, it seemed as though it was trying to drive me insane. I am certain that a lot of psychotic illness is a result of parasitic energy demons which literally feed off of negative human emotion. Mainstream mental health has only exacerbated the issue. Insisting that any unexplainable stimuli must be a result of psychosis. This type of diagnosis only serves to empower these dark forces, operating behind the guise of false perceptions and hallucinations. It is much easier for them to influenece us when the majority is unaware of their existence, and those who are aware are subjected to further negative stimuli when they are told its all in their head. It's a perfect system.

posted on Jan, 26 2017 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: Gh0stwalker

You're right 100% right on the money. I was so tormented that my actual living family thought I was going insane and was schizophrenic. I went through a battery of tests. Every kind imaginable. And they found nothing. Came up clean all around.

My problem was spiritual and it all eventually went away. And has never happened again since because now I know better. I know "their" tricks so they don't even try anymore. I feel bad for the people out there who don't know better. Those who are stuck in psych wards and hospitals, on meds that will never address the real issue that may be at hand.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

People like us need to wake the world up to the reality of none physical energy and intelligences.

It's exactly like you said. Once you realize what they are and how they operate, they leave you alone. It's like soneone who plays practical jokes on people but we can see it coming. If you do not give in to their stimulation they get bored essentially.

posted on Feb, 18 2017 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: liveandlearn

Apparently east Texas is a huge Bigfoot hotspot as well, the big thicket. Aggressive Bigfoot activity as well.

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